hilo: Super Mario Bros.
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
roman is that a joke? that you got 4:55.
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
i did it
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
pls add some notes so its not a level list
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado
hilo: Super Mario Bros. this is better but no w8
add notes and time saves cuz i dont know everything.
now has warpless levels
made new link so it works
GeometryDashFan les gusta esto
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
i was running in 1 -2 and got pushed to the left side of the screen and had to reset cuz i coudint move only jump. before this i fell from the top of the level. and i'll take a better pic soon
Oh_my_gourdness les gusta esto
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
i dont know. mario moves to the other side of the screen saving some time at some point?
Oh_my_gourdness y GeometryDashFan les gusta esto
hilo: Super Mario Bros.
mario was on the other side of the screen but he cant move he can only jump
Oh_my_gourdness les gusta esto
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