Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf3 years ago

Ignore the date in the title that was when this was supposed to go up, but I've been busy as hell and unable to find time to do this until today. All runs done after March 31st are not included, which has a huge impact as I'll get into later. Also worth noting I deleted my past 3 Link times from the leaderboard, which reduced my score and increased the scores of 3 other people compared to what they would be. Now that that's out of the way, lets get into it.

Just to get this out of the way, VictorMR is a much better player than his rank suggests. He only ranked so low because I based this off the time frame that it was originally supposed to represent if I had done this on time. Since the cut-off point, he has been grinding the game frequently, especially the past few days, and it is extremely likely he will be the most "improved" player in terms of rank next time we do this.

He is just 1 new player however, and there are 2 more. I said last time that there were new runners who expressed interest in the game, and how those who did, NathanM and Ayden, heavily effected the rankings. Not only have they continued to run it, with NathanM being the most improved player moving from 19th to 11th, but DragonEggOmelette and TheKingK have become the highest debut ranking for any runners. TheKingK has beaten one of the oldest standing WRs, Sophia III Any%, by 16 seconds, and DragonEggOmelette has become a sort of rival for me in Link Any%, ranking 1st in Link for these rankings (although still a second off the WR I deleted) and has since beaten the old LInk WR by a fraction of a second.

I see great potential for the latter half of 2021. With 4 of the top 5 runners inactive, 2 new runners close to entering the top 5, with DragonEgg in particular taking the game quite seriously, Nathan likely wanting his top 10 spot, Owen becoming more active, and VictorMR grinding runs out as we speak, it is possible that the top 10 could look vastly different after the next PR update.

MinecraftGaming, Rohbert y 2 otros les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

So update, tried messing around with RivaTuner. The result was what I was looking for, but taken a bit too far. I went from seemingly have a large time advantage (roughly 1-1.5 seconds in 1-1 alone) to a large time disadvantage of an equal amount as the advantage. Tired now so done with my testing, will try more stuff tomorrow. Any other suggestions are welcomed!

MinecraftGaming y MrMonsh les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Does anyone here know of such programs? I'm gonna look for some on my own but if anyone knows a good one let me know.

MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

To make things a bit clear, I'm a mod for this game and even though its a small community, I take the competitive integrity of the leaderboard rather seriously. Because of this I'm not a fan of the idea of people losing multiple seconds over other runners simply because of their CPU speed, especially when I'm one of the people who gains the advantage.

Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

So I speedrun a game called Super Mario Bros. Crossover, an old flash game, and as I was doing some runs while in call with another runner we noticed I seemed to be able to get times noticeably better times on some stages than other players who do the same execution. For example in 1-1 I save a second over what anyone else is even capable of even if they do the same inputs at the same time, which is a lot of time to save in the first level of a 6-10 minute run depending on category.

Me and the player I was in VC with compared our CPU speeds to find that mine was noticeably faster, which might lead to this difference. Could CPU speed actually be the difference maker, and if so if there any way to re-time runs that takes into account different cpu speeds?

Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Suggested by NathanM as a joke and being grinded out by me and DragonEgg, we now have categories for the Water Mode Cheat. It is legitimately fun how dumb it can be at times, however we will likely not be adding categories for a while. We already have so many based on runner suggestion, and its getting a bit crazy. The drop down menu for Misc categories is honestly scary.

Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Update: There was a slight issue with the Rokko Chan categories saying the skin was banned. This has been fixed.

Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

As I'm sure some of you have noticed based on your notifications, many old runs from the various miscellaneous categories have been re-uploaded. This is because when you attempt to make category changes, can on occasion get confused and think these runs belong to a different category that is no longer viewable. From my experience this can happen when adding sub categories and changing category names, but I'd imagine it can happen through other means. So when implementing leaderboard changes we've been planning on making for months, I compiled a list of every runner, time, and video that would be affected by these changes, and simply re-uploaded them.

As for what these changes are, have no fear these do not alter any existing times or how future runs are played. The changes are mainly adding new categories that quite frankly had to exist (for example, why have SMB NG+ No Level Select but not a version for Lost Levels and Special), clearing up some confusion in category rules (several any% categories said no restrictions, referring to warps, and then said cheats were banned, a type of restriction, immediately after), and a few category renames to be a bit more clear.

If you would like a closer look at what changes you made, here is the document I was using as a "To-Do List" when making these small adjustments.

I understand the amount of changes look intimidating, but they are changes with 0 impact on gameplay/rules, and instead just make things a bit less confusing, something this leaderboard has struggled with over the years.

Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

The idea isn't to match the TAS, its to push human limits. And besides there is something oddly satisfying about seeing that time barrier go down. These types of time barriers are often not simply the top runners pushing their abilities, but a community wide effort to find new strats and optimization. They can also serve as inspiration for mid level runners who might know they don't stand a chance at being the one who break that barrier, but find someone else achieving a time once though impossible to be encouraging in their own improvement. A prime example of this was the quest for Sub 1 Hour in Mario Oddessey. As the top runners got better and better, other people worked harder and harder to find small movement optimizations and other strats as they were so close to reaching a time thought impossible. Low-Mid level speedrunning activity also spiked during this time, resulting in many new pbs.

