2 years ago
United States

Opening this thread for current runners to collaborate on categories. Here are my thoughts:

  1. Any% - T1shero found a glitch on stage 1 where you fall through the ground, walk left while off screen, and the credits run. Its about 7 seconds.

  2. NOOB% - If you glitch out of any stage (we've found it possible in at least stages 1, 2, and 3), then the run is dead. You have to complete the obstacles within bounds through the 9 stages.

  3. OOB% - or some equivalent name. This allows you to go out of bounds (like the stages mentioned above) but you can only go right to proceed to the next stage. We've confirmed this saves at least 7 seconds through the first 3 stages and maybe more.

There's a case to combine 2 and 3 in the proposal above, but it will deter folks that may not be able to or want to glitch a run to beat it and submit a time, and they will never be near the top.


JoePulito les gusta esto

I think there should be separate categories for NOOB and OOB rather than combining them into one. The routes are different enough to justify separate categories, in my opinion, and personally I'd prefer to not be doing OOB tricks.

Having separate categories will also help future-proof should there be any other OOB exploits discovered in the later stages.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
JoePulito les gusta esto
New Jersey, USA

I was just getting ready to post this haha

I’m thinking Any% where the glitches are allowed and 100% where you need to collect all the diamonds and complete all the levels.

Oh_my_gourdness les gusta esto
United States

So Joe, you're saying categories 1 and 2 from the list above? And Beardstrength is saying 1, 2, and 3. I'm hoping others can weigh in. I know T1shero and OldSchoolMcFly are running it too. I know T1shero did a category 3 time of 1:25. Three of us have done the Any% Stage 1 glitch for what would be category 1. I probably won't run category 3. Just 1 and 2. T1shero was commenting in his stream that he wasn't a fan of NOOB. Sounds like we're quite a mix on this!

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
New Hampshire, USA

A NOOB category would work especially for those who don't like to use glitches or exploits (Me 90% of the time). I got a time of 1:36 on NOOB which I have not highlighted yet cause I may try to grind that down here and there as it was my first completed NOOB run.

Zarc0nis les gusta esto
New Jersey, USA

I’m down for all 3 if everyone else is. Let’s party.

Oh_my_gourdness les gusta esto
New York, USA

I'm down for all 3.

JoePulito les gusta esto
United States

Sounds good to me.

Joe, can you rename the current any% category to NOOB% so we dont need to move runs around, and create the new Any% and OOB% categories? We can probably adapt most of the rules. For any%, I'm thinking the instant the screen changes black when you're going left is end frame. The other two categories will have the same rules except noob is dead if you leave a stage without collecting everything. If you want to call it 100% instead and say collect all diamonds and complete all stages, that's cool too. Oob% should at least state you can't beat the game by going left on stage 1 after leaving bounds. Glad to help and co-mod if you'd like.

JoePulito les gusta esto
New Jersey, USA


Sounds like a plan! Going to try and get this done by the end of the weekend, but adding you as a mod now just in case.

Oh_my_gourdness y Zarc0nis les gusta esto
United States

Thanks! To avoid confusion, I like Any%, 100%, and OOB%.

JoePulito les gusta esto
United States

Hi all,

I added the 3 categories and moved the 4 existing runs to 100%. I took some standard rules and put them under "Games Rules" and then category-specific rules under each category. Can folks review and let me know if they are complete and meet the right threshold?

JoePulito les gusta esto
United States

Also, for 100% and OOB%, I'm essentially using what Joe put for the final frame, which is when I see the scene with the cave display.

Any% is a little more goofy. When you leave the screen on stage 1, it FADES to black, then shows the Nes Maker first intro screen, then quickly paints the first stage onto the screen, then paints the cave screen 3 times. On the third time, it makes the game over music. Instead of worrying about when to clunk, we should clunk where T1shero and I have, which is when it fades to black in the beginning. It is a literal fade, so I figure the final frame is when it is completely black.

JoePulito les gusta esto
United States

Hi all, I modified the "start frame" rule to say the following "-Timer starts when pressing start on the intro screen and the screen goes black.".

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