BelgiumJat018 months ago

run starts at 1:21

Jozzep les gusta esto
BelgiumJat018 months ago

yes you're right, IGT stops at the last frame the timer is visible

BelgiumJat019 months ago

Ghost: 60-31.3=28.7s Clio: 2m10s9

Total: 2m 39s 600ms

BelgiumJat019 months ago

run starts at 2:04

BelgiumJat019 months ago
Este comentario ha sido eliminado
BelgiumJat014 years ago

If the run for achievements is the same rule as for the official levels run of GD and you NEED to start on Stereo Madness and you can go in ANY order after, well, for the 25-achievements any% speedrun you should probably do it like this:

  1. Destroy an icon.
  2. Click on the more games button.
  3. Click on the chests, click on "Free Stuff", click on his YouTube.
  4. Click on his Twitter.
  5. Click on his Facebook
  6. Create a level with only 1 object, verify it and then upload it.
  7. Like a level.
  8. Rate the same level.
  9. Complete Stereo Madness in normal mode.
  10. Complete Back on Track in practice mode.
  11. Complete Back on Track in normal mode.
  12. Complete Dry Out in practice mode.
  13. Complete Dry Out in normal mode.
  14. Complete Base after Base in practice mode.
  15. Complete Base after Base in normal mode.
  16. Complete Cycles in practice mode.
  17. Complete Cycles in normal mode.
  18. Complete xStep in practice mode.
  19. Complete xStep in normal mode.
  20. Complete Theory of Everything in practice mode.
  21. Complete Theory of Everything in normal mode.
  22. Complete Electrodynamix in practice mode.
  23. Complete Electrodynamix in normal mode.
  24. Complete Fingerdash in practice mode.
  25. Complete Fingerdash in normal mode. Or you could do normal mode then practice mode. (By the way, these are the shortest official levels.)
Keymaster0999 les gusta esto
BelgiumJat014 years ago

Oh yeah, I just saw one of it but it's definitively very long. Do you know what is the wr of it?

BelgiumJat014 years ago

Ok I'll check that, thanks for letting me know though

BelgiumJat014 years ago

Well maybe for the Basement%-get 200 diamonds and enter the basement run, you'll need to find 200 diamonds, obviously, but I'm wondering what steps can you do for getting 200 diamonds.

We can use chests, let's say they reward around 4, A.K.A extreme luck to get this, diamond each time you open them, for the wooden chest, and for the gold chest let's says around 10 diamonds, also extreme luck. So this gives us 14 diamonds in total from only chests. Then we have daily levels and now, let's say that the daily level is rated insane, this rewards us with 10 diamonds and 3 for clearing the daily level is a total of 27 diamonds. Now weekly demons, let's say the level is a hard demon which gives us, 12 diamonds upon completing and 20 diamonds by clearing it which gives us in total 59 diamonds. Then we have quests, we have collected 18/19 stars, more than 100 orbs and let's pretend we have collected 6 silver coins, and let's also pretend that the 3 quests are tier 3 (which rewards us the most diamonds) and we collect all of the diamonds we have in the 3 quests we will get 74 diamonds which means that it's still possible to get 200 diamonds and make a speedrun out of it but it will take quite a long time to do and it's kind of a luck run but it's still a good idea.

BelgiumJat014 years ago

And if you ask me to do a run I'll surely accept to do it

And here are some questions I know I will get:

  1. How do we get achievements that we already have gotten in the past?

    1. Use an emulator and reset the run every time (doesn't take long to do)
    2. Reset the game entirely (takes more time to do)
  2. What about the slowness of the device you are running?

    1. The moderators already said that it's the fault of the device you're running (which I kind of disagree with but we're obligated to use that system).
  3. Do we need to stop the time when we exit the game?

    1. No, it needs to continue running as maybe it will make it more difficult to correctly time.

I'm already answering these questions because if people think this is a good idea and they ask questions about it they'll already know some information and I won't need to answer the same questions over and over.

Multilanguge_Gamer les gusta esto
BelgiumJat014 years ago

So I've been thinking of maybe of an extension to the categories right now. This is idea is, achievements speedrun, for example: 5-achievements Any% Speedrun 10-achievements Any% Speedrun 25-achievements Any% Speedrun 50-achievements Any% Speedrun 100-achievements Any% Speedrun ((150-achievements Any% Speedrun)) And maybe a 200-achievements Any% Speedrun could be theoretically possible as the shards, diamonds, get 50 likes on a level, get 100 likes on a level, get a level rated, get 1 friend and get 10 friends are not accounted but if someone were going to do it, it would take a while but it's still theoretically possible A.K.A The 150-achievements Any% is just a consideration (By the way, this just an idea)

Shredder y GMDoliver les gusta esto
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