That's regular cube throw. Super object throw is +attack + +use (click + E) spaced by a tick. Also nice necroposting.
The point is not to forbid Glitchless runs. The thing is that Glitchless in HL2 makes no point: it has a lot of cutscenes, slow movement. If you want to do a glitchless run, then do it. Honestly, do it and prove me I am wrong and that there are cool strats you can come up with or manage to bring competition on that category. Do it!
Because it's very retarded. You can softlock in the hub by doing a super portal fling to go below the map below the death trigger so that you can't die. .done on SRL
Radio saveglitch (ask Msushox or CantEvenChess) into radio fly. Basically the goal is to push yourself with a radio during a load from a saveload sequence so that you get saveglitched. For Inbounds and Out of Bounds , the usage of Source Unpack is highly recommended. Also don't google speedrunning tutorials on YouTube or in Google (not only for Portal, in general), rely more on guides, runners and XeiZ.
Time with loads are sorted after the time without loads. Basically the sorting algorithm checks the time without loads first. Here you are comparing a run with some time in time without loads and with a run with null as time without loads. So for the algorithm, the time that is slower is the time without "time without loads" field. If you want to fix it, just remove the time without loads from the old run so when the algorithm will compare the two runs, since both runs will have null as time without loads field, it will next check the time with loads and correctly sort them.
Website-based, the average is 3 weeks. Also moderators have lives too. 2 days of waiting is nothing.
You are not supposed to change max fps while you are still connected. So developers usually do "disconnect" then change the max fps settings, then reload their map. Luckily, when you put it on a save/load, I think it disconnects you enough time so that you can change max fps.
I'ld argue that some glitchless categories contains glitches or controversial tricks that are half-considered as glitches, half as tricks. For example : Glitchless in Mirror's Edge 1, Glitchless in Portal 1 ... etc Sometimes Glitchless doesn't mean anything. Usually when you have more than 3 runners in a community, you can vote to decide which rules fit better your desires. I think "Better than Glitchless" is a stupid clickbait name. I'ld recommend something like Glitchless+ like in Another Perspective. Or more commonly rename the other glitchless in "No Major Glitches" or whatever pleases you the most.
Nice deleted message, horridhenry 👌 "It's niklass You don't even run Leo's fortune I run Leo's fortune every day I know almost everything about Leo's fortune I have 9 world records so I should be a moderator" from Horridhenry257 the 11th February 2018
"It's niklass You don't even run Leo's fortune I run Leo's fortune every day I know almost everything about Leo's fortune I have 9 world records so I should be a moderator" 🤔 "I horridhenry257 and I'm done asking to be a moderator"
speedrun_save vault will load the save "vault" instead of the first map. Then, LiveSplit will detect that it's speedrun_save is equal to vault and set up automatically
"shift+f2" it's demoui / demoui2 for console commands
As Ronster say, you can still add as a non-steam game. Steam > Library > Add game > Add Non-Steam Game > shortcut to Unpack
Nothing magic, inputs in the bottom right, just copy. It's airstrafe-based
Autosplitter LiveSplit Gamename must be "Half-Life 2" Click Activate on the Edit Splits menu
Tutorial by pero :
Obviously the second set of inputs " look slightly to the left and press right strafe and jump and no forward" must be when you land back in the next hop obviously
Have +jump bound to mousewheel Make so that whenever you land, look slightly to the right and press left strafe and jump and no forward. Then, look slightly to the left and press right strafe and jump and no forward Repeat the sequence until you have found a good rythm and a good angle of "slightly to". Once you get it once, practice until you are good
For the Legacy category, the cube throw uses a method called super cube throw. You need to have the cube and press E+left click (+use and +attack) not at the same time but offset by few ticks. Then you need to aim correctly, and there is no magic trick for it. Finally, just practice it until you can do it fine.