I think so, it would be good to know when this changed or the version where it changed tho so I add it into the rules and say that "only this version" or something like that, but it is not urgent rn. Archiving the run could also work, but for now I think I'll let the run as pending until I decide what to do.
You won't believe, but I found up to 5 variations of "level 2" of CCSS lol.
Here it is the link of a playlist I made with all I've found: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9blqlauQiBfgOHUzsV-rkL_7tPu01RXj&si=53C9ygxKeqw4E5-u
I can identify the oldest one (the bigger square with that black things, I even think I have played this version in Facebook) with at least two variations about candy position. Then the vertical rectangle version, at bit newer. And then our versions of level 2, divided into everyone's version and hootsuit version, that could be a bit older but newer than the rectangle version.
What should I do? Make a category for each variation? Or just use the actual version until a runner uploads runs from previous versions?
hootsuit sayed that he/she/they redowloaded the game and got the everyone's version. Maybe it is an old or regional version? I don't know, but I'll search gameplays on YouTube to see if some of them have the hootsuit's version to have a clue.
I already move the run to pending runs and I'll ask the runner about it via dm, if I get any news I'll notify you.
I'll take a look, thank you.
If you have idea to improve aspects of this community or you want to suggest new categories, here it is the place to do it.
Nevermind, I see that you chose Android in the previous ones, is it Android right?
Retimed to 13:01
Good job but I have two questions:
- In platform you choose PC, but from what I could see you are playing on a mobile phone, can I know if it is Android or iOS so I can categorize it correctly?
- You did all 30 levels all at once or you did different runs to each one of the three videos?
I don't know if you can answer me here, if you can't comment here you could answer me via dm. Thank you!
Retimed to 1:50. Nice job! You could also upload a run for each level you did if you want ;)
Couldn't you divide the runs into patched and no patched?
This run should be moved if they separate the spacebar runs