United StatesRoo5 years ago

Even though it's not going to get redone, I would suggest having it setup the way REmake / Resident Evil HD Remaster and RE1 classic does. You can get rid of the tabs for console and glitched along with removing 'PC' from the existing category titles, then add console and glitched as a sub cat/tab (I forgot what they're called since I stopped moderating a year ago). That way you can add glitched/glitchless, PC and console in their own respective sub cats/tabs. But, this requires a lot of work and I understand why this wouldn't happen. The REmake moderation staff had to do it when we went from a level leaderboard to a full game leaderboard, so you can imagine the amount of runs, categories, and platforms that had to be sorted.

Just an example of what I proposed and in response to what Igor was suggesting originally. As for how you guys want to handle the FPS differences for console, that's going to be a tough one to decide. If you're familiar with the classic RE games, you should know how convoluted those boards get sorted. Some people abide by the filter function and others hate it. It's a tough crowd to please unfortunately. Luckily for the Resident Evil (Remake) leaderboard, we never had to separate any runs with their own sub cat based on FPS mode or console type. We just left it as a filter and no one had any problems with it since the full game board revision. Maybe the decline in popularity had to do with it, or everyone just understood the reality of speedrunning on their respective platforms and didn't see a reason to change it without further complications.

TheNevs les gusta esto
United StatesRoo5 years ago

I would make saves at every critical point of the game. I'll list them below, but also keep in mind that you'll want to educate yourself on the dynamic difficulty known as difficulty adjustment, or commonly referred to as DA. It's important to know since you'll want to understand the current routing and why it's used, but it'll help you get into the mindset of limiting what you pick up since the game is forcing you to not do certain actions. DA influences your damage vs enemies along with their damage vs you and how quickly they move. As long as you follow the route of the current WR, or at least the general route, you won't have to worry about DA screwing you over. I just want to make sure that when you make your saves that you're not creating unrealistic scenarios that wouldn't happen in a real run.

So here's the saves I recommend. You can utilize the auto saves in between except for a few that make practicing inconsistent. I'll make note of it at the appropriate section, but you generally do not want to use these for training, or rely on them to determine an outcome, because some auto saves occur during a long sequence of events, or just manipulates enemy positioning that never occurs in an actual run.

Saves: RPD1 (before you open the shutter) - Auto saves here are okay except for two of them. The one at the Fire Escape is bad for timing practice runs, because you can skip the Marvin call by reloading the save. Auto save after the C4 explosion is okay for practicing the medallion puzzle here except you'll have to deal with the zombie that normally never falls once you reload this save.

Secret Room before Birkin 1 (Pipe Birkin)

Operators Room (the section where you find Sherry or the room below Parking Garage) Chief Irons Office (RPD2) - Auto save before Mr X locks zombie positioning for this whole section I believe? It's been awhile, but I know the female zombie on the second floor main hall has the same positioning every time I reloaded. The auto save in the clock tower is awful due to it moving the zombie that's normally in front of the door when you leave, so if you're struggling with that guy you'll have to opt for redoing the whole section from a different save altogether.

Chief Irons Office again before you do the panel puzzle in there (optional if you want to practice the Sherry segment alone)

Chief Irons Office after the Sherry segment to practice the trip to the Orphanage

Sewer Office - It's the room directly across after Sherry gets separated from you again

Monitor Room (1st visit) - after you drop down and get the cutscene with Sherry in the sewers - Only one auto save here is bad and it's after you grab the king and queen plugs. It forces the G-Mutant to be further away than normal every time, so you can't practice this consistently without reloading the entire section. Does let you work on juking the grab at least so there's that.

Monitor Room (2nd visit) - The auto save during the Birkin 2 fight is unreliable and can occur depending on the timing of your drop and crane activation, but you can use it to practice your damage strats + crane timing a few times just to get a feel for whatever route you're using. Ultimately, you'll want to practice the entire section since the timing is different in a single segment.

Labs after dropping off Sherry

Greenhouse Lab - My memory might be off on this as I haven't finished a run in months lol. The first auto save in the green house you'll use a lot to practice the lickers, so don't worry about the ivy that ends up spawning differently after you reload. Can't remember what the auto save before you use the Herbicide is like, but I don't think it altered any of the ivies much, or at all.

Save before G3 and G4 fights respectively

That's pretty much it for saving!

For movement, 7rayd's video still holds up if you want to learn.

Try your best to actually tap the aim button since you want to limit as much of the aiming animation as possible. You'll notice it a lot more on PC runs since mice tend to respond better to tapping inputs vs a controller trigger, but it's still possible to attain good skating on a controller. Most important thing about it is getting the right rhythm for it as he explains since you don't gain anything if you press too slow or fast.

