patch plese. Can´t tell if you don´t say which patch you mean 😒
you can pause the game while opening the case from poppy and stoping the timer at the moment you see one black screen from the end of poppy and chapter 1. I always do it too
There is no automatically end for chapter 1
this is one of the depots you wanna open right?
did you put in on game time? and activated the autosplitter?
Edit layout -> layout settings-> ignore mouse while running. Done :)
idk about you, but for me it works as it I did in the video
livesplit has an autospliiter that pauses the timer when you pause the game (esc)
you have livesplit?
I waited 6 days now. leave them some real life time also. they have lives outside this website
you can see that in my run. i have 2 timers. one LRT (upper timer) and other RTA (down the timer)
as in LRT is the game time as the timer pauses when you pause the game and load the last checkpoint :D (now I know again lol)