hilo: Loom
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago


so any updates for this?

I was hoping that El-Nino will also join this conversation to clarify this, but it seems he is inactive (my any% run is still pending since almost 4 weeks) Does anyone know how long he will be absenced?


hilo: Loom
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Ah okay thx,

There is also the copy protection screen on EGA (at least my version has it). It only saves a couple of seconds, but I would suggest to start the timer after the copy protection screen disapears?

hilo: Loom
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

I tried Keyboard on Expert and yes it feels better (and is faster) then using mouse.

Yea Cobb is in every difficulty thats right, I was just refering to this one special scene you only get to see on Expert (EGA) or can you see it on every diff on VGA?

I noticed also some other odd stuff in this game, but this is more like something for another topic(will post it soon). Will also rerun loom on the weekend high 25 should be possible.

hilo: Loom
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Yes I agree that there almost no differences between the difficulty levels. Only difference is the handling of your Magicstaff and that you can see Bobbins Face when Cobb gets killed (on Expert only). Both does not matter for Speedrunning.

Thanks for taking your time for this :)

hilo: Loom
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago


thx for the answer :) Oh well yes I mean VGA and EGA version, I will change this in my post (sry for any confusion)

Would be a good addition to my obersavtions if you do also some testing and playing around with the game, there could be much more to find out about it.

Maybe it really would make more sense to differentiate our categories between EGA and VGA runs, what do you think?

hilo: Loom
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Hi guys and girls,

Soon or later this toic will pop up (like now), so lets talk about it.

In general I do runs for Amiga games, so I was checking my few options to chose from and picked up Loom (last time played early 90s).

After not breaking the 30min wall, I was watching the other runs and I noticed that the content does differ (mostly dialog). So I was investigating about this and found out that there are two version of this game available and that they indeed differ from each other. Source:

Most of this does not really matter, for Speedrunning the game, but the thing is:

  1. A refresher for both versions.

EGA Standard Any% (my run)

VGA Standard Any% (firefyte)

  1. Differences: a) Load Times Well I did some changes in the settings and I could achieve nearly as fast load times as the VGA. i.E.: After lightning struck the tree (for me this does not really matter just to mention it, maybe with more optimize settings mine would be faster dunno)

b) Dialog There are three times (EGA) where you cant skip the dialog. ba) Talking to the 4 shepards bb) Talking to the woman who watches the lamb bc) Listening to the conversation between Mandibel and this swordsmith dude.

You cant skip those, because the player either learns a draft(Ninja) and (Heal) or you have to use a draft (cursing the sword). So it makes sense you cant skip them.

On VGA you can pretty soon walk away from the shepards, on the Amiga you have to listen to their stuff. I am also sure the dialog in the cabine with the lady shepard is a bit shorter on VGA. Not sure about the dialog in the castle.

c) Positioning Rusty is sleeping in different locations

d) Options I've noticed that there is an option to increase speed on VGA and reduce the Animation (For me its kinda looks faster then on EGA) On the other hand you can speed up the dialog on the EGA so the unskipable content will soon be over. Not sure if you can do this on Dos due to voicesamples.

e) Closing the rifts You only have to heal Rusty when you exploring the rifts, you dont have to talk the this glassmaker and you dont have to heal the shepards (serves them right) you can just leave and close the rift. This also makes sense: If I recall correctly there should be a Part 2 (with Rusty) a Part 3 (with lady shepard) and maybe more. So Part 2 only works when you heal Rusty, so must have. The Lady Shepard is still alive so she is fine for Part 3 and the glassmaker dies anyway. BUT: I am not sure how this works on VGA.

Conclusion: So these are my oberservations and I am not sure which version is faster. I was able to run low 26 and maybe can beat 25 wall. But there are also Dos runs mid 25 so its a close call. So what do you think different categories or all runs in the same category?

Personal Note: I just played this game as a kid and didnt like it, looked memorable but at this time to boring, Replaying it as an adult and investing some time into this I really have to say what a great game this is. Well written and crafted, unique gameplay mechanics, creative artwork, interresting lore and so on. Also it does not become a No-Brainer after some playthroughs thanks to some rng - Pen & Paper recommended.

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Hi girls and guys,

just wanted to ask if it makes sense to include the Amiga version of this game for one of the categories?

I have read here that there was already a split for the Leaderboards (Arcade and Genesis) and I am not asking for something like this, becauseI dont know if there are more then one guy to run this game on the Amiga.

But maybe I can submit a run to Arcade (or Genesis)- Categories in the future - for fun?

