FranceLoloiiiiiou2 months ago

imo these events could be under for exemple DBZ timeline, or DBS and DBGT timelines with sub divisions to fit the event in question, but couldn't really have descriptions like "Saiyan Saga", there's multiple events like these in these divisions that are from the same sagas (Namek and Android sagas have many for exemple, ToP too. It could be for exemple DBZ-> Saiyan Saga -> A New Threat or something like that. A Saiyan saga category would be unstable, it would need all saiyan saga events, but we never know if other ones would be added in the game

FranceLoloiiiiiou2 months ago

Some runs have times that ends with milliseconds like .xx5 when the IGT can only end with 5xx, for exemple the last Fighting Legends Goku runs

FranceLoloiiiiiou3 months ago

And please watch the runs, it's no surprise to see runs timed incorrectly when they are verified without watching them (the last verified runs for exemple)

FranceLoloiiiiiou4 months ago

I found some discrepancies in the timings of IL's and some runs aren't timed correctly : i think the timing method should just be from the moment you press start to begin the level (when already in the loading screen) until the enhd of the level without cutting the cutscenes times. And for multiple parts levels (Lady Killer for exemple), maybe just removing the intermediate loading screen times (before pressing start again, to be sure to make it fair to the PS3 runs.)

I think LRT should be for multiple parts levels only

FranceLoloiiiiiou4 months ago

Title says it all, i tried to cut Freddy's head on course 2, but he doesn't seem to be willing to have his head above the office like he should, is it only possible on course 3 ?

FranceLoloiiiiiou4 months ago

Wait you can play experiments on coop ?

FranceLoloiiiiiou4 months ago

I would lose all my sanity with the last experiments, but that's a good idea

Shredmachine y FlorusQuest les gusta esto
FranceLoloiiiiiou6 months ago

I think it's a good idea, but picking up another weapon could happen accidentaly, maybe it would be ok, but just not using it would be fine

R3dField les gusta esto
FranceLoloiiiiiou7 months ago

Hello, i wanted to ask if we could have leaderboards with the difficulty specified (like TUC), and handgun% added to single stories leaderbaords ? I think it could bring some new runs by people who want some difficulty in their runs. In case it would be difficult to see what difficulty players are running for past runs, we could theoricaly deduct it by seeing what amount of damage they take

FranceLoloiiiiiou9 months ago

Hello, i noticed there's some misspellings both in English and French (in the run's rules for exemple). Also, maybe some level runs should have some clarifications in their names, especially when there is no existing runs for these levels, it can be hard to know wich level in wich event we are supposed to run (for exemple, "Cell LR" is too vague, adding the level's name could help), that's why i submitted many runs before realising they were for the wrong levels (sorry about that by the way)

Maybe i could help with the mispellings (both in french and english) if you want, or even the leaderboards if it takes too much time (and if you think it's necessary, of course)​

Helloitsme les gusta esto
FranceLoloiiiiiou1 year ago

Would it be possible to add the remaining characters for the galaxy mode ?

Acerca de Loloiiiiiou
1 year ago
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