QuébecSerpent1n8 months ago

My idea of a new category:

Shadowless + Kill all ennemies

forcing the player to find strategies to quickly and efficiently kill all the killers in a hard way (kind of like hardcore) and we could also include deathless to this category but i don't think it'll matter.

QuébecSerpent1n2 years ago

Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/9187401111/Teamwork-Obby-3-TAS-incomplete

I'll try to make it better, unfortunately it's a lower version so yeah...

QuébecSerpent1n2 years ago

There are loads of individual runs that have corner clips and lag clips which are now patched and pretty unfair if left like this, pls remove them or move them to another category!

QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

In this forum, I'll explain all strategies that have been know for now.

The first one is the clip inside house (rg): By corner clipping in the outer frame of the front door, it is possible to clip inside the house and save an approximate 20 seconds (in solo).This is done by putting your shoulder on the wall you want to clip (in shift lock) then get out of shift lock and turn 180 degrees and put shift lock on. I suggest bot doing this with 2+ players, because it teleports every player to the house and it can be entered right after picking up the groceries at the truck.

The groceries pickup strategy (wg): By sprinting once while in the intro, it is possible to stand there and grab the apple. This saves about half a second.

The basement clip (rg): By corner clipping in the outer frame of the basement door, it is possible to save an incredible 3 minutes!

The inventory cutscene skip (wg): By opening the inventory (TAB) while in a cutscene, your camera will go back to your character. If the camera in the cutscene doesn't move, you will come back to your character completely. Saves about 2 minutes.

The sprinting cutscene skip (wg): By sprinting while in a cutscene, you can move freely. Saves about 2 minutes.

The out of basement cutscene clip skip (rg): By corner clipping (4 tries) out of the basement when activating the electrical box in the basement, it is possible to walk (while in the cutscene) to the garage and pickup the crowbar and go back to the door when the cutscene finishes. Saves about 1 minute (Because you do that after doing maze clip skip).

The maze clip skip (rg): By corner clipping on one of the wooden small pillars (don't know what it's called) in the basement (where the demon appears and do spooky thing), it's possible to get to a certain spot and get orb 1 through a wall. Saves about 1 minute.

The code door through wall (rg an wg): By opening the inventory and putting yourself on the door (from the other side) you can see on the other side and if angled well, you can press E and do code (1946). Saves -2 seconds.

The climbing rail skip (): by climbing on a certain poll on the railings (the ones with the brown spots) it's possible to climb over the railings and drop downstairs. Saves 1 minute.

The putting pieces skip (wg): by putting 1 piece (4th piece) in the bottom right corner of the ''table'' you can skip putting all 4 of them in it. Saves 1 second.

The clipping upstairs clip (rg): It's been discovered lately that corner clipping upstairs is actually possible skipping basement completely. Unfortunately, it's extremely hard, so hard that even good clippers only managed to do it about 4 times and only did 1 run like this (Since you need to clip 2 times). Saves an incredible 3 minutes and a half.

The pickup crowbar through wall skip (wg and rg): By looking through the wall of the garage (At the right of the lamp) it's possible to grab the crowbar skipping opening, waking and getting keys to the garage. Saves about 5 seconds.

The fast orb 1 (wg and rg): By taking another path in the maze, you can get to the orb faster, even if its not the right path. You're able to get the orb by looking through the wall (I'm unable to explain exactly the path, all I can say is that its to the right of the normal path). Unfortunately, it's very risky because the demon spawns there! Saves about 5 seconds.

The lag purple room skip (rg):

Yes, the purple cutscene after collecting the first orb is skippable somehow, it was done once by accident (in duo) when doing a run and thinking about the idea that the player upstairs activates a cutscene in the living room (you have to do 1st electrical box) which after collecting the first orb makes you first teleport to the purple ''room'' and then teleport to a room of the living room cutscene. After the living room cutscene, you will be teleported upstairs. What is sad, is that the Ouija board and the upstairs tp is locked and cannot be done. Unless, if a player lags hard enough to make the game not tp them right away, but make them stay upstairs and do the objectives. Saves about 1 minute and a half.

The purple room (rg and wg):

This is hypothetical, but from what I think, it might be possible for the person upstairs to open the front door (from the inside, just like code door) after collecting the orb. When you teleport, I would be surprised, but do the tasks to open the living room cutscene, do the cutscene just before the purple cutscene finishes, this teleport you upstairs and make the Ouija and upstairs task possible. Saves about 1 minute.

