Hi, I'm wanting to add Best Possible Time as a column in my splits, but when I add the Current Pace extension, then go to the comparison drop-down it doesn't show "Best Segments." It only shows "PB" and "Current Comparison." Anybody know how I can get Best Segments to appear in the list? I've also attached a photo so people can see where in Livesplit I'm referring too however I couldn't show the full list of options whilst snipping tool was active.
Thank-you :)
Hi, does anyone know how I can save new times in a different category without deleting my old ones? I have times saved in one category that I've already run, and now I want to run a new category and save its times too. Thanks.
Does anyone know, if I have times saved in a category that I've run and I wish to run a completely new category, how do I go about saving new times without completely deleting my old ones? Thanks.
@NoLogicLogan Have you tried running Livesplit as administrator?
Hi, I was just wondering if for the 100% run, I have to complete all 6 Solo Ranks of each stage or if it's only the base rank for each stage? Thanks :)
After trying to run in administrator mode it's now working! Thank-you for your help! :)
I'm currently trying to get my Livesplit Timer to work for a game I'm trying to run but I'm encountering a lot of issues. I can't split manually because regardless if the game is in either full-screen or windowed mode, both of the keyboard and controller inputs are locked onto the game meaning I have to Alt+Tab out, and for some reason my AutoSplitter won't work even though I have it pathed to the correct ASL script. Please can someone provide some help?