Texas, USAPokehero1 year ago


SwitchVC has been added and the leaderboards are all currently updated. We have decided to separate EMU into it's own category as well. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!


Texas, USAPokehero2 years ago

Yes! While I was slow to take off runs that were not done in Practice Mode (I was finishing up graduating college, sorry!), all runs accepted have been abiding by the rule change.

Additionally, the backlog of runs have finally been accepted, my apologies for everyone waiting on their time to be verified, but I appreciate your patience! - Pokehero

Texas, USAPokehero2 years ago

Sorry for the delay guys, I have been busy and there has been some discussion relating to the ruling. Gonquai and I have decided to make ILs only done within Practice mode. The rule will go into effect starting March 28th, 2022, and the IL runs on the leaderboards will be adjusted to match the new rule change.

Thank you everyone for your patience and discussion! - Pokehero

Firesplitter y lvcy les gusta esto
Texas, USAPokehero2 years ago

Hello lvcy,

I have chosen to not verify any runs until this rule change is settled as it can affect the times by a considerable margin. If one of the other runners of ILs casts a vote in favor of practice position I'll run it by the other mods and get it changed, otherwise, if there is dissent against it, then we will go from there. Thanks!

lvcy les gusta esto
Texas, USAPokehero2 years ago

Yeah there is no rule on starting position as it stands. I definitely understand the merit of keeping it consistent for sure. If desired I am all for making ILs be done on Practice, no sweat off my back.

Texas, USAPokehero2 years ago

Hi Firesplitter,

You misunderstand my intention, but in hindsight I worded it pretty poorly. I am not proposing that IGT for a full game run would suddenly fix anything related to versions and updates. Switch DOES load faster, but as you mention it's not "just" that.

I merely had the thought of including IGT as well with the introduction of milliseconds. If we were to separate game version (which I believe is a good call but not sure of the best route due to Switch getting patched for some reason), being able to compare IGT between Wii U and Switch would be more info for the board.

Texas, USAPokehero2 years ago

Vu16 has done a series of ILs for the game and I have slowly been working through them. When I did so I realized that the IL leaderboards did not have an option for milliseconds which was frankly quite odd given it is quite easy to get a run of the same second. I added that as such.

Adding this also got me thinking about how to deal with the versions issue that has been an issue. While this is not a for real fix, I was curious if adding In Game Time to full game runs would be useful, adding up all the times of the tracks (and maybe Adventures as well) to have alongside RTA.

Just a thought, curious what others think.

Texas, USAPokehero2 years ago

Hi Firesplitter,

Considering as well that the Switch version is notably faster than Wii U (in addition to some minor gameplay changes) this is a good point. I will be down to do so come the end of this year to see if anyone has any other thoughts on the subject. Additionally, I'll bring this up to the other mods too.

Texas, USAPokehero3 years ago

Hey guys, just got through moving Arcade Mode over to ILs, and came across this forum. There's a lot of points here but I largely echo TyRy's sentiment of "Im fine with whatever makes the competition between PC and PS4 players fair." The PS4 version loads much slower than the PC version of the game and while IGT could be a potential solution, there are a lot of nuances with it that are annoying (it would be nice if it just kept IGT for you).

Separating PC and PS4 sounds like a good idea to keep competition fair in that case, even extending to RPG Mode. I would like to hear feedback on this in the future!

Texas, USAPokehero3 years ago

Hello everyone! My name is Pokehero and I am the new mod here. TheTanStar was inactive and I requested mod, however, he was replaced by me. I have already offered SuperMod to him the next time he is online (dw I'm not trying to dictate everything!). That being said, I have verified all the runs pending verification and in the next few days I will be moving Arcade to Individual Levels.

If anyone has any leaderboard suggestions/alterations they would like to see, please feel free to drop it in this forum post below. I'll try my best to respond to everything!

hilo: The Site
Texas, USAPokehero3 years ago

I would like to request mod for Granblue Fantasy Versus ( ). I have had pending runs since January, and attempts to contact the mod, such as through Discord, have yielded no response. The current SuperMod has not been online since Dec. 13 and the leaderboard has been sitting as such for the last 4 months.

GhostMiner les gusta esto
Texas, USAPokehero3 years ago

Hi Firesplitter,

Why in the world would they just now update the game. I tried out the update for myself and it only seems to impact cars, boats and planes seem fine. I enjoy the earthquake you get when driving into a wall for sure.

On Cosmic Way Rally A with the tunnels that push you to one side, driving diagonally as is optimal to get out of the tunnel at a good angle is all kinds of messed up.

I would like to wait as well, but we may have to end up adding versions to the leaderboard or something, definitely what the world's best speedgame needed.

Firesplitter les gusta esto
Texas, USAPokehero4 years ago

Hi ThatGuyOnCops,

Your submission was not rejected on a basis of being one spot higher than my personal best. When your run was submitted and I saw the Everdrive menu I was not sure what the legality was. When brought up to other mods, it was stated that Everdrives were already banned. Unfortunately, this was not publicly written down in the rules for the game/category yet. Zewing, one of the Pokemon Stadium 2 moderators, said it was not a good look to have that gray area in the rules. He wrote the "Everdrives and reproduction carts are banned." rule and we went ahead and did the same for Stadium 1 INT.

I apologize that it looked so malicious in your POV given the circumstances. If you have further questions or concerns I or another mod can address them.

Texas, USAPokehero5 years ago

It has since been updated (werster made his own forum post on the matter)

Feel Free to upload your times now!

kalarse les gusta esto
Texas, USAPokehero5 years ago

I tried to sell this idea forever ago when CR1 got added but to no success

When PMS1 got added I did make the cups misc categories since there are only 4 of them in that game. If cups were to be added to this game/INT Stadium 2, it'd make more sense for them to be ILs instead as having that many misc, which seems like a bad idea to me

I'll bring it up again

kalarse les gusta esto
Texas, USAPokehero6 years ago

Having one run is not a good reason to add something to a leaderboards, it really needs ~3 before I'd consider it fine

Texas, USAPokehero6 years ago

The reason Complete the Game isn't called 100% is because of the Hall of Fame and you can't truly do 100% unless you transfer Pokemon. Transfering Pokemon obviously would make this slightly more bearable and not 5 trillion hours long, but Stadium speedruns don't really allow that

Of course, nothing is stopping you from doing this run but no this will not be added

Texas, USAPokehero6 years ago

For like, individual colos?

Texas, USAPokehero7 years ago

This has already been established for Boss Battles as well. Its srcs inability to make different categories have different timing methods. Since Subspace uses RTA but IGT is an option, thats the rule for all Brawl leaderboards

IGT is still considered the best for those runs tho, so the rules are right and runs care about IGT more than RTA, src is just dumb

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