New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries3 months ago

Mr. Meta asked me to run the game. You could probably get sub 20 if you don't get stuck as much as I did and you hit all of the zombies on the first shot.

New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 months ago

Hey, so for the speedrun you have to downpatch to a previous version of the game as they had patched out the childhood chapter skip. specifically the patch from at least before August. The safest bet would be the last 2017 patch.

If you need help downpatching you can look it up or I can make a quick guide for you!

P0UKi les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries1 year ago

I meant like it's own separate category different from Any% as you start with all of the skills unlocked and whatnot.

Kingman0556, Hunterwind, y ARMOUR82 les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries1 year ago

Was just wondering if there was going to be a NG+ category based on them adding it into the game in January

Hunterwind les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries1 year ago

hey im in this

YUMmy_Bacon5 y Meta les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries1 year ago

no you dont. On the discord they show how to delete them.

Symystery les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries2 years ago

I recently was talking to John Williamson, he produced the game and was trying to get the game to work without the CD so I made a No CD patch here: If you could add it to the games resources it'd be ight.

New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries2 years ago

One of the major aspects of moderating any gameboard is being the consensus of the runners. Additionally looking through the discord there was no in-the public vote allowing for the runners to voice their opinions, and the excuse of "top runners made the decision" is also elitist and not taking every runner into account. Additionally there is no runner roles and the server is bear boned meaning the vote, that didn't happen, couldn't of happened with runners notice.

This game is sub 2 hours for most categories, these are typically lengths of runs. If the mod team cannot keep up with a 21 day limitation then search for more verifiers/moderators. If you can't find any that means the game isn't active enough to even warrant a change for this. It's ridiculous to even fathom the solution to seemingly a non-existent problem is to just outright ban intro level runs. Games like outlast, sm64, and countless others add and replace verifiers actively to keep up with submissions.

There are other boards that get 1000s of runs a week submitted and still verify 500+ place runs. Keep in mind you rejected a run that's +30 minutes from wr, and was currently wr for it's time. Which for a board like sm64 +30 minutes is 300/500th place. If they implemented a rule like this it'd nearly half their entire leaderboard.

Ecgtheow, Xindictive y 4 otros les gusta esto
hilo: MADiSON
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries2 years ago

Link is dead btw

les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries2 years ago

Compared to the normal route this saves ~4 seconds, I felt that running up the stairs backward would make the lineup easier.

Because I don't really want to make an SRC threat every time I found something new I added a Series of Unfortunate Events in one of the discord servers I have for pretty much games a few people have interest in to limit a million servers I'm in when I want to run games with less than 5 runners lol. So I might post things in there:

HotCoffee y TurduckenMan les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries2 years ago

So I decided to debug the game as I remembered it runs on UE2. You can open the original UE2 console by doing these steps

Within the game's files go to System/Default.ini and open the file. Scroll down until you see "Paths=C:\Users\pcname" Follow the path (ignore the *.usa), go outside of the Save folder so you see game.ini and User.ini, and open the User.ini folder.

Bind any of the buttons to showlog, Additionally, this is where you can bind a controller to work with the game. Save and close the file.

Open the game and spam press the key you binded to showlog. A very powerful command you can use is the open command which lets you open any of the map files. (Go to your maps folder to view the names as they're pretty straightforward to know which is which.)

Make sure you're game is not fullscreen

Additionally, do not edit the file in game/system as you'll kill your game from launching.

HotCoffee, TurduckenMan, y Qurin les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries2 years ago

One of the biggest things for a console is a capture card, one of the main streamline ones is Elgato which usually goes for (USD) $100-150 depending on where you get them. However, there are alternatives that are cheaper.

I'd suggest watching this video:

New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries2 years ago

My apologies, you are correct. IDK why I thought every runner was running with the load remover (I'm braindead my bad.) I'll adjust their times to match the correct method of timing, additionally, I'll be posting a news post on how to use the load remover for the game.

New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries3 years ago

hey good job!

Sidious_159 y addsm8 les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries3 years ago

Highly illegal to do so on Sr.C

Zomb_Slays les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries3 years ago

I’d like to throw my hat in the mix to try to follow what @1 said where they wanted someone who didn’t sound like a bot to respond to the entire thing. I’d like to open by saying thank you for starters to @Camcorder for genuinely giving a response to a topic that has given some rise in the community, (as many new features and additions to the site always does,) and not just sweeping it under the rug. We have seen previously from past owners of SRC that they genuinely couldn’t care about feedback.