MinecraftGaming, Hi y 6 otros les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Another options for playing Flash Games is BlueMaxima's Flashpoint.

MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

One thing I've wanted to do for a while is make a chart showcasing how the combined world records of each character has dropped over time. It starts on 5/16/2018 (the day the first Simon WR was submitted, as he was the last character to have a verified WR on this leaderboard) and continues up until now.

Here it is

I will continue to update this as time goes on, and if other sub categories such as for example SMB Warpless get a world record with each character, I will make one for those as well.

In regards to why it's split into all time and last 10 records, it's because as the game becomes more optimized, the difference very quickly gets to the point where a new record barely makes any impact on the graph. For example my recent world record with Link may have expanded the graph by half a year, but beyond that the actual line did not drop, or at least by no amount visible to the human eye.

Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Starting off the new year, it is time for another version of the Powerankings. I want to make one of these ~ every 3 months, but for now we got the January 2021 variant to discuss.

Although 2020 started off decent for Mario Crossover, with some of the top runners still competing as they were throughout much of the latter half of 2019, by the second half of 2020 most top level competition died down completely.

However, several new players did join the discord, expressing interest in running the game, and those that did had a larger impact on the PR's than what their score would suggest. Namely NathanM, who seems to have finally fixed their PC issues and can finally run the game, gaining 14 points, moving up 7 spots, and having a large impact on the lower half of the leaderboard.

A new runner named Ayden joined as well, gaining 11 points with his first Bass run, which is impressive considering the difficulty of Bass and it being one of the more competitive characters.

Final Thoughts: Although the game may have quieted down a little, the new runners who have expressed interest in this game (along with some tutorials in the works to help said new players), points towards this game continuing to grow. May this year be a great one, and good luck to any new runners!

Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

I made a leaderboard that ranks all SMB Any% players based on their placement with each character.

Next update will probably sometime in January 2021.

hilo: The Site
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Whenever I try to import World Records from with Livesplit for the game Super Mario Bros. Crossover, I get a large list of runs that are either previous world records, were never world records, and from what I can tell some of this runs no longer are even on the leaderboard.

The only wrs that are displaying are for the game's shortest categories, while the rest of it is simple pbs.

Any idea why this happens?

MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Yeah I won't be leaving something like that up again, although I doubt this would happen again. I'll send the private message now.

MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

So I am a runner/mod for a game called Super Mario Bros. Crossover, a flash game that allows players to play as a variety of classic video games characters in the original SMB, and recently we have had problems with another leader board that is just another leader board for the same game, but with less runs, less mods, and bizarre rules.

This leader board has actually existed since 2018 but most of the people in the Crossover Discord were fine with it since we found it kinda funny to have small, alternate version of own leader board floating around. It was kinda like a joke.

Unfortunately it has started causing issues for us recently, as some people have submitted runs there by mistake, as well as the fact that Livesplit tries to use that leader board for some of its features instead of the actual leader board.

I was wondering is there a way a leader board can be taken down?

MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

I am proud to announce the creation of the Super Mario Bros Crossover Speedrunning Youtube Channel, a place for various things related to the game like Tutorials, TASes, World Records, and more! We hope to use this channel in the future as a convenient place to find guides, make announcements, and more! The first video has been uploaded, with several more in the works.

It is also possible to submit your own videos if they follow these guidelines:

-It has to be related in some way to SMBC Speedrunning -It has to have a decent level of quality. So if the audio sounds like ear rape, the video quality is atrocious (keep it 360p or above and you'll be fine), or the information presented is wildly inaccurate, it will not be accepted -It has to be something the channel currently lacks. For example we don't need two tutorials of the same character for the same category showcasing the same things. But if one is an older tutorial that is outdated, then a new one with updated information is perfectly fine.

You can submit videos using the following form:

The staff will collectively decide if a video will be posted to the channel. The exception to this is tutorials. If the person making it is not the WR Holder, we will have the WR holder vote as well (assuming they are willing to do so) since they are the ones who likely know the category the best.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in this thread and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

MinecraftGaming, madewokherd y 2 otros les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf4 years ago

Technically (as far as I'm aware, admittedly I'm not the most familiar with this game) the regional version doesn't matter for this game in particular, people just set the language to Chinese because of the reason Podz explained. Other games yeah you pretty much hit the nail on the head. There are some exceptions that if I recall are mentioned in the video Podz linked.

MinecraftGaming, Pc_amd_gamer y 3 otros les gusta esto
hilo: Celeste
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf5 years ago

I'm just gonna get celeste for the pc and set up an autosplitter when I do any% this summer, for now I'm just gonna do ILs on my switch.

MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
Oklahoma, USAWoofMasterArf5 years ago

I am happy to announce that I am running SMBC Link Any% at No Glitches Allowed 5, a speedrunning marathon that will be held from the 12th of February through the 16th. My run is scheduled for the 15th at 8:25 pm CST, or 9:25 pm EST. I hope some of you show your support!


I also want ideas for donation incentives. Post ideas in this chat or pm them to me on discord, and I'll pick 1 for the marathon.

Anyways, I'm glad this game is going to be in a marathon, and hopefully it goes well. Hope to see yal in the chat!

Edit: The run has been pushed back 10 minutes due to changes in scheduling.

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Super Mario Bros. Crossover
Super Mario Bros. Crossover
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