For corner turning, the aim method will probably be the easiest. I have no idea how much it actually benefits since it's still up for debate. I definitely recommend it on the turns going towards stairs at least since you're combining a quick turn + stair skate in one motion. Anyway, aim method is tap Aim + hold direction you want to turn towards. You can also do this with movement alone, but it's easy to mess up due to having to stop then flick in the direction you want to turn very quickly. For analog snap turning, you just briefly let go of forward as you're going towards the corner you want to cut into, then flick left or right depending on where you want to turn.

Probably a less useful tip before I stop this wall of text is having your FOV set all the way to the right. Helps you see everything :D

MattRPD y tompano les gusta esto
United StatesRoo5 years ago

I should've put a sticky on the thread Zeroth had while I was still moderating here, but I'll go ahead and link it. Would be great if it could get a sticky so everyone who visits the forums can see. I did my best to fix up the rules and it's stated that remapping is allowed with a limit of one button per input. It's just that the stairskate remap technique didn't venture far outside of that thread after doorskip got added apparently lol.

Stairskate method using analog by Zeroth along with the past voting for it

Also, this is an old post by sshplur with stair skate tests he did using turbo on an arcade stick.

The time loss is obvious, but it's not as drastic as other areas of the game. You can get by with mediocre stair skating and put up solid times.

allancg les gusta esto
United StatesRoo5 years ago

I think it's important to note that door skip exists solely, because of the remapping exception. This was the only way to have door skip return at the time since this game was already having conflicts about stairskating.

Basically, a runner by the name of Zeroth found an alternative to it by remapping the right analog to use the run button and was able to achieve 'RawDerps' stairskate speeds. As a result, the legitimacy of it was brought into question and we were proposed with removing it, adding it, or reintroduce door skip which allowed remapping.

As far as I know this remapping technique only works with InputMapper which is limited to the PS4 controller. Either this information has been lost since its discovery, or not many people took advantage of it due to the peripheral limitations. I feel like even with the remapping alone we haven't seen much increase in activity. There's definitely a lot more runs for doorskip compared to when it was originally here though, so I believe having it back under these circumstances is okay, but it's best to leave it the way as it is now than to try to cater it to newcomers.

I'm going to say no to turbo since it's only going to hurt the integrity of this game. Even if you limit the function to stair skating only, someone will still end up ignoring that rule and use it for text cycling which is a good chunk of this game. Remapping also falls under this circumstance as well, but it's the least problematic since you can only do so much to remap the same function across 12 buttons and wouldn't benefit off it anyway. It's not going to help with your handgun quickshooting since it has a unique timing mechanic to it that ignores mashing. :p

United StatesRoo5 years ago

Here's the G2 and G3 fights for HC. The G3 one has two different variations based on the GL. Non GL for labs is a much more harder route and requires your shots to be on point for the stair zombies and ivys. There's also one zombie that always survives in the lounge after you toss the grenade so that eats up a bit of time :( I would recommend going with the GL in labs and ditching the handgun, but I'm still trying to figure out what's the best load out for labs personally, so go with whatever will help your survive that last section.

I'll update the playlist with the B scenario fights since those are drastically different due to the Colt SAA being a short burst damage weapon for the bosses.

United StatesRoo5 years ago

Here's the G1 fight for Claire. I think two knives is better to go for since it's easier to grab than a grenade. You just have to make sure your slashes are good and stagger him in this exact spot like in the video, so that he does the 3 hit combo again. If not, then he ends doing the wide swing which means you have to wait then go back his arm again. If you do opt for the grenade, then I can do a video for that as well. I have G2 and G3 sorted out as well (G2 is little iffy and could probably done with one flash only). I have to record those fights so I'll post them here when they're done.

Pony_Law les gusta esto
United StatesRoo5 years ago

I don't think there's much we can do for G2 since it all revolves around maximizing damage within the time frame of the crane setting up. Kind of unfortunate, but I think that's reached it's limit lol.

United StatesRoo5 years ago

I think I'm just going to take the stairs instead of breaking the floor during the call lol. Thank you!

United StatesRoo5 years ago

Library route is better for Claire since she doesn't have much of a need for the broken floor and running on caution kind of offsets it over time. The biggest downside to this route, however, is that you start to introduce randomness with the zombies in here as you backtrack for the medals which can screw you over during the medallion pickups and exit. Also, the library zombies all reset by the time you start pushing the shelves during RPD2 so the sound distraction strat still works regardless of what route you take.


