PrettzL9 years ago

Today while practicing the 'Outpost Cache -> Junkyard Exit' jump and immediate upon transition teleshot strat- I discovered something interesting about jumping.

From the video you can see that it is pretty forgiving, you have what appears to be 5-10 frames to hit the jump button when you first enter your falling state.

PrettzL9 years ago

If you do not place a door does it default to any specific part of the grid of the level where you exit?

PrettzL9 years ago

I've known of this for a little while but never got any video of it.

What I believe is essentially happening is a near frameperfect (under 10 frames) approach on a blocks first pixel on either side which the block being landed on considers you to be perfectly level with it and not falling on to it.

These breakable blocks can be walked upon freely but if you land on them from a falling state they will crumble.

Here's another example of an odd property of the crumbling blocks if you land on the corner or just below the corner on the left/right side of a crumbling block it will crumble allowing you to land on the block below it without breaking the block you landed on.

PrettzL9 years ago

Regarding doors again:

When you set a door to drop you in to a level as in your example x2 y3 where does it put you in level 2_3? Can you control that specifically where it will place you on the grid OF level 2_3?

PrettzL9 years ago


Changed Game Name from "Out There Somewhere (Steam Release)" to "Out There Somewhere" to improve twitch and stream listing visibility via

Added rezoons to the moderation team.

Renamed NG any% IGT to Any% IGT

Added All Collectibles% to leaderboards

Retired NG any% Pacifist IGT and 107% to MISC categories

Removed NG any% Pacifist from MISC Categories

PrettzL9 years ago

rezoons, you are a hero~

Is it possible to have custom dialogue messages at all?

How do you set what map a door exits to?

PrettzL9 years ago

Well here's the assets for the game for you guys to allocate wherever they need to be in order to look at level structure and edit levels:

These were located in: Steam/SteamApps/common/outtheresomewhere/ots.swf

And this is a full rip of all assets including sounds, images, everything.

I hope this helps!

PrettzL9 years ago

I toyed around with this while doing a stream to practice my new route and also for the pacifist category since it allows for a quick pick up of 2 health upgrades.

It's not very risky- though because of the breaking blocks it can be a major timesink/run killer if you mess it up.

PrettzL9 years ago

Holy crap, if the level files are just XML we could make a level editor.

This is absolutely amazing work rezoons.

PrettzL9 years ago


Relieved Sistraer from Moderator group

Changed category: "Any% IGT Broken" to "Any%"

Removed category: "NG any% All Collectibles"

Updated rules across all remaining categories to reflect rezoons skip/IGT breaking bug exclusion from IGT runs

Added links to various useful tools:

NohBoard - Useful for tracking input for optimization. GifCam - Useful for optimization of movement. LiveSplit - You'll need a split timer for Any%.

PrettzL9 years ago

Can be NG+ for now, this may change based on community feedback.

I'm currently restructuring the moderation queue for OTS.

Please do continue to submit runs that are within the guidelines:

PrettzL9 years ago

I've changed the Any% IGT Broken run board with simply Any%.

For the time being I'm not going to be changing/adding the guidelines/rules for runs around until rezoons skip is understood more thoroughly and the community has a chance to talk about it.

This community only recently started up, so there's a lot of room to change and grow. I mostly picked categories which I believed would get runs and since the game has a timer built in to it I didn't think that splits would really be necessary.

It is clear that OTS running is going to be changing due to this discovery and over the course of optimization it will become clearer how it can be used in any/all run types.

This is something that we need to discuss in depth as a community.

PrettzL9 years ago

Ditto I went with the 4 step noise and them jump straight up and walk right.

Also... I don't really understand how my run beat yours by a minute and 5 seconds when you got back to the smoldering ship 6 seconds before my time.

This is going to require some testing for sure.

rezoons: I ran our current runs side by side and this is these are the important data points I collected

rezoons gets the gun and back to "Crash Site" at exactly 2m45s by split timer prettz gets the gun and back to "Crash Site" at exactly 2m51s by split timer

rezoons "Crash Site" bug happens at exactly 5m32s prettz "Crash Site" bug happens at exactly 4m28s

The reasons behind these differences are currently unknown but I know we'll be scrambling to figure them out.

PrettzL9 years ago

I've added a new category: Any% IGT Broken - Rules Here

You'll have to submit runs for it using splits and a run timer of your own.

Runs start on frame 1 of this screen as soon as you select "new game" on the file selection menu: Runs end as soon as Grigoris ship begins to explode.

PrettzL9 years ago


Added a new category: Any% IGT Broken

Edited descriptions for: NG any% IGT "Start a New Game and Beat It As Fast As Possible Runs Based on In Game Timer"

NG any% IGT Broken "As Fast As Possible, IGT Broken For Any Reason"

PrettzL9 years ago


Changed the Game Cover:

Changed the leaderboard Background

PrettzL9 years ago


Added two individual level categories:

"Gun Race" Start a new game and get to the gun in the village as fast as possible. "Gun Race 2" Start a new game and get the gauss rifle upgrade as fast as possible.

PrettzL9 years ago


Changed 1st-4th place trophy icons under page Theme.

Acerca de PrettzL
9 years ago
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Out There Somewhere
Out There Somewhere
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Out There Somewhere
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Out There Somewhere
Out There Somewhere
Última acción 4 years ago
Última acción 6 years ago