I am totally okay when this is for whatever reason not possible, but I had to try it :)

Btw: Here is a video of the Amiga version:


Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Wow okay it seems you put a lot of afford into this, still I am interessted how close I can catch up to you. Of course I am totaly fine with second place :D

Will check it out soon.

Wogen les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Dont worry I am pretty sure I will challenge you in Lotus 3 in the next time ;) (is it also possible there to play single stages like in this one?)

You have to see it this way: The Number of active Players of the Lotus Series has increased by 100% in the last days :)

I will try to create a small Guide (like I did for the Settlers) as well as hand in some more Runs in the next weeks, so maybe this can get us some extra attention, lets see.

Can we (not instant) change the names (and the order) of the single stages?

  1. Forrest Course (No PW)
  2. Night Course (Twilight)
  3. Mist Course (Pea Soup)
  4. Snow Course (The Skids)
  5. Desert Course (Peaches)
  6. City Course (Liverpool)
  7. Marsh Course (Bagley)
  8. Storm Course (E Bow)


Wogen les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Awesome thx

Alright did the adjustment andsubmitted my Stage 01 run again.

The game itself was not unknown back then, lets hope more people will jump on board.

So Lets get ready for racing ! :)

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago


yes thats a good idea, I was not sure if you have the possiblity to set it up like this.

So if I submit a run, should I select the time left on the counter so my time in the recent two runs would be: Stage 01 = 00:00:15s Stage 02 = 00:00:10s

Thanks mate

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Alright, then we use ingame time only, I am totally okay with that. My first attempt (with many flaws) will soon be uploaded :)

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

We should start with best time as category.

There is an ingame timer which is basically a countdown timer. If this reaches 0 you are game over. By driving through Checkpoints you get time added to the countdown. If you end your race mit 15 secs on the timer you drove faster then if its displaying 9secs. (maybe stopping time via livesplit would also be a valid option)

I will upload my video with ingame timer and livespilt so you can see by yourself.

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Cool, thanks mate.

Btw: Stage 01 is missing ;) It has no password thats why it is missing in my list. The offical name is "Forrest Course"

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago


thanks for the answer.

Every Stage is accessable via a password, so it easy to pick a single stage.

Night = TWILIGHT Snow = THE SKIDS Moto r= LIVERPOOL Storm = E BOW Fog = PEA SOUP Desert = PEACHES Marsh = BAGLEY

Maybe we can figure out a solution for this - lets try to kick off the game a bit

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago


I am wondering if it is possile to submit runs for only single stages? (I have checked the Lotus 3 run and there is only full race as category available or I missed something)

I think it would be a nice addition to this game with this new category. There also would be content for that, because yesterday I recorded a run for stage 01 - so there would be a starting point for my suggestion.


Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Hi Eino,

thanks for the like and the respond to my guide.

Well about the repeating information, the thing is I was thinking that the maps should be understandable as single images - who knows where those images will end in the future.

  • So I will keep the ResourceLabel and the Label about the AI/Player

But I totally agree with the Free Castle Palcement Labels, I have insert them yesterday but also dont like them and they are not really necessary. I will delete them today and clean up the Maps a bit. Same for the Label underneath the maps. (Update: Both are gone now)

I am not sure if the faces of the AI would be better then the dots, because they might have to be really big to properly beeing displayed (I will test this), but good Idea.

About the colors, yes thats right, the green was not my first choice but I sticked to it - can try out to find a better solution. (Update: Changed it to orange)

Just another Question: What kind of formatting options do I have for the Guide to make bigger Font, Headers, center, and so on - Am I missing something?

steppehaan les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Hi all,

I have created a guide for this game.

At the moment the guide contains the following content:

  • Basic information about the KI.
  • Maps for different Levels
  • Levelcodes
  • Startposition

I am planning to add in the near (far) future to:

  • Explain some basic gamesettings and options. (These toke me quite some time to understand via the offical manual.)
  • Add more Maps

If anybody want to add or change something for the guide every suggestion is welcome.

steppehaan, 23Banzaj, y Eino les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Again thanks for the nice comments you guys.

Alright I have moved my old post to the guide section:

Now its easier to add more different stuff so any suggestions are welcome :)

So if anybody is looking here for what the Thread title promises, click on the link.

Eino y steppehaan les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast6 years ago

Thanks guys,

alright I have updated my last Post. With my actual Pace this project will be finished in 15 weeks or so :)

If this is growing bigger we can make it a sticky. Lets see.

steppehaan les gusta esto
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