SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Other upcoming categories will be added to the Category Extentions.



SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Game has only been out for a few days and alot has already been found. Before the boards will be open for submissions we have to talk about the knife and subcategories.

We've already planned to seperate the boards between OoB and No OoB. But now when we have the High FPS Knife it becomes tricky.

First thing, the name of the seperation cant be named "OoB and No OoB" anymore so best name for it would be "Glitched and Glitchless".

You could add yet another subcategory which will both look like a mess and it will also create more categories: OoB & No High FPS Knife which probably will be the least popular category on the board and even more categories for console which barely makes a difference.

Personally I consider the High FPS Knife to be a glitch. I cant possibly imagine that the developers intended for the knife the be like the 2nd most powerful weapon in the game.

What do you guys think?

Should High FPS Knife be accepted across the PC board or should we have a category for "No OoB + No High FPS Knife"?

bearlol les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll7 years ago


This weekend and me and steven are going to do some changes to the full-game leaderboard.

RE2 currently has 128 leaderboards in total were 30-40 of them are completly empty because of Hard Mode only existing on 2 versions. Platforms will be setup as Main Categoty tabs and Scenarios will have its own Subcategory. Like this: https://i.gyazo.com/4d51a82afe079fa69e5d3939a9a61c4c.png

The PSN Category is back but it will include an extra subcategory to seperate PS3 and PSP: https://i.gyazo.com/3ebd3213ecc262bdef59e2064bf83285.png

PS Emu and GC Emu will be under Miscellaneous tab.

Note that any runs that are submitted this weekend will take longer to approve and they might even be rejected. In that case just wait until the board is finished and submit the run again.

Tanky, Roo, y mastermiller89 les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll8 years ago

So I was fooling around with Cheat Engine to learn how to find pointers and I ended up making a autosplitter for this game.

Download: https://mega.nz/#!HAUyBQ4Q!63I6FsKkC-y1VA_vvV4hujZelwjnjnEk6sRkxaSrD0g

Just add "Scriptable Auto Splitter" to your LiveSplit Layout and then attach the file. LiveSplit will automaticly start when you start Round 1, reset when you reset trough the options in the game and it will stop when you finish the last round (it is set to split when reciving cash which happens faster in the games memory).

A mod could add this download to Resources.

SwedenDarazanjoll8 years ago

Me and StevenMayte are back to change the boards for the better.

This time we want to add subcategories for the different platforms. This makes it much easier to see what platforms there are, which platform that is selected and best of all you will have the correct rank on your profile on speedrun.com.

The platforms we want to implement are: PC, GC, PS, PSN, DC and N64.

With these platforms also comes another change that I think is for the best. PS and PSN.

PS: I dont see a good reason for having 3 different boards for 3 consoles (PS1-3) for the same game (RE2 Playstation disk). This change has already been done before with the GC and Wii consoles sharing the same board for the GC disk. The boards should be devided by the version of the game and not the consoles.

PSN: This version is digital and downloadable from the PSN store for PS3 and PSP. I think that the digital version should be seperetad from the disk version (which they kind of already are except for "PS3 Emulator"). So PS3 and PSP should share the same board cause they run the same version just like the consoles for PS disk version.

Runs will have to be deleted and readded, Me and StevenMayte will do this, just like when we changed the entire board from Level Leaderboard to Full-game Leaderboard. Nothing will be changed until Thursday.

Examples: https://s13.postimg.org/yie3j7ozb/GC_Leon_A.png



Let us know what you think.

Pyman, Bawkbasoup y 4 otros les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll8 years ago

So I guess most of you have now heard about the new Cutscene skip mod for SourceNext 1.0. It's just a patcher you download to modify/patch your regular bio2.exe file so you will get the ability to speed up the cutscenes in the game with the map key. IGT speeds up with it so there doesnt seem to be any difference in time. So far I've only done 1 test at the Kendo cutscene.

Last couple of days I've been running the game with splits for every single door in the game to find out how low the SoB can go (currently at 48:45.02 for Leon A). So I will run the game tomorrow with the mod and see if I can get any new gold splits with it.

There are a few places in the game where the testings would be perfect to do. Take the Anette shot for example. You can have the first camera angle in the cutscene to start the timer and then the last camera angle to stop the timer. Then do 1 test without the mod and one with the mod.

If it turns out that the mod doesnt make any difference to IGT then I cant see any valid reason to reject it.

Youtube (link in description):


SwedenDarazanjoll9 years ago

This tread is NOT made for adding a 100% category.

Ok, I've been wondering what 100% would require in Resident Evil 2 if it existed. Picking up All Notes (including Rebecca's photo dudsLmao ), All weapons and upgrades, register fingerprint in lab.

These are a few things that I would consider 100%. Since RE2 only has 1 ending for each scenario 100% kinda becomes irrelevant and would be considered as a meme category.

Lets play with the thought that we were forced to come up with a 100% then what requirements would you pick?


SwedenDarazanjoll9 years ago


Me and StevenMayte have been thinking about the layout of the leaderboards for awhile now and we would like to know everybody's inputs.

Right now all the categories for RE2 falls under the "Individual Level" style which looks frankly like a total mess.

PC, PlayStation (PS1/PS2/PS3), PlayStation (PSP/Vita/Emu), GameCube, N64, Dreamcast, GCN Emulator, these could all just be changed to Leon A, Leon B, Claire A, Claire B and then actually use the platform varible that already exists today (which doesn't serve a high purpose since the Playstation categories is the only ones we might use them for) to change the versions.

Changing it from IL to Full Game will however remove the very first page we always face when we enter this site, the all level/platform leaderboard. I'm not sure how people will feel about this since it displays all the WR's on one page but at the same time it doesnt show the rest of the players right after them. Plus we still got that slider on that page ever since the GameCube EMU got added. Please note that this will only apply for the main scenarios, Hunk/Tofu, Ex battles will still fall under IL and have the all level/platform leaderboard.

Now, I've already created a Full Game Leaderboard for all the 4 scenarios just to test some things, there are no runs there right now and the plan would be to migrate every single run individually from IL to the new leaderboard. I would gladly do this myself but Steven has offered to help me with it.

Another thing that will be changed is Normal Difficulty and Any% will be set as default so ranks will be in order from the start. Regions and Platforms cant be set to default in the settings for this site.

So yeah, go check out the Full Game Leaderboard test and let us know what you think =)

Happy Running!

P.S mods needs to be more active on this site for this game.

the_dude2618, Liv y 3 otros les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll9 years ago

Just added a new guide on how to be much faster in the inventory. Not all people use this or are even aware of it so i thought it would be helpful.

Inventory, HOLD Down, Press Left while holding Down, Release Down and Left This can be faster by pressing Right and Down on like the same frame but if you dont then it will go to SLOT 5 or SLOT 6.

Inventory, HOLD Right, Press Down while holding Right, Release Right and Down

Inventory, HOLD Down, Press Right while holding Down, Release Down and Right

Inventory, HOLD Right, HOLD Down while holding Right, HOLD Left while holding Right and Down.

SLOT 8 is just done by using the SLOT 6 move and then add Down.


LoanSharkJoe, ConkyJoe89 y 10 otros les gusta esto
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