Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek26 days ago

What's the point of the tool by @TheKingOppaiDragon appearing in Resources?

Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek7 months ago

I'm a person which visited this place just to check the times. I run other games, I am not interested in running this game, but I have read the rules, and some of them really should not be there.

Speedrunning is all about finding new glitches. The name "Any%" by default means the following: "Reach the end ASAP, we don't care how much of the game you actually complete" (hence the name Any%).

If you want to limit the glitches, create categories for this. You can see most of the games have some categories that limit certain glitches:

  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps or Hollow Knight have "No Major Glitches" category
  • The Talos Principle 2 has "No Photomode No Launching" category
  • Portal 2 has "No Save-Load Abuse" category, and this category is in fact the default one

However, in all of the games above, traditional Any% category exists too as an option.

I won't even mention that the sub-category name in this game is "Unrestricted".

The only glitches that game speedruns tend to ban are the ones that create a major hardware-dependent advantage. That's why restrictions like FPS caps are very accteptable.

I will now go through every single rule and suggest an improvement to it. You may use it or not, but I personally think it will only do good for how speedrunning community of this game develops.

Rules 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 are logical.

Rule 1.3: Make categories for difficulty levels. Make categories that allow and disallow respawns.

Rule 1.4 could have better wording: "All runs must be done on a single real-time attack, without exiting to the main menu"

Rule 2.1 is unnecessary.

Rule 2.2 and 2.6 should absolutely not be there. Spedrunning is about completing the game as fast as possible, and such skips should be a bless and something very welcome (it makes you fast, after all). Limiting such glitches should only happen in categories.

Rule 2.3: While it is boring, this glitch should also by limited by categories only. It doesn't mean it would be widely used or ran frequently (Minecraft's Any% run in-game time is less than 10% of RTA, the rest is loading screens). However, we should not take away any option.

Rule 2.4: That's what glitchless is for. New glitches should always be welcome (unless they create hardware advantage).

I can't say much about rule 2.7, because I don't know the nature of these glitches. However, most likely that rule also falls under what I said about 2.2 and 2.6.

Rule 2.5 is the only rule in this section that makes sense.

Rules in category 3 are typical game-relevant rules, nothing to be said here.

Rule 4.1 and 4.2: Simply say "video proof 30FPS or above is required". Don't restrict platforms, no game does that. You can merge 4.4 with this too.

Rule 4.3: Input display might be a recommendation, but never a requirement. Even games that use frame-perfect glitches, like The Talos Principle 2, don't require input display.

On the other hand, games usually require sound to be heard, however not all games do this, so you may keep it.

Quantik y MalitovMan les gusta esto
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek7 months ago

DIAGONAL MOVEMENT ABUSE - the game doesn’t limit our diagonal speed, instead it performs a simple sum of X and Y vectors on our thumbstick. We can abuse this by either having a gamepad that maps thumbsticks to a square, or mapping our D-pad to the left thumbstick, which can be easily done with Steam Input. Found by Ma9.

Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek7 months ago

The Any% guide has been rewritten from scratch. The True Ending guide rewrite is completed too and will be formatted and published tomorrow.

Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek1 year ago

The new link sent in previous Forum post has expired. Can I have a new one?

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