California, USAALEEF024 years ago

Well, you can visit any date to see the changing strategies and progression of the runners :D

California, USAALEEF024 years ago

Hey guys, If you're looking to find any of the old runs before the leaderboard reset, they are archived at: It's a shame such history had to be reset, but the progression and dedication of these runners shall be known forever. Thank you everyone for your passion and persistence in this beautiful art!

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California, USAALEEF024 years ago

Letsgodude, time to rise and grind

California, USAALEEF025 years ago

I disagree with the past emu runs being banned because:

  1. August 7th, 2018: We had an extensive conversation about load times where we tested load times between Dolphin and Console. Because Wii U loaded faster than Wii and because the difference between emi and Wii U was miniscule, you (GamingLand) agreed that "3 seconds isn't big enough to make a new sub cat"
  2. Quoting Cmdr, "The rules can change, but the people who the rules changed from shouldn't be punished. Here is the classic example. Let's say you drive 65 down a highway on Monday, and then on Tuesday the city changes the speed limit to 45. The cops can not give you a ticket for you driving 65 the day before. Aleef followed the rules how they were set out back 6 months ago. Aleef should not be punished for his run 6 months ago when they change now." I agree with this statement fully, and I believe my run should remain. It followed all guidelines when ran. I even said on August 7th, "I don't want to waste time doing runs if they're going to end up being rejected later," to which you (GamingLand) replied, "If they accurately emulate the console version, I don't see the real issue."
  3. Once again quoting Cmdr, "It's not like Aleefs runs are WR contending. If it was a sub 8 on emu I'd understand. Which if you recall, the rules were that emu wouldn't be allowed past sub 10." My run would require 21 other runs to be taken down in order to be WR, which just isn't going to happen. It may not have a stance in the WR race, but just seeing my name really brings me joy.

In conclusion, my run (and any other emu runs before yesterday) should be allowed. They followed the rules of their time and do not threaten WR in any shape or form. If you (GamingLand) feel differently about emulators than you did before, as shown by quotes, I understand that. But you cannot be punishing people who agreed with your previous feelings and followed the guidelines.

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