New York, USAMooMooAkai2 years ago

Goo Garment is neat but doesn't actually allow you to go any faster really. Perhaps a few niche timesaves but none that would make it worthwhile to get for a speedrun since you have to watch the whole Troupple King dance to get any armors.

Fleet Flask also has a few minor applications for going fast but it's no faster than bursting. It does see some use in 100% and NG+ though!

New York, USAMooMooAkai3 years ago

The whole point of "Any%" is literally whatever is fastest without actually like modifying the game. Save & Quit is a feature of the game so I don't see what's wrong with using it. The gameplay is "different" not "inferior". It is a little strange that the dev is a moderator, I can certainly see the conflict of interest. A dev already has power to change how a game is played and it's actually their responsibility on a mechanical level to influence that rather than the meta level. That's my two cents.

New York, USAMooMooAkai6 years ago

Removing runs that are no longer on the current most patch is fine with me. Shame as it is to lose Peanut's run but it can still be viewed in regard to Plague Knight Challenge mode. I feel like Shovel Knight should be a "current patch" run game for all categories. Anything that would provide an advantage on an older patch should be obsoleted or removed.

I'm definitely for NG+ not allowing the code that skips a mandatory map encounter for Plague. I don't think even the 100% file code should be used since that still is a cheat code and could then potentially allow some map encounters to be avoided. Everyone oughta get used to just making a 100% file. It should be fun to do that anyway right? ~_^ And this would lead to the most even playing field. IF someone by chance just wants to run NG+ we could make a save.bin for steam and keep it handy that has a 100% file of Shovel, Plague, and Specter so they can just download it and do that. Any complaints about having to do all that to do NG+ and they honestly should play a different category..

New York, USAMooMooAkai6 years ago

HeroOfTrainz, there is nothing stopping you from running the game with cheat codes. By all means go right ahead. It is fun! I've done races with other members of the community using all kinds of game altering codes. That said, this leader board is here for cheatless runs. You are welcome to continue doing so, I obviously can't prevent you from playing and I certainly wouldn't want to! I'd rather you enjoy the game however you like, but for speed runs submitted to this leader board there are only so many categories.

limga y HeroOfTrainz les gusta esto
New York, USAMooMooAkai7 years ago

Legacy V-sync also changes the game's physics up. Makes certain tricks undoable but others doable. It's really weird. So.. for the sake of this leader board, it's not allowed. However, you can still speed run shovel Knight. I wouldn't discourage doing it at all c:

New York, USAMooMooAkai7 years ago

Even if you're not allowed to use color codes to submit a time to these boards, you can still run with a color code and simply not have it verified here. I realize that partially defeats the purpose as a lot of people solely speedrun to try and adhere to this site, but speed running should be done for fun first and foremost.

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New York, USAMooMooAkai7 years ago

You can do whatever runs you want. The only time you have to follow rules is to submit them on the leaderboards here. Otherwise, it's just a video game. People speed run club penguin afterall.

DarkestPhoenyx les gusta esto
New York, USAMooMooAkai7 years ago

No reset/ no closing the game. Any order is fine. YCG logo final split. Easiest way to account for a "level" playing field for all parties interested in running this category.

Any% seems like it would be a minimum of four hours of gameplay and anyone willing to do this should have the luxury of changing up which character they start with to keep it from getting stale.

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