United KingdomNarmatonia12 hours ago

OK fine, it feels weird based on the rules most other games use, but you're right. Even if there were a way to hack the game and fake a time, what would be the point? I'll accept the run with just the screenshots, but if you are able to add a video showing the ghost in the future that would be nice, even if only because I'm curious what strategy you used 😅

speedrun: Reckless Racing
United KingdomNarmatonia1 day ago

Nice one!

United KingdomNarmatonia1 day ago

Are you talking about the ghost showing your 'All-Time Best' in Hot Lap mode? I hadn't considered that. Like you said, the ghost does show the path you took. I think ghosts would be acceptable, but not for world record times, I think it's reasonable to say that to get the world record you should have to record it as you're doing it.

As long as you can get a recording that shows the ghost for the majority of the lap, then I would accept that.

speedrun: Reckless Racing
United KingdomNarmatonia19 days ago

While I haven't extensively tested the characters, I think Bubba is good for his smaller hit-box for making tighter turns, but even that can't make up for Granny's speed in cornering and in a straight line

United KingdomNarmatonia20 days ago

Wow those were some awesome boosts, I agree it's gonna be very hard to beat

speedrun: Reckless Racing
United KingdomNarmatonia11 months ago

Retimed to 17m 11s 910ms after timing the video.

Not a bad first attempt, with more practice and using a faster character like Granny this can easily come down by a lot

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United KingdomNarmatonia1 year ago

I didn’t include delivery as it’s not time based so wouldn’t really goes with the others or make sense on

United KingdomNarmatonia1 year ago

I haven’t extensively tested it, but you can tell from the ghost if I try another character against my best Franny ghost

United KingdomNarmatonia1 year ago

She's significantly faster than most of the others and has a great turning circle. Boss at least feels close to her, but she feels better to me. I set my old times with Bubba, because I thought his small hitbox would make up for the lack of speed, but that turned out not to be true.

speedrun: Reckless Racing
United KingdomNarmatonia1 year ago

Oh that respawn strategy is interesting

United KingdomNarmatonia3 years ago

Plenty Flip Restart: There seems to be an invisible bump or something just behind the starting area in the track Plenty (see my PB), I have no idea if there could be a consistent way of doing it, but plenty of people on the iOS leaderboards seem to have found it as well, and I have gone over it without flipping once before, so maybe it's doable?

emrald y bxxm les gusta esto
United KingdomNarmatonia4 years ago

ZigZag glitch: I've only seen this work on the track 'ZigZag', but for some reason on this level if you reset while colliding with one of the barriers, instead of spawning parallel with the rail you spawn pointing diagonally left, allowing you to turn much quicker and gain 2-3 tenths. The best way of doing this is to reset normally, then drive straight into the grassy patch on the second barrier, although I've seen it trigger on most of the others. My guess is that the spawn point is too close to the yellow rails so the game gets confused and tries to move you away from the rail.

Tight-turning trick: It's possible to make a tighter turn than usual if you first tap in the opposite direction before quickly holding down the desired direction (i.e. for a tight right turn, you would briefly tap on the left side of the screen before immediately holding down on the right to turn right). This is usually faster as you spend less time in the turn and can start accelerating again sooner, as well as allowing you to beeline for the corner.

emrald les gusta esto
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