Player2091 year ago

I have a idea, what seems nonsensical at first, but it could be good in practice. Normall 1-battalion divisions are cheesy reserves - you make them to convert them into something useful, or use them in situations what don't require actually fighting someone - like charging deep into territory or executing Order 66. But there is an idea of actually combat-worthy tiny divisions:

You would take 1 battalion and as much support companies as possible (at maximum of 5), basically making divisions composed mostly of supports; this is because you can't make divisions made entirely of support companies (if i am wrong in that instance, you can try that too). Because support companies don't take front width, that translates into more bonuses per width; of course these tiny divisions must group into "piles", with each pile being same width as a sane man's division (for example, if we want our pile of microdivisions to have width 40, and each of them have combat width of 2, like Infantry, microdivisions must group in swarm of 20 - and that is equivalent of 1 division, now if country would normall have 100 divisions, it would translate into 2000 microdivisions).

Obvious minuses is what they won't fit into any commander's limits, and it would be extra hard to control them, both macro and micro (you must make sure they don't separate when that is not needed and don't overcrowd, and also disperse and concentrate them in right moments). But most "meta" ideas from HoI4 would look like nonsense when taken out of context and put IRL - so, this 1 battalion + support divisions should be analyzed (as no one has tried that idea before).

How would they fare against "normal" divisions, given if we take both of them of same combat width, or of the same cost, or training time?

Also, would divisions made just of 1 battalion work in battle (for example, 10 divisions with 1 infantry battalion in each versus 1 normal 20 width infantry division)? I don't think so, if they are taken individually they loose, but what if each group of tiny divisions will go in pack, results could be diffrent?

The logic behind it what divisions gets debuffs if it is overly large, so if we extrapolate that to other end of scale, group of small divisions is stronger (?) than a normal-sized division of same composition. Also they would fit pretty much into any terrain's width with no problems, and also increase the technical amount of used divisions, what could affect things like other country getting scared by sheer number of them, or amount of volunteers what can be sent to you.

Also, is it a good idea to go in opposite direction - make huge divisions of 25 battalions and 5 supports (at cost of having less divisions overall)? They would have combat width issues though, is it's also probably bad.

Both "big divisions" and "tiny divisions" actual combat strength better be seen in normal gameplay or multiplayer; in speedrun the 1 battalion only division's role is clearly capturing unoccupied lands, not getting into actual combat. Meanwhile the "25+5" and "1+5" divs are made for actually fighting enemy. 1 battalion division and "1+5" division are different things for different purposes.

Player2091 year ago

I have some ideas for "Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby" new categories. First is beating other opponents as fast as possible (Eyore, Lumpy, Piglet, Kanga & Roo, Rabbit, Owl); second is maxing all Pooh's stats ASAP; both would go into miscelaneous category. Segmented runs of various characters also could be made as separate categories, what would require to beat only one character and not those before him (that would be more convenient for some runners). Also, there was official clone of this game called "Cosmic Slugger" https://www.disney--games.com/cosmic_slugger_253.html https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Cosmic_Slugger#Trivia.2FGoofs , it's different enough to be worth of separate categories, but too similar to be considered a separate game, so it would go to WTPHRD category extensions (rules would be category for beating each opponent, plus category for maxing out "contact" stat; if all those misc categories are too much, then it would have categories for beating second-last and last opponents, what means Clyde and Yin).

Player2091 year ago

Turn on bases, ships (and maybe drones) on in world generation. When starting game, first, quickly convert drop pod into aircraft (optionally, also add interior turret and some armor), and then fly it to nearest pirate base. Then capture pirate base without blowing it up and without drop pod being ruined (that is, it's survival kit and battery must not be destroyed by drones - you probably may need multiple respawns to do all this, though it was known to capture it in a single go, though it required huge amounts of ammo and hydrogen tanks ). Then, use recourses found in base, materials of which base is made, and wrecks of drones, to make a functioning ship and take off. When besieging the pirate base, it is advised to turn the pod into small underground base - that way, drones won't destroy your survival kit. This strategy would allow to make a run in roughly sub 30-minutes, as long as you don't make too many mistakes, and would be much more action-packed than normal "Race to Mars". What are your opinion on this strategy?