The code 'glitch' in Chapter 3 (rg):

By jumping on the right of a safe in the big maze in Chapter 3, then opening inventory, shift locking and putting yourself on the side of a safe, you can look through it and find one of the numbers. Saves about 7 minutes.

Check out the WRs for more information to do these strategies. That's pretty much it for what we know about the Chapter 1 glitches, other Chapters glitches are very hard to find because of how much you need to move and all the cutscenes. Let me know if there's a new strategy and ill update this forum!

whynoms les gusta esto
QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

In this forum I'll explain to you any glitches of Roblox or Welcome.

Definition of glitch: a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment. To say it more simpler, a way to do something that a developer doesn't want you to do. For example: get an item through a wall, or go through a wall.

Roblox glitches (A.K.A. rg): Clips, Look through a wall and Get Item/do Action button (E) through a wall.

Welcome Glitches (A.K.A. wg): Get Item/do Action button (E) through a wall (Because developer could of removed that), Look through a wall (Also, because dev could've removed that), Open inventory to go back to character while in cutscenes and sprinting to move while in cutscenes.

whynoms les gusta esto
QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

After researching strongholds and how you could navigate it, I've came up with a strategy to navigate to the portal room and you may say: bro, the rooms are randomly generated that's not an actual thing bro. WRONG, in a stronghold I can distinguish 4 important rooms: intersection (4 to 6 rooms connected), entrance room (where you enter stronghold at 4 4), portal room, of course (: and stairs ( 6 blocks down). At first, to navigate, you need (in the entrance/1st intersection) to find another intersection (more important in order) or stairs. After maybe finding an intersection, you need to find a portal room (also in most important order), an intersection or stairs. You repeat this until you find the room. RULE: DO NOT GO DOWN 3 STAIRS, PORTAL DOES NOT SPAWN UNDER 3 STAIRS.

This may or may not make it easier to find the portal rooms and save many runs, if you want to do this strategy, I recommend testing it in creative to more understand the strategy.

Cookie1284, NitroBS y 6 otros les gusta esto
QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

I just got 13:13 completely DESTROYING all of the WRs.

QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

Just got a 13:51.080 today but with a desert update it makes you go faster on sand and it doesn't kill you which I'm not sure if its a glitch, hopefully mods will accept! (Video will be out in a bit and post will be deleted in 1 hour I guess (or never))

QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

mods, if possible, please had a category named 1.16 Mining Diamonds with a SSG, RSG, No Structures and Structures

Also because i see it often and i got the WR: 1:02.733

QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

I got a WR in 2 attempts today.


ScrudgeGaming y Bruher les gusta esto
QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

no audio on run submitted pls prove your innocence

QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

yho Bruher è-se ke thu perle vreimant leu frenceai? (la mauvaise correction est pour empêcher la traduction)

QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

how do you know how much frames you have on a video?

Bruher les gusta esto
QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

Here to say happy Spring Break to everyone

Also that I'm, unfortunately, not going to make parking simulator speedrun this spring break, but I'm gonna try getting the most wave in The Conquerors 3 in survival.

Have a nice day!

Catlico les gusta esto
QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

@aguywhosaguy I've been investigating the cybertruck speedrun and had come with some possible evidence of splitting and fast forwarding:

1.theres a possible cut after 2 seconds in the run.

2.you didn't time it with the livesplit which could indicate a cut/splitting

3.the start gate opens 0.750 seconds too fast which could indicate fast forwarding in the video to skip the slow start

4.the game loads very fast while myself, I have a powerful PC that cant load a game that fast not even 2x times worst but 3 or even 4 times worst in which you would need an incredibly good server/PC

5.I've checked my speedrunning videos and haven't seen any fast gates even if it's the same update.

Those evidences seem quite clear but we have 1 point missing to clarify that the run is splitted/fast forwarded

But lucky for you, I give you a chance to defend yourself.

QuébecSerpent1n3 years ago

Unlike you know me and whynoms have been speedrunning a bit and I would be happy for a new person to join in so here's some tips to be already set for speedrunning the game:

1.Going backwards and forwards is the same speed.

2.Going backwards can make a turning difference ( I cant really explain it but see it for yourself).

3.Don't always stick with others strategies since there could be better ones ready to get found out.

4.Dont be too risky.

5.Learn these tips.

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