CanadaAceMcPlane1 year ago

This speedrun page is kind of empty. I think I know why. The rules make more sense for PCVR, but not on the quest. I started playing this game on the Rift and noticed a big decrease in my punching power when I switched to the Quest 2. You have to compensate for the lack of external cameras and turn on drift protection to match the punching power you'd have while using a Rift or a Vive. It's a handicap compared to the PCVR version so I put it to 1.2 to match what my punching power was like on the rift to compensate. So I think you should have a catergory for that for Endurance too. I have a speedrun I can't upload right now so it's a waste. I'd make it separate speedrun categories for All-in-One headsets VS PCVR too, but that's up to you. They're just not at all 1 to 1. I've been playing this game since it came out so I can vouch for it. I went through like 5 replacement cables playing this on the rift :P

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