Firstly, the problem that I see is people see this as a paid promotion that no other game dev can actually achieve. I’m not going to mention names or people, but this was lead by people at Elo for a specific reason and at the end of the day, no matter what anyone says, this is an ad for the game, no matter what, paid or not. You can make the excuse it is to promote a game that wants to coincide with speedrunners, but there is plenty of example of games succeeding without the need to reach out to SR.C to gain traction, (Katana Zero, celeste both being good examples of this.)

Secondly, there are no resources for other devs to achieve the same goal Severed Steel has reached. Who wouldn’t want the devs of games to want their game promoted on a speedrunning site where there is plenty of people to sell copies to? Speedrunning started as a market tactic and many new developers are using this tactic to sell copies(if you don’t know speedrunning has a wiki that explains this and how it was originally a marketing ploy.) Why is SS special compared to other indie developers? I personally have no grievances with the feature as who really even goes look at the game tab on SR.C, but the problem is this game, in particular, is the one that stands out even after the article being written about it months ago (which no matter what is still an unpaid advertisement, you’re still promoting the game even if it’s to showcase it,) because of this people are seeing two stars aligning and believing that this entire time SR.C/Elo had this already in the bag as a marketing tactic.

Thirdly, Which is my biggest problem with the entire situation. Why have we not received any updates about the site’s development cycle? We have yet to actually receive a full-on road map for what is to come, we’ve had minimum examples of what’s to come and are promised things that we don’t even know will do. I am very glad that @Camcorder at least had mentioned next week we will receive the mod tools. However, like previously stated, why is it only now we receive it once SR.C gets a slap on the wrist over a promotion that they tried to sweep under the rug without even mentioning the feature in an article. They have written multiple articles for previously released features (even if they were god awful.) The seclusion of this feature from the public really shows the overlying truth of the matter at hand. The same thing when they added all the ads in the first place, no mention or notice of it in the public. I fully can understand, SR.C costs money to run, mention that to us, and people will understand more than getting ads shoved down our throats. Comparing SR.C to other sites, there is at least a public road map that is frequently getting updated and mentioned. Some other sites even add it to the front page for all to see “what’s to come” without having to search for it. Many times, even when PAC owned the site, everyone was left in the dark and basically had to cope when a feature that nobody knew or wanted was released. I highly suggest Elo takes this into account and gives a PROPER road map with actual updates on what’s being made and developed. The last instance I found was when they originally purchased the site a year ago, but I may be incorrect as they post everything in uninteresting UPDATE articles that I’m sure fellow speedrunners are uninterested in reading as well.

Finally, I would like to have my fellow speedrunners know that when you don’t like a feature, you don’t shit on the mods of the game for something they can’t control, don’t shit on the helpers of the site, you don’t troll the board, and you obviously don’t be a dick to anyone, because when you do this you’re just making yourself seem like all you want is attention and no real change. Additionally, being rude to people who are giving you genuine answers is a quick way to get banned, which if you don’t care about being banned then you genuinely shouldn’t care about the resources and other features added to the site. If you want to act like you don’t want to be on SR.C then please don’t because all you’re doing is adding toxicity in a sensitive situation. We ALL know what happened when PAC pushed the new layout changes to SR.C and how everyone got riled up and treated the site like it was shit and didn’t deserve their time. When you do this you’re not really showing genuine care, there is a massive difference between dislike a feature and asking for changes then being an asshole to people you don’t know, all you’re doing is showing that you’re a toxic person. So I’d like to also give a formal apology to @Mortar as he obviously isn’t a part of the transactions that take place between Elo and the sole dev of SS, and he shouldn’t have to deal with troll runs on the board or getting hate comments towards him.

Thank y’all for reading through this and I really do want to hear other people’s proper feedback as that’s what this should be about, not anything besides a feature the community doesn’t like and would like to see changes about.

nupali, Merl_ y 3 otros les gusta esto
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries3 years ago

closed for spam, grow up.

SlappySmith les gusta esto
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I maka da ASLs
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