New York City, NY, USACrescendo1 year ago

FYI the unofficial record for beating the game at higher speed is a 2:58 by Aryais (at 400% speed).

Scrimsion, Anir y 2 otros les gusta esto
New York City, NY, USACrescendo2 years ago

Just wondering if anyone had ever attempted an all bananas run, or if it was possible. I know there are a lot of hidden bunches, and some bonus areas would have to be done twice. Is there a list of all bananas somewhere?

Strongfox les gusta esto
New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

@WookisDaOne thanks!

So the fastest completion is 3:45 (video link is broken unfortunately). I wonder what the human limit for SMB would be at faster speeds.

New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

Anyone know what the world record is for Speed Mario Bros. on Ultimate NES Remix? I'm not able to see that anywhere.

I'm curious as to how fast SMB1 can be completed when playing at higher frame rates. If Speed Mario Bros. runs at 1.5x the speed of the normal game, I imagine the record for that is in the high 3 minute range. If someone ran the game at 2x speed, I could see them getting a 2:30 with normal strats.

What about getting closer to 3x or 4x speed? The more you increase the speed, the more difficult it is to execute normal strats. At some point the slower strats would outweight the benefit of running the game faster.

Could someone beat Super Mario Bros. in under a minute at a custom frame rate?

New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

Happy to help! I don't have permission to submit it under guides for the main game or category extensions.

vinzchillin les gusta esto
New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

Hey all, I just made a video of everything I know about beating this game blindfolded.:

KilleDragon, ZBomb07, y vinzchillin les gusta esto
New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

Hey thanks you're my first subscriber lol. Down since day 1.

TrenttheN642 y AntBlueR les gusta esto
New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

Hello everyone!

I'm Crescendo and I just came out of nowhere to get the Blindfolded SMB1 record :)

Here is the video link:

I wanted to wait until I got the record before sharing my strats, so I didn't tell anyone I was grinding this. Now I'm open to sharing my strats and helping more people finish runs in this category!

Feel free to ask me anything here. I tried to show all the proof I could think of in the video, but I'm happy to answer any other questions you may have. My YouTube channel also has some previous failed attempts.

Right now I am working on a YouTube tutorial so please subscribe to my channel there to catch it when I'm finished:

I'm also going to start streaming blindfolded Mario content on my Twitch. Follow me now so you can catch the first livestream!

k1ng_d0ughnut21, vinzchillin y 9 otros les gusta esto
New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

Makes sense, most ACE glitches involve abusing items in the inventory, which this game does not have. Still I wonder if there are other ways to write new memory values in.

New York City, NY, USACrescendo3 years ago

Just wondering if anyone has tried to discover any arbitrary code execution glitches in this game. If you could change the variable that controls where Mario warps, you could enter the pipe in 1-1 and come out in the last room of 8-4. Is this possible?

Elijah les gusta esto
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