Czech RepublicRedTuna15 days ago

You can use it in runs. It's been used in almost every run for a while.

Czech RepublicRedTuna2 months ago

If you die/change levels while using debug camera you basically duplicate yourself

Czech RepublicRedTuna2 months ago

On normal I don't think there would be any issues with this, but on nightmare It might be against the rules as the blue screen (That's totally hardware dependent) did show up.

Czech RepublicRedTuna4 months ago

We beat you with a french person

MrZeli, Ristor, y Slendyasko les gusta esto
Czech RepublicRedTuna4 months ago

Sometimes in life it is best to reflect - the Buddha once said "the one who sees dependant origination sees the Dhamma". The Dhamma is the eternal truth: the eternal law. When one sees the intrinsic dependencies of the universe that is when we truly become enlightened. The Buddha became enlightened under a fig tree but we become enlightened under the darkened trees of level 9 - The Watcher's fateful eyes overlooking our every move like Mara: The God of Temptation. For the Buddha Mara represent the 3 poisons: greed, ignorance and hatred but for us the Watcher represents a different 3 poisons: missed bhops, restarting the level too early and failing a spin launch. However for both parties these poisons are central to the spinning of the wheel of samsara - the cycle of life, death and rebirth. For the Indian in the 10th century this was the reality of their existence but for us, etb speedrunners, it fuels the everlasting cycle of resetting runs: again, again and again. We reset runs not because it is fun but because it is the right thing to do. We reset runs not because is is easy but because it is hard. We reset runs not to waste our days but to spend our time. Spend our time becoming better versions of ourselves and most importantly: getting a new world record. This record is no exception - a mini-enlightenment in a sea of suffering and furthermore in the backdrop of the samsara of resetting. For us etb players this a mere step towards the greater good, not a leap but a delicate placement of a foot slightly infront of the other one. Moving onto Jesus - more commonly known as unwalker. He came to our lands as a promised one, a wise one, an anointed one: A messiah. He came to our lands with teachings, teachings of how to move, how to live, how to breath. He shattered the the very embodiment of the cycle of samsara with his profound statements - a new way to atone with the heavenly father. He taught that in the world's infancy 2 speedrunners: backroomsop and HostileFrost were in the perfect garden - a garden where all runs ended with a world record but then they ate from the tree of speed. A tree which the heavenly father declared they should not eat from - for when they ate from the tree of speed the 3 poisons came into effect. Reset after reset they suffering and now: unwalker was here to save us from this suffering. He sacrificed himself - the perfect being which relieved our eternal damnation - he gave us an opportunity to return and reconcile with our heavenly ETB father. To escape from the suffering of etb runs and resets - trials and tribulations.

This is my contribution following these teachings. I am distilling this run not just as a run but as a statement. A statement that there is a world and this a record in this world and that the suffocating grip of resetting has lost another one of its many fingers.

A statement that there is more to come.

Slendyasko les gusta esto
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