United StatesTingTyphoon4 years ago

Chat about Maplestory speedrun related things here! Link: https://discord.gg/3Zs6mZR Cheers!

United StatesTingTyphoon4 years ago

Decided to bring this up to everyone. Currently an unofficial run, status may change in the future. Posted with permission from Szoren:

United StatesTingTyphoon4 years ago

Hi everyone, just wanted to do a quick update after looking closer into the RHZ patch notes found here.

If you would like to do speedruns of RHZ before the Storm update (aka Legacy), you are still able to do so. Here are the steps to activate "Legacy" mode:

Go to your Steam library -> RMOUSE "Relic Hunter Zero" -> LMOUSE "Properties" -> LMOUSE "Betas" tab found on the top of the window -> Select the "Legacy" beta from the drop down menu

Because of this, the mods have also added a recommendation to add the title screen and difficulty selection screen into your videos to make the process a little smoother. Thanks everyone!

Szoren les gusta esto
United StatesTingTyphoon5 years ago

Hi everyone!

With the latest Update 21 for RHZ, the game has been rebalanced, introduced a difficulty setting, added the ability to equip all the relics, and so much more. Please take a look at this link for more information: https://steamcommunity.com/games/382490/announcements/detail/1618392861326871789

We thought it was appropriate to reconfigure the variables and categories to reflect these exciting changes. If you notice anything missing or lost from the carry-over, please reply to this thread or contact one of the mods directly.

Check it out and have a go at it! :>

stoot les gusta esto
United StatesTingTyphoon5 years ago

I'm going to post here some questions that have been asked prior. If you do have questions in the future, please post them under this section.

Q: How do I set up? A: You need a timer, Maplestory, and screen capture software. Examples of a timer could be Livesplit and screen capture could be OBS Studio

Q: How do I request for categories? A: You can post here or DM a mod with some guidelines / a video demonstration. We will consider it based on replayability, clarity of timing, and accessibility to other players. :>

United StatesTingTyphoon5 years ago

Mods will post note-worthy updates that we alter/change on the speedrun site here.

Think of it as a public audit log :)

might delete later

United StatesTingTyphoon6 years ago

I find it hard to double fire while dashing D:

United StatesTingTyphoon6 years ago

title's more like ENDING THE GAME...

currently to end the run, you cancel watching the cutscenes which i think is an awkward spot to stop. it's also a cool portion of the game to watch. Will there be some sort of change to this later, perhaps making the end of the game when the ending cutscene starts?

United StatesTingTyphoon6 years ago

Hey everyone!

As of today, I've modified the leaderboards so that there will be a leaderboard for each character. Hopefully this will let other people who want to run this game experiment with more than just Pinkyy, even though she's the fastest character ;)


TheDangus les gusta esto
United StatesTingTyphoon7 years ago

Hi everyone,

Just tried to do a stage skip glitch run (pressing F9) but does not seem to work anymore as of today monkaS

I'm looking at the patch notes but it does not say anything about when it got fixed. BibleThump

stoot les gusta esto
United StatesTingTyphoon7 years ago

hi everyone,

I do want to share some findings and skips that I've learned from my partial runs of the game. I haven't actually put enough time for myself to run any% but I've been doing some research ^^


  • a whole data dump on everything VK. Has dungeon maps, item drops, quest walkthroughs, etc. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. However everything is in japanese so some translations you have to make up to make sense. link here

  • names with 1 OR 9 characters will give you 10 BP to start with the beginning character/ for each character that you make from the guild. so a character with the name "A" will get the same 10 BP with a name of "AAAAAAAAA".

  • ppsspp forum link that has some cheat codes that could be useful for experimenting in the game. link here

  • tmoney76's spell list, just to see what each spell does. link here

  • a nicely-formatted walkthrough by Didi Cardoso. Although old, will help some players with the first few quests that are needed for the speed run link here

  • big dump of info on a neogaf forum regarding the game, haven't taken time to read much but it's here for easy access! link here

  • some vk portrait art if you're interested, thanks to rpgamer :) link here


These two videos are some glitches that I found. Both were performed on PPSSPP ver. 1.4.2 but I'm certain that it should work on the PSP system as well. Yes, I play on EMU with a controller. ;)

Wall glitch found in the Old Prison. I actually found this by accident as I was doing a run. I had to pause at the right time, then crouch so that the wall didn't kick me out at the end.

Could be useful on the past portion of the game to easily pass mobs but not as impactful in the beginning of the game. Tested with "Halfings" and anyone with the the "Thief" class.

Room is from the main entrance > take a left > go into door > bend around the corner.

Wall glitch found in Wenekra Fort - Corridor. Origin of the glitch was found in 2007, wanted to upload for future reference. Here's the link to the post: http://www.cheatsguru.com/psp/valhalla_knights/questions/530266/

EXTREMELY useful on the beginning of the game and the past portion of the game, it will allow you to get to Wenekra Fort - Inside without encountering the Dark Cyclops mini-boss which does spend a bit of time. Downside is that you have to do this glitch every time or else the encounter goes off, but the glitch isn't so hard to pull off, as you can see in the vid.

Tested with everyone, though the Female Dwarf was giving me a bit of trouble so not too sure about her. Anyone with the the "Thief" class will make this a lot easier.

============================= I can't wait to do a run LUL :)

United StatesTingTyphoon7 years ago

most recently dowolf's psp hero 30 any%

will those times be submitted here soon?

United StatesTingTyphoon7 years ago

I haven't seen any... would be interested if people have any creations they want to share!

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