Player2091 year ago

Normal run rules say what "Anything that you cannot do with an original and unmodified NES, brick controller and SMB1 cartridge is prohibited. Including but not limited to: Turbo L + R Savestates Altering the game speed (FPS) Using a bad ROM (missing title screen, different graphics, etc.)"

But, for those who have non-standart hardware i imagined a 3 new categories:

  1. "Non-standart controller": you can use any controller, including those what have turbo, L + R and other special properties. Console and cartridge must be normal.
  2. "Non-standart console": the same thing as above, but on top of that you can also use modified or non-standart console. Time counts in frames (in-game time), not in real-life seconds (that would prevent abuse of FPS altering). Cartridge must be normal.

This is pretty much the logical extreme of "non-standard" hardware category, as adding "any ROM hack" or "any combination of cheats" would be utterly ridiculous. However, "Non-standart controller" and "Non-standart console", after some changes and overhauls, can make pretty good category.

What do you think?

Player2091 year ago

I have an idea to use. As you know, amount of divisions what can be sent to any given country as expeditionary forces or volunteers are limited. So, if numerical amount of divisions are limited, what about making these divisions as strong as possible? Basically send tanks or some kind of heavy mechanized divisions. And if those are not available, then make huge supported infantry or mobile divisions of maximum size allowed. Yes, they are weaker than several smaller divisions for the same cost, but they are stronger than small division 1v1, and limiting factor there is division number - in other words, cramming as much forces in every division. Is this tactic worth it?

m3aneapolis les gusta esto
Player2091 year ago

Because we have more than one game based on David Cherkasskij Treasure Island 1988, we could make them into series. The series would be called either "Ostrov Sokrovishch", "Soviet Treasure Island" or "Doctor Livesey", whatever fits better. The another game is unofficial "Dr Livesey rom and death edition". "Treasure island 2005" would be listed as official game, "Rom and Death" as unofficial. If you know any other games about soviet treasure island, add them to the series.


Player2091 year ago

Because we have more than one game based on David Cherkasskij Treasure Island 1988, we could make them into series. The series would be called either "Ostrov Sokrovishch", "Soviet Treasure Island" or "Doctor Livesey", whatever fits better. The another game is official "Treasure Island 2005". "Dr Livesey rom and death edition" would be listed as unofficial game. If you know any other games about soviet treasure island, add them to the series.


Player2091 year ago

The optimal way of making record in zombie challenge mode is:

  1. Wait untill Jeb spawns, then survive untill he runs out of ammo.
  2. Use shotguns what are spawning on level. Do not shoot Jeb, or else he will respawn with full ammo; and he is too tough to kill before he opens fire. Instead shoot zombies.
  3. Carry 1 shotgun on back and another in hand, grab new shotguns as they spawn (the new one starts respawning only as the current shotgun on floor is taken), and throw old, but still loaded shotgun to ground so you can take it later.
  4. Shoot zombies before they can reach you (but to so in relatively close range, so you can one or two shot them). Throw empty shotguns and melee weapons if you want. Make sure you have ammo. Use the backup shotgun if current one is empty. Take new guns ASAP. I managed to make more then 773 kills that way.

Sorry for the fact what i don't know how to place the proof picture there. Or make the run videos.

Player2092 years ago

This new category would have goal of finding and neutralizing certain SPRT vessel - cargo ships, pirate ships, pirate bases, aggressive random encounters, pirate drones.

Vessel counts as neutralized when all it's "dangerous" blocks (like turrets, drone-spawning antennas, warheads, command blocks controlling ship and so on) is not functioning, destroyed or hacked, and therefore vessel is under player's control (at least partial and it doesn't try to harm player). Destroying "not dangerous" blocks is not required.

The main problem is: i didn't found such speedruns.

Also, player can push trade station from safe zone and grind it - but this is more of a exploit, and trade station itself isn't big of a threat.

Player2092 years ago

"Any% multiplayer": "

  • At the end of the run you must pause the game to show which server you were on.
  • You can join any server regardless of it's population.
  • Modded or custom servers are not allowed in runs.
  • You are allowed to drive vehicles or get rides.
  • You are allowed to ask for help and you can receive anything others can get.
  • You are allowed to do anything with other players.
  • No third party tools or hacks with the exception of iZurvive.
  • You are allowed to use iZurvive on the same monitor as the game.
  • You are allowed to have another person with you, this is a co-op run. Note: if your game is minimizing when tabbing out to check the map, change your video setting from fullscreen to windowed.

