It's submitted to LiveSplit, so you can just activated it in there soon. Until then you can get it HERE
It also has a Load Remover, though considering the Leaderboard has been run without that changing it makes no sense now. I tried to figure out how to get the actual Level Timer, but couldn't figure out how the game calculates that.
I only tested it with the Current Patch on Steam with DLC, so feel free to tell me any issues that arrive. Considering there is no discord, feel free to DM me on or reply to this forum thread! I'll try to keep up with stuff reported and see to get things fixed!
(More a documentation of that this is a thing)
In the Section with the Platforms moving around some boxes, Staying on the last set of boxes as they go into through the Doorway, I got teleported far to the right, were I was basically just before the Climb for to the Level End Cutscene. Still inside a Wall, but I was able to clip out by going up.
Only thing strange I noticed about the time this happened was that there was a 2nd Platform, but without the boxes flying on that path just ahead of the one with boxes.
I sadly wasn't recording at that time, just practicing some Levels in general.
Trying to reproduce it, generally either has me clip up on top or hit a Warp back to in front of the door.
I stood on the boxes like I did in this Image:!Auurp6qqdF68jfdL9EYfqt7UFOPkNg?e=EZ2EBY
While Testing around a bit I encountered a bug, where, when entering the Purple Crystal / Slate Room, the Purple Crystal would destroy itself, the Cutscene Play out and you'd go to the Slate Reachable version on Entry.
In the next playthrough the same happened, though this time, the Red (Cat) Crystal also was already gone.
Confused I searched for the why today and came to the conclusion that it has to do with the save I had loaded beforehand: Some things are seemingly not cleared out when starting a new Game. This includes the Purple and Red Crystals, but also some of the Coins floating around. (I didn't specifically test the red one, I assume though it's for the same reason)
One could prepare a Save, that has the Purple Crystal Destroyed and the Red Crystal not yet touched, to load before a run, and save maybe 15 seconds of walking up to the Purple Crystal and Destroying it.
Question: How would the rulings be for this Glitch?
The Devs will likely pursue fixing the Glitch if the cause is known, as it can prevent progress with the Red Crystal despawning, which would end up in either a Leaderboard Split or the need to downgrade the Game to play at highest Level. I also didn't test everything possible, so there might be further applications that do stuff that I just haven't checked... Though I don't think there is much of significance to be further found.