speedrun: Granny: Recaptured
speedrun: Granny: Recaptured
it's not hard to beat, but I don't want to speedrun yet, it's getting boring somehow
Ghep les gusta esto
speedrun: Granny: Recaptured
hilo: Granny
hilo: Granny
if you want to play version 1.0 on a different route and without bugs, then play LGC remake, like me, only this is on PC )
speedrun: Granny v1.8 LGC Remake
And my life not damn, not saying sht pls
speedrun: Granny v1.8 LGC Remake
Well, if for you 10 minutes of time is your whole life, then I feel sorry for you
Ghep les gusta esto
speedrun: Granny v1.8 LGC Remake
speedrun: Granny v1.8 LGC Remake
speedrun: Granny Multiplayer (Mod)
speedrun: Granny v1.8 LGC Remake
hilo: Granny 3 (PC)
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Acerca de KreKys_Games
Please don’t lose me, I took a break from speedrunning for half a year 🫣 I’ll be back when there’s interest
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