The timer starts when you spawn in and ends when your character is exactly where the middle of the gap is in the stone fence."

p.s. normal "any%" rules allow use of other player getting resources and giving them to you either by dropping them somewhere on map (what is indistinguishable from random player's stash) or getting killed by main speedrunner to get looted (what indistinguishable from random AFK player). Other players can act randomly, helping or harming the speedrunner, so, to be more fair and accurate, solo runs must be made on speedrunner's mini-server with only him on server ("true solo any%") and multiplayer server will not have player interaction restrictions ("multiplayer any%").

Grandmaster_E y tyshoe les gusta esto
Player2092 years ago

How about making "Any%" category? Main difference from "100%" is what you can skip cutscenes, videos, dialogues, etc.

sWinTuZ les gusta esto
Player2092 years ago

So i want to make there list of glitches useful to speedrunning (don't use them in multiplayer).

Additionally to infinite equipment glitch (send lend-lease to some nation, print 24000, then add another 2 zeros so counter will show "00" - this lend-lease will give huge amount of said equipment) and dividing air wing into groups of 1 plane each (they act better this way, and also this allows to spawn aces much faster) i found video what explains how to use simultaneously 2 incompatible techs (example: 2 different land/air/sea doctrines, concentrated AND dispersed economy, 2 special forces training programs).

Didn't find English version for now.

Player2092 years ago

Formally, if we start game with no pre-writed scripts in it's folder, but with instant-win code somewhere in non-game folder, and after game start copy code from non-game folder to game, save it, and launch it to win game.

If we take Rules-As-Written, it is "Any%" run, because "if you use scripts, must written during the game" - what is true, because instant-win code was copied from other folder during the game.

If we take Rules-As-Intended, this is obviously a "NG+", because it still uses pre-made code, even if it was written before loading it into game.

I think what this strategy deletes most of diffrences between "Any%" and "NG+", and is just RAW-paradox.

The real new category could be "Low%" (complete game with no coding at all) - but there is no active speedrunners on it, and it has same tactics as normal "Any%", but more slow, tedious and boring then normal playthrough, as it forces you to move all units manually, even if they could move by their own (example: in last mission, you will be forced to manually control both Phazer Shooter and Shielder, what makes "assault" slower).

HexTree les gusta esto
Player2092 years ago

There is game run what is not listed in leaderboard.

If we measure it in time, it will be faster then current official "Any%" WR (aka. place №0), but slower then official "100%" run (place№ 1.5).

Player2092 years ago

There is pretty much big amount of guides of "Division layouts", but little to no guides about unit layouts - especially layouts of tanks (with "No step back" DLC), as their characteristics can be very different (example - medium tanks can be "beefed up" to level of super-heavy tank). Also, old glitch what allowed to get tons of equipment (by sending exact 2400000 units lend-lease and spending it on planes and converting entire army into tank and mechanized divisions), without new glitches main characteristic is cost-efficensy.

cevrosa les gusta esto
Player2092 years ago

Maybe add world conguest category (RTA NSS and IGT). Timer stops when you conguer all map except for non-colonized lands (when you is only country remaining in world). Because if in other Paradox Grand Strategies we have WC category - then why we can't have it there?

Player2092 years ago

Where we will place run made by this speedrunner, what is probably fastest WC in-game time:

This run is not like actual speedrun, but "strategy" of how to make speedrun.

You can write another speedrunners what are not listed in leaderboard.

Player2092 years ago

How about making category where you spawn in point A and must reach point B as fast as possible. It can be done on many maps and include flying from one spot of planet to other (from equator to north/south pole), from planet/moon to other planet/moon and other variations.


Player2092 years ago

В принципе, возможность оптимизировать что-то есть, хотя таких моментов мало. Я вижу такие:

  • В 14 уровне можно пройти быстрее, если влететь в первую же ворону;
  • Уровни 7 и 11 можно пройти быстрее, если быстрее решать паззлы с холодильником и электрощитком соответственно;
  • Ну и в целом если быстрее делать действия (то есть минимизировать время, когда персонажи бездействуют), можно пройти уровни быстрее.
sWinTuZ les gusta esto
Player2092 years ago

Как насчет добавить категорию прохождения на 500% - ведь именно она является максимально возможной сложностью в игре, а не 200%.

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4 years ago
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