hilo: Dying Light
Hey, I just finished adding Prison%, contact me at Sixene#6375 on Discord to discuss the Bozak category.
BOZAK_115 y BladeMaster les gusta esto
hilo: Dying Light
Or 'PC' and 'not PC' could work too, and by the way, mouse latency from VSync is the byproduct of the frame delay I was talking about. Again, I don't really like this limit either, and I don't support it, and I can see why it's there, though I think it's kind of unnecessary, too.
hilo: Dying Light
hilo: Dying Light
Problem with VSync is that it delays frames though, but then RivaTuner makes the whole game lag, so it's kind of worse for everyone. I don't exactly support having this limit since running the game on low settings is pretty easy, but I get that it's just there to make it fair for everyone.
BOZAK_115 les gusta esto
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