For a little over two weeks now I've been getting an HTTP 500 error when trying to update a resource for Quantum Of Solace. Updating another resource which was an external link worked fine, but this other resource, which is a direct zip file upload far below 64mb in size (plus the 500 error indicates it's a site error anyway) won't work at all. Does anyone know what's going on with this?
Old theme looked fine... Not so much anymore
I'm pretty sure you end up in the same place no matter what you choose, but is there a listing of the dialogue choices to make and when?
Hey all. I'm interested in running the game, and I was wondering if we should make a collaborative place (like a Discord server or something) where we can share routes/strats? I'm also interested in helping out routing the game, and as you have the RC drones, non-lethal/lethal (or silent/loud) methods of completing objectives and gang/police heat levels to worry about, I feel like there's a lot of different ways to go about playing through the game, and I would like to help out with finding stuff.
Hey guys.
I've been replaying WD casually, and as I got to the mission where you restore power to the bunker, I was interested in finding an optimal route, and maybe for the rest of the game too, if no-one else hasn't.
Hi, I'm interested in running this game. Does timing start on selection of second character or on "Fight!" when the first battle begins? Thanks! :)
So I've seen around recently that some people have icons next to their name. I understand the Admin and Donated icons, but a user called Ovendonkey has a Mirror's Edge <I think they're called> favicon. Which makes me wonder - How do I get a favicon next to my name and how do I make it a custom one like Oven's ME one?
I'm confused. Love this game and want to run it, but until I actually have time for 12 Ending%, I want to run Any% - unfortunately, I don't understand. There are no rules and it is not specified which ending you need to get. Is there even an Any% category?