Maryland, USAFusion773 months ago

Mmm didn't expect anything less from you

Good shit mate^^

Maryland, USAFusion773 months ago

Might redo this run on a later version eventually.

Edit: I redid it

Maryland, USAFusion773 months ago

Fitting how the one who beat the sub-2 barrier is the person who toppled the sub-1'50 barrier.

You pushed through with cream too lol, that's awesome^^

Maryland, USAFusion773 months ago

The chao meta is too strong...

In retrospect I should've found a way to go for the triangle dash near the 2nd ring box but I really didn't want to deal with stairs physics lmao

Regardless, nice run^^

Maryland, USAFusion773 months ago

Not only did you outplay me in kart, but you're also killing my runs in RR. How can I ever recover from this?

Clean run lmao

Maryland, USAFusion773 months ago

Very clean execution. Well done^^

Maryland, USAFusion773 months ago

This one is oooold

I gotta get back to this one eventually

Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

I thought about utilizing that boost in the middle, but I just felt that it wouldn't be optimal for some reason

Great linework and execution though

MistFlygon les gusta esto
Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

How you can get 200% on the second tripwire consistently is beyond me, but excellent work

Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

Slip back where? Over at the springs?

Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

Huh neat-

The tripwire cut does seem to be slower due to those air ring things. It still might be optimal to go for the sliptide just for that lil boost that it provides once it subsides.

Regardless, nice discovery^^

Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

Yeah there's always a hidden spring set every now and then lol

Your run still holds up well though, despite not using the springs^^

Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

I knew my hydro city would have been taken over eventually, but never in a million years would I expect a 7 second improvement

I thought that yellow spring was useless initially, but here you are proving me absolutely wrong-

I do plan on taking this down eventually, perhaps in a week or two. But for now, you definitely deserve to hold this record^^

Arcadere les gusta esto
Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

Best of luck Arcadere^^

Arcadere les gusta esto
Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

Sheesh what a time save-

Looks like I really did not understand the ring mechanics when I first started, I did not think a sub 1'20 here was possible initially

Great work

CH-3.rry les gusta esto
Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

Great run

I personally wouldn't touch this map with a 12 foot pole just yet but you killed it

Keep up the good work

zefizzypop les gusta esto
Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

You and goldenfaf really pushed this map to its limit

The two of you are crazy good^^

RiverTama les gusta esto
Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

I'm confident that you could break past 2'18 with a few tweaks here and there

Nice run with Cream regardless^^

RiverTama les gusta esto
Maryland, USAFusion774 months ago

You certainly did this map justice

Well played

Acerca de Fusion77
4 months ago
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