in the 1.12 oneshot seed, the chest that gives pickaxe in videos only gives gold and bread for me pls help
i want to try speedrun perfect seed but the world download link says "content does not exist"
I see ppl in ssg runs and they can seemingly speed craft a specific amout of an item in a click, without dragging it off the crafting grid. (Example: (Start at 0:20)) is there a hotkey or smthn for this? Shift clicking just crafts all of one item instead of 1 or 2, so idk how they do it
I would like to know if theres a client or smthn that works as a resetting mod. I see the rsg runs, and they reset incredibly fast, it sounds like they clicked 10 buttons in half a second. Also the create world menu looks different. If there is somthing i could use pls tell me?