
I think another thing we need is some amount of a knowledge dump for known tricks and warps. You could do random things, edit a video, and pass it off as a new glitch and other people would have no idea as the game is buggy and poorly documented.

hey, it's Mmeaninglessnamee, the only mod of this game. Problem is, I don't play this game. I only play and ran Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams, someone made me a mod here years ago because there weren't any others.

What does this game need?

I mean everything. What are its actual rules? How many categories? Warps vs Warpless? I see the suggestion for ILs, but would this be world-by-world, individual stages, what? Is there a time-attack mode in-game like in Twisted Dreams?

Is it just because it would be too hard to tell if you modded the game to be faster on PC, or are there actual weird unreliable differences in the PC version?

NerdyNester les gusta esto
hilo: NightSky

In the original version of the game, there sorta was an any% category, because the credits came after Aurora's North. In the version everyone plays on, the HD version, the credits do not play until after Slightly Nonsense, which requires all 12 star doors to finish. Because there are only a couple single levels played differently for a run to only finish Aurora's North (most star doors are faster than finishing the level normally) no one cares about running a category that doesn't really exist anymore.

Hey, game mod here.

I have no useful feedback but I just wanted to say something so people know that I am still alive. I really have no opinion on how to time this game, I only play Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams but got added as a mod for this game too.

If there's a good tool for removing load times or something, switching over to that is probably the best solution, but I'd defer to the people actually playing it.

Mmeaninglessnamee#3696 - you can contact me on discord since I pay a lot more attention to that than these forums.

hilo: Evoland

Edit: Ignore this post, I thought this was about Evoland II, but this is the Evoland 1 side of the forum

Original post: Can you even use old versions of the game on Legendary Edition to do the Mines skip / Wikings skip, or do you need the standalone version for that? That would be a big problem for new runners to be even able to do any% runs.

So we just got a 1-1 IL submission from a runner with just a screenshot of the time and "Blind". For now i have approved the run.

I don't really have a problem with screenshot submissions for IL times, I don't think anyone would really care to fake a bad time. I don't really think blind runs are bad either.

However, I think it might be useful to have a minimum requirement, like you must beat the default in-game time (1:00 for 1-1 for example) to submit IL records.

Any thoughts?

M3TOXI y titineo les gusta esto

I think it might be useful to make a list of all the resources/units you are currently guaranteed to get in any play-through, to compare to later if changes to the game are made. If people want to do runs that depend on good scouting luck, I don't really care, it would be sorta boring IMO to reset more than pokemon (Hope Nintendo doesn't mind all the reroll accounts!)

You currently have 63(48+15) guaranteed orbs from story levels, and not much else for free, unless I'm forgetting something. But currently you'll get at least 2 more orbs from the app-release bonus. Time the start of your run to be just before the day rolls over and you can get 4, but unlike singleplayer games, you can't set the date yourself, you'd have to actually play in the middle of the night to get that. It's weird to try to create a standard ruleset for something that can change.

So, you start from a new file and beat through 9-5 burning resources for stamina, that part is simple enough.

However, should it be allowed to use game features that are time based for runs? If you started some days you could do a side mission to get an extra unit that might be useful for your route, other days you can't. If you manage to save enough orbs, could you scout and try to get a 5-star recruit right at the start? Or should it be locked to only the default units you receive?

I don't think I'll ever run this game, but I've been thinking about how routing it would go and wonder what people think about this.

I got a page added for it, but don't know of any other players.

I ask here because it's the same engine as KU (though some movement is different) and part of the Knytt series (a couple npcs in KU reference the events of the great work) but is pretty much ignored.

it's a nice easy run if anyone else was interested in it, or had just forgotten the game existed and wanted to play it.

hilo: NightSky

Yeah, I sorta have to agree that my mod is not a good blind race for people who haven't played the game at all, as I assume you're comfortable with mechanics like reversing off ceilings, etc. But people who have played through the game before (ideally through alternative mode as well) should be fine. No levels require speed tech (wall climbs, mash boosting) to complete, but some require a lot or precision or familiarity with things like ball balancing or vehicle physics.

So what you'd mentioned like a week ago Altabiscuit about people who had done races of it in the past should be a good target audience.

Edit: Also, apparently ZodaNOR made a NightSky discord now. Reminder to toss me an invite, Zoda :)

hilo: NightSky

Hey guys, posting this here because we don't have a good central community board (IRC messages can be easily missed, and AFAIK we don't have a discord of any sort)

So, I'm nearly finished with my NightSky full-game mod. I wanted it done by January, didn't happen. Then I said Feb. 20th, which I will also miss by a bit. It will be done in the next week or so however, and people had talked about blind racing it as an event to get the NightSky community back together.

The date of the race doesn't have anything to do with me however, I wouldn't be blind at all and have played through the game several times recently for testing, so having some easily viewable post about possible times (this post) everyone else is available is a necessity. Also, having a mumble or something for the race would be fun, if anyone would be interested in it.

This weekend or something, I'll ask around #blind and advertise my mod to maybe get more people, another reason to have a central post about the race, since NightSky was popular for races a while ago (years ago, really)

Estimated race length: 3+ hours, the main time sinks I forsee being in Factory and Nonsense. I don't have a particularly good estimate, but adding 30 minutes to your first Alternative time might be a good start.

As for a finish date, I have 3 levels left to finish, 2 of which are half-done and one that just needs major flow fixes (it's a gimmicky vehicle) plus other visual things for menus and such not directly related to gameplay. Let's go with the completion date of FEBRUARY 27, which will really be the night of the 26th, but possibly after midnight for a lot of the community. (And the 27th proper I will be at a venue with not much internet all day, so I better be much more careful with bug tests/packaging than my single-world mod a year ago)

Anyway, I hope lots of people are excited for this mod to finally be done. I'll certainly be glad to be done with it.

Tovargent les gusta esto

Okay, so the full game leaderboard is a mess. "Vanilla any%" should be first, it's the full original game. M3toxi, your Directors Cut run needs to be put in the vanilla category, you clearly didn't even watch the other run in the category. Giantluca's run is longer because it has the 7 extra levels from Owlverlord that are part of the Director's Cut edition. DC is also only available on consoles.

Any% is worlds 1, 2, and 3 - the original game

Owlverlord Any% is the 7 levels in the owlverlord expansion

Any% directors cut is world 1,2,3,and the owlverlord levels

The single-world categories are okay though. Owlverlord could probably use some sort of description like "Complete the 7 levels from the Rise of the Owlverlord expansion (I-VII)"

Also, there should also be IL times for Owlverlord levels, since Owlverlord runs are being lumped in here for full game runs.

Okay, so we need some standardization and cleanup for the page.

1: Have full-game any% be the first category shown when visiting the page. There's no reason to show ILs first.

2: I like time attack mode as a standard for runs because it removes differences in load times, plus you have exact timing for each level.

3: Director's cut is the console version, right? That should probably be indicated in the names. Something like "Any% (PC)" and "Any% Director's Cut (Console)"

4: change the single-world names to be more generic. Everyone understands what "World 2 Any%" means, but "Octor Freud Any%" is confusing.

Edit: Also, there are separate leaderboard levels listed for bosses for some reason

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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
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DLC Quest: Live Freemium or Die
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Lady Sia
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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
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Great Giana Sisters, The
Great Giana Sisters, The
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Giana Sisters 2D
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The Great Work
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