Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

Just get rid of boosted xp gain as it's arbitrary and pointless. Also why is this discord not just a channel in the main Crystal Project discord?

Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

It's not removing content for the sake of removing it. It's removing it on the off chance that someone actually comes around and wins with the rent-a-fish in a run manually at which point you have to spend 100's of hours grinding out a racing game just to match them. A 10 second difference where the rest of the run is identical doesn't feel like it needs a new category to me but if you want to have messy boards with multiple categories that are basically the same that's up to you I guess.

At any rate, interested in learning standard exp with skips.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

So I just noticed you have actual any% off to the side as a category called "unrestricted" but the rules are not written correctly, perhaps you should add another mod or 2 to help out. Also it's not really your job to nitpick what categories people want to run, if I just want to run Standard exp w/ mini race skipping and you feel like it's different than standard exp just make a new category, why is this becoming so time consuming?

Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

Yes I understand how it works, the point is to enable skipping so you don't feel obligated to win manually with the rent-a-fish only. Go get Violin and dismount is like 1:10 + however long it takes to pick violin and skip the race. This is going to be faster than the 1:30 it takes to win on rent-a-fish manually but a million times less dumb. Doing the race manually on the violin is free and pretty uninteresting anyways.

MrPupG les gusta esto
Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

The rent-a-fish is grey though, yes the race is easy with the violin, we are talking about winning with the 1 silver grey rent-a-fish.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

If that's the case then there is just missing information and I retract everything :) Anything special? Or are you just jumping on top of other fish for boosts and trying to bodyblock them.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

I am talking about swimming with rent-a-fish to get violin, dismounting, then skipping the race to get automatic first as opposed to the reset fest that top runners will feel obligated to do if skips are banned and because someone wants to save like 90 seconds. Unless you have some sort of strat or shortcut that I don't know getting 1st seems terribly inconsistent and I don't know that there is more than 1 person that has got it up until now and it took him about 80 attempts. 80 attempts 30 minutes into a run to save 90 seconds is such a deal breaker you just kind of don't want to run the game at all at that point, all easily fixed by just allowing it.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk2 years ago

I think mini race skipping should be allowed or it will end up being the degenerate reset fest of getting 1st in the Salmon race in 1 try with the rent-a-fish () 30 minutes in and seems barely possible as I have gone faster than that video (30.83 left on the clock) and still only got 3rd which leads me to believe that you also need RNG for the lead fish to be blocked by one of the other fish.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk3 years ago

1st More chaotic? I don't get it, turbo makes the run more consistent and easier to hit the turtle fight you want and the goblin fights you want. More consistent = less chaotic. 2nd If there is a ruleset that is setup to be a big advantage for Emulator over console, this is a big problem that needs fixed. 3rd Nothing is destroyed, you're just being negative and illogical for no reason. The category is a meme and easy to learn and people will still run it because of this. Now it's faster, equally fair for console and emu alike, more consistent, and all in one leaderboard instead of two.

Brood y BillyBaka les gusta esto
Colorado, USAYogidamonk3 years ago

In an attempt to bring things more in line with other NES leaderboards, Western and J rules have been combined into a single category called any%. Western and J were basically the same category with timing differences and arbitrary rules allowed or banned. On a more minor note, with the new changes there is only about 3-4 categories visible without scrolling so now we can fit one more in. More importantly, there was an abundance of loading save states to skip the pre-run manip in Western, which is a huge advantage for emulator over console since you can do many more attempts in the same amount of real time.

TLDR: Western and J rules got combined into any% which is just Western+Turbo allowed+show pre-run manip if you use one.

Brood, Lucha_Gym, y xenkaroshi les gusta esto
Colorado, USAYogidamonk3 years ago

This is the greatest speedrun of our era.

Lucha_Gym les gusta esto
Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

Currently 2 frames faster by my count but yeah adding ms would be nice at least for the top spot.

JeedUnit les gusta esto
Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

Several issues still aren't addressed, if I click on view rules there is still a link that leads to this forum post that may or may not contain 4 more lines of things you consider rules instead of just putting them directly in view rules. There is also one run with an objective manip that needs to be moved, and an unknown number of runs with subjective manips that may or may not need to be moved(but certainly haven't been examined at all). Also I've never heard of a category called Any but I'm assuming you meant Any% which is the fastest category of a game, so that should probably be fixed as well.

FIGBird, Overswarm, y AndyPerfect les gusta esto
Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

I guess the test would be TAS the same route and same inputs with Cedric vs. whichever guy has the WORST leadership and see how the battles go. I think the main RNG of the run is determined on the final input before the first income screen pops up. I think Wilfred actually gets 1 more income at the start which would give you 1 extra soldier at the cost of 1 less leadership, but I really have no idea about the inner formulas of the game or if Leadership or Bombard is actually the best choice.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

This Category name is a bit awkward, either 1 Loop, or Beat 9-4 is better. Also add rules for start and stop time.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

The fastest run with no restrictions should be called any% as it is in literally every other game. Anything with added restrictions you can call whatever you want. Also the phrase "true any%" is not a real thing.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

Moving everything over since the fastest runs shouldn't be hidden in Misc, and half the runs don't have working videos anyways. The kzy8 run is ACE to perform some glitch in the town after floor 4, but I'm not sure if he triggers the Condor room at the end as it just looks like he still has control after beating the boss.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

Putting this here so it doesn't get lost again because it's helpful for learning, and backup floor drops. I think Deceax wrote this for a big 20? Shows the Subpixel value on the screen. (can save the code in a txt file and just run it)

local XAddr=0x336 local X while true do X=memory.readbyte(XAddr) gui.text(0,25,X) emu.frameadvance(); end

hilo: The Site
Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

There's already starting to be too much clutter with junk speedrun categories on (here's looking at you sharpen 10 pencils IRL%). Let's try to not clutter it more with something unrelated to speedrunning just because you don't have the perfect URL.

Colorado, USAYogidamonk6 years ago

LUA scripts, RAM watches, or any such viewing of the game memory(displayed or not) has always been and will always be banned from any respectable board and is typically used as a learning tool only. The best use for this LUA would be to map out a large # of seeds in order of framecount, then assign each seed a speed value based on the distance you have to move the cursor to input 6 words, (for example the word NO would be valued at 1 point since the cursor moves 1 space). Compare all the sums and see if there are other fast seeds like the NO seed.(the word NO itself is allowed to appear in a different seed but not twice in the same seed) Drive bys(where you hit a letter without stopping the cursor) might affect this speed value slightly.

pip_johnson y buffalax les gusta esto
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