Could an experienced runner show how to do the barrel clip? I spent some time attempting to do it myself, but am not too sure how to pull it off... If anyone could help that would be appreciated :)
Would there be some way of taking loading times out of runs? No hate meant towards vmL, but I gained around 5 seconds when comparing the runs side by side when looking at the loading time differences...
I am new and would like to start running this game, is there and splits that go star by star and not section by section?
I would run this, but before downloading it, is there an option for controller players? If there is, is there button remapping as well?
Burger Paradise International's rom can be downloaded here: mGBA which is one of the best emulators for GameBoy, can be downloaded here:
in a 70 star run, how much time is saved on emulator compared to console? (I couldnt find it on google so im asking here)
I tried adding a Hello Neighbor 2 Game, since that will be coming out eventually, yet my request was rejected because i am not a moderator of this game... Not too sure what that has to do with anything, but can one of the mods add it
I feel like xbox has more of an advantage in the runs because they get updates far before ps4 gets an update, its like a month difference, so could there be separate categories for each console?
Theres alot of runs coming in but only 1 mod to vertify, so yea
Why are versions past 1.6 banned? I think thats stupid, can i manipulate something on the newer versions of PJ64?