FranceChfou2 years ago

i'm okay with that

FranceChfou3 years ago

After testing, you can do this as soon as you have a stack of 2 of one item.

Just sell one and after selling one you can still increase the amount to sell by one.

FranceChfou3 years ago

I'd assume there are some changes in the route but probably not enough to drastically change it we need a route.

I'm also interested on the stats you used for each weapon you made and if you know whether the weapons the horseman give you are random or if they come up in a specific order.

crazyapeboy les gusta esto
FranceChfou3 years ago

After watching the current 1st place, I've noticed that the runner is using custom weapons made in Blacksmith mode. This allows him to get a short-ranged, high speed, high damage weapon that can grant wings each time he encounters a

The rules don't say anything about custom weapon and I'd like to know if allowing these weapons should be a separate category or not.

FranceChfou4 years ago

I haven't checked if there are any differences between the two characters, if there are none, i don't see the point in having a specific category for Duke Nukem and he can be used in a run.

FranceChfou5 years ago

Hi, I'm not against having a loadremover or an autosplitter for the game. We would need a full run to see what is removed from the base run.

If the loading screens between each chapter can be removed then it'll be great since that's the main change between the original and the full clip edition.

FranceChfou5 years ago

I agree with this glitch being usable only for co-op only runs. However the "one input device" rule is rather ambiguous since the three fastest any% runs should be disqualified as we all use a controller for most of the run except to do the SDG when we arrive at Los Manglares for the first time.

Concerning the change from "Glitchless" to "No Major Glitches", before doing that we need to define which glitches are considered major or not (SDG is obviously a major glitch but swaphop can be considered not major). Personnaly, depending on what is authorised or not for this new category, I would prefer have the No Major Glitches category as a new category first, see what the route would be and then decide if it's still worth to have 3 categories.

FranceChfou6 years ago

I'd say it's authorized for a glitchless run since an arena starts when you hit its trigger, and using DDD this way skips the trigger.

FranceChfou6 years ago

I'm in

FranceChfou6 years ago

If you can deal with a bad accent, i'd be interested

FranceChfou6 years ago

Hi everyone.

Like last year i'll be bringing some board games for the event.

I'll take with me :

If you want to borrow me one of the games during the event just ask me and i'll get them.

Roborock, CharlieC, y Baffan les gusta esto
FranceChfou7 years ago

It's really good to see that people are running this game since a few months already. I'l probably try to get back to my deathless runs attempts. I still have work to do so I can take much more risk to speed this up without dying :v

FranceChfou7 years ago

For both levels, the boss will appear once you killed all the enemies.

I'm pretty sure the number of enemies you have to kill is fixed or close to that.

FranceChfou7 years ago

Got another email from the devs that confirms what i've read :

""touché" is just an emphasis of especially big score - above 15 if I remember correctly. It doesn't DO anything additionally. Combos multiply the score of a basic sentence where the repetition appears by the number of times the atom was repeated. There are also weaknesses, which multiply a score of a basic sentence that relates to it by 1.5. "

So basically we would need to know the value of each word.

FranceChfou7 years ago

I also looked into the code of the game and i've found the formula to get the score of a sentence.

Everything match what has been say in the first post also and two more things :

  • The combo multplies the value of a sentence by the combo value
  • A "touché" mutiplies the score by 1.5
FranceChfou7 years ago

I managed to get in contact with the devs and they gave me some insight about how the game calculates the score of a sentence :

" - In The Insult Simulator it worked like this: You have basic combinations - shortest grammatically correct sentences - that consist of two ([your mother][has bum cancer]) or three ([your mother][looks like][your liver]) insult components.

  • These combinations have their scored assigned BY HAND! Things that are taken into account is logical meaning, humorous value and how personal they are. These is how we set our basic scores. If you connect a number of full sentences ([your mother][has bum cancer][and][your mother][looks like][your liver]), you get the sum of their basic scores.

  • If you enumerate nouns ([your mother][and][your father][have bum cancer]), the system breaks it into basic combinations ([your mother][has bum cancer], [your father][has bum cancer]) and takes their individual scores into account. But only the biggest of them is taken unchanged, the rest is divided by two! (so it's something like [your mother][has bum cancer].score + [your father][has bum cancer].score/2)."

Mostillist y Nepumuk les gusta esto
FranceChfou7 years ago

Individual levels have been added. Since the game is divided by acts and acts are divided by chapter, each chapter will have a separate time.

Enjoy your runs

FranceChfou7 years ago

Count me in

curseddolls les gusta esto
FranceChfou7 years ago

It is possible to add some kind of level leaderboard. The reason why it is not done yet is because I'm currently the only runner and I don't do runs of chapters.

I could add it and I'll probably add it in the near future.

FranceChfou7 years ago

I'm bringing with some games to ESA.

If anyone is interested in playing just poke me during the event.

And if anyone is also bringing games with him, feel free to post them here. ^^

  • Cards Against Humanity : One player ask a question from a black card, and the otehr try to answer it with theit funniest white card. Sensitive people beware.

  • Epic Spell Wars : Duel at Mt.Skullzfyre + Rumble at Castle Tentakill: In this game each player is a wizard in a battle to the death. Each player create a spell with the cards in their hands and unleash them to their opponent. there are tons of different spells and effect and the more people playing, the shorter the games are. Both extensions are standalone.

Love Letter (Adventure Time Themed) - layers attempt to deliver their love letter into the Princess’s hands while keeping other players’ letters away. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long and your letter may be tossed in the fire!

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