I think you will be referring to running portal (still alive edition) full game. Submit this to the normal portal leaderboards; this leaderboard is for the bonus maps
Portal Placement never fail: sv_portal_placement_never_fail 1 the player has a bind(s) to toggle ppnf on and off two subcatagories are inbounds no SLA and glitchless, as their routes will be unique This is enjoyable to run and has interesting routing possibilities
My no SLA run (livesplit recorded wrong) 12:48.48 :
Cosine's Glitchless run 17:10.06 :
Sub 15 will never happen. It's literally impossible. A lie, a myth, a farce propogated by the government to mislead the ignorant. Anyone who thinks it's possible is stupid and should feel ashamed, and can wallow in their own lack of intelligence. This is an irreversible fact of speedrunning and simply cannot be challenged. Go cry about it, nerds.