I brought this up a couple years ago with the mods. In my eyes, emulator runners are able to gain an ever more important advantage by resetting using their controllers, which is, of course, impossible to do on an original console/controller setup under the current ruleset. My solution to close the gap was to allow savestating to the Mario/Duck Hunt, so runners could reasonably play on a flashcart and maintain the reset speed possible on emulator.
Obviously, the speed at which you can reset on a console is very dependent on your setup. In Carbo's record, his setup allowed him to grab the axe in 8-4 with a finger free to reset the console as he finished the game. However, I believe this is still a massive inconvenience to console runners being that it may be unreasonable with certain setups.
On top of that, unlike emulators, console reset times can vary. This is a result primarily of how long the reset button is held. Though it is controllable, it does add an extra obstacle unique to console runners
With all of that being said, removing reset times could be problematic if not done correctly. For instance, if we decide to remove the time from the axe grab of the previous run to the frame 400 appears in 1-1 (making the total run time a sum of the any% times), it adds the possibility of starting with a timer offset, which to me defeats the purpose of the category. After all, the 11x category was created in the first place to show the maximum number of times the game can be completed real-time in an hour.
I don't think removing reset times is a bad decision, but it has to be done in a way where both console and emulator are on a level playing field. If such a decision is made, it should be done to remove only the time from after the axe is grabbed to the frame the title screen appears, ensuring we are only eliminating the reset as a variable in runs.
you can do runs of aisson on your own if you want. you could also make a spreadsheet tracking the tops times of the category. having what is effectively a category extension on the mainboards of a game is nonsensical.
in pellsson rom, under "R" in the top right corner, a number is displayed at the end of a level that refers to the number of frames left until the next framerule. it loops from 0-20, with 0 being one frame away from losing another and 20 being one frame from saving another framerule.
Posting roms is bad.
Floating IPS works fine for patching both BPS and IPS files to NES games.
I'd avoid using adapters to go from composite to HDMI if possible. I've seen a few setups with similar solutions that don't look great. If you can afford it, your best option is to pick up a GV-USB2 and splitters for composite capture and an Elgato or Avermedia card for HDMI stuff. Keep in mind that I'm not super educated on this stuff, so it might be worth asking around.
We can't. The game was not officially released on the NES Classic. Feel free to submit runs on NES Classic, but please disclose that in the description to account for differences in framerate.
What times would the matches be? The Peercast tournament is also happening on the 12th.