Pennsylvania, USAPriere1 year ago

Hello. This is A fellow Runner of the game that as everyones guess, is Priere aka Rika_Furude. I am making the message here on the quote of from his live stream from 12 days ago as of this post. He claims to still "Technically" hold the world record for both Max Population categories. I also was not banned from this site, however, was banned from the Panel De Pon community for accusations that really upset me to the point where it broke my heart to play that game ever again thanks to being gas lit really really hard and even harassed and threatened.

As for Accusations of cheating in my simcity runs back when i had my previous account.. Well you are all dead wrong if you think I cheated in any way. Only think I did for those long runs was use the Frame Skip/Fast Forward functions as per the rules allow for the max population runs. I followed the rules and as far as my research goes... there are no cheats outside of unlocking all scenario cities which lets you play on the Freeland Map to begin with.

I'd like to have people not accuse me when the strats I use, can be and have been done on original hardware as well as emulation. Now I am not bringing up that quote for anything malicious or anything or to gas light people. I merely found it odd and kind of like I was put beneath everyone else for what was going on, and that my Strats maybe un-orthodox, but is that not how new records are found? Also.. As for becoming "Too good, too quickly" for simcity... Keep in mind, I've been building 800K+ cities since I was 6 years old without zone stacking, and I am 27 now, so 21 going on 22 years of high level simcity play, of doing nothing but experiment and try different things to make my theories reality. Which is why I have the building styles and optimized numbers I do and still finding improvements to my strats. My nearly Roadless/Rail-less design I posted directly to Czar in a chat, and the Zone-Stacked Run of mine had lots of planning and attempts to build.

I can laterally tell you how this game works, top to bottom and why it works if asked. I love this game and would love to be able to run this game again, but due to all the stuff that happened to me on my last account... I just don't have the desire to play competitively for this game for times and scores. I also have forgotten more about this game, than most people will learn from playing it.

Though it is true that I can go ahead and write/type out an entire master level guide to this game and how I found all that I have... I simply do not have the time anymore for long posts like that... Not to mention My original notebooks and pen pads, sticky notes, and loose paper holding all my notes and theory crafting have been lost to time. So quite literally... I would end up spending about 5 years writing this guide only to have more things found about these games that would have to go into it by that future time. It's not like I am holding my secrets and work from everyone... I just simply cannot post it due to how long it would actually take for a thankless job such as that, especially if I am doing it for absolutely no cost to others.

Basically, what I am saying is; I am not mad, just perplexed at how I seemed to be talked about in that livestream indirectly. As well As the friendship I had with Czar and all being good when I last checked. Though I understand the sediments of owning that record and being able to be the first with recorded proof. So again, I appologize if this sounds like I am angry. I am not... you could almost say I have a coletial relationship with this game because of how much I loved it when I got it.. growing up with it, and how much I love it to this day.

So Here is my discord if anyone wants to message me further about this since I am more active on it than anywhere else: Shippai#8805 also works with: Chara Dreemurr YGOMD#8805

Lastly Thanks For Reading - Rika/Raid

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