  • More direct route for the Lion Medal
  • Saves you a few handgun bullets from having to stagger zombies on the way back
  • Less stairs to traverse on in general


  • Marvin call slows you down
  • Library zombies can spawn under the broken floor, near the stairs as you go to the maiden statue, follow you into the storage room, and near the ladder when you're leaving to place the medals in the main hall

I know a sub 9 minute secret room can be done, but you really need the best library outcome and your puzzle solving has to be on point for it to shine. The best I've managed since doing this route was 9:04-9:13 times which is better than my times going the usual route. But, considering how many times I've been shit on going the library route, I'm probably just going to end up going back to the old one to avoid getting blocked lol.

morelan les gusta esto
United StatesRoo6 years ago

Everyone's welcome to use whatever language they want, but having Chinese subtitles would be the most optimal as of now, so if you're looking to get the lowest time possible then there's no reason not to use it.

United StatesRoo6 years ago

Your runs will still be accepted @shwick222. I don't think we'll ever separate this game, because of text differences since this is something almost everyone can change. It's unfortunate that the update hasn't rolled out to everyone, but hopefully that'll be resolved over time.

BashyCake y MikeShwicks les gusta esto
United StatesRoo6 years ago

You can actually get this dodge with Leon, but it only works on the US or arrange mode on JP under certain circumstances. You need a delayed gate crash and the green shirt zombie to be hitting the gate. Nurmat did a video on it showing it can be done, but it's not worth the time and effort considering you have to be playing a specific version or game mode (arrange lacks auto aim).

If you don't mind resetting at the basketball court to get the no damage clear, then by all means continue to go for it, but I would suggest taking the hit there regardless. Even for sub 50 runs you're not required to get it since you don't gain a lot of time off it alone, so it's best left for WR attempts where every bit of time matters. It's definitely nice to have the extra health to tank any damage that would normally bring you to caution, however, the possibility of taking damage is always going to be existent. I took a huge chunk of time loss in my PB run that put me in caution and was still able to get the time I wanted. A heal won't hurt your chances of getting a sub hour run :)

th3betacat, Demidrol-007 y 2 otros les gusta esto
United StatesRoo6 years ago

Even though this is super late, metronome practice for this is probably the best way to do this. Glad you thought of using it! It's an amazing tool for keeping in time :D

Voxgizer les gusta esto
United StatesRoo6 years ago

Yeah, the best spots for RS with the GL are the spot in the video I posted or the other spot that people use for flame rounds since you have a better viewpoint of where you're aiming. You can also use the map to see the direction the character is facing to help correct it, but that wastes time lol.

United StatesRoo6 years ago

That's neat you managed to find a use for the old P42 Gamecube strat. That use to work directly in the corner when the flame rounds use to launch farther, but they reduced it along with acid rounds in the HD release. Explosives still behave the same so you can actually use the original spot except that's only for the GL route on Real Survival. I wouldn't recommend it for RS since manually aiming in that corner is way too hard lol.

I'm still convinced Plant 42 has random health when you spawn in the room. At least according to the Kaitaishinsho guide and based on my own experience with the boss.

You'll notice that I get different outcomes throughout the video, but I've seen others get the 6 shot Grenade Launcher kill. Either the GL is just really finicky with the splash damage based on range, or I'm incredibly unlucky with this boss lol.

Yandere_Maiden les gusta esto
United StatesRoo6 years ago

Disabling is okay. It's remapping that isn't allowed outside of doorskip categories, so it doesn't fall under that rule. CHOP AWAY PogChamp

Voxgizer, NyxAvatar0013, y BashyCake les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
United StatesRoo6 years ago

A clean up on the series forum would be nice. This one doesn't see much light since most runners check their respective game's forums, so it's a waste to have this one. Locking this one will hopefully direct future runners to the other RE forums!

United StatesRoo6 years ago

I did this a few years ago to have time differences recorded for the GC version. The RTA gap is pretty huge lol. You don't have to worry about it since the IGT runs differently than RTA. There doesn't seem to be an advantage with emulator from my experience (I didn't record as much data as I wanted to), but I know a few people who have ran on the new Dolphin versions with better times than me.

RebeccaRE y Vexx les gusta esto
United StatesRoo6 years ago

I would keep the two separated due to the discussion that took place reinstating doorskip. There's too many good runs on the vanilla game that would end up being overshadowed by time alone if you're not using filters to separate it from doorskip. Anyone could put up a run and it'd appear as a higher ranking time against the vanilla runs which is misleading. It's easier to visually scan with the current format even if it is a mess. There's also the possibility of losing runners based on the remapping rule alone, because it'd have to be abolished if a merge were to happen.

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