will submitted runs be verified after the embargo period?
2 days ago
Louisiana, USA

I have 3 impressive runs I want to submit, and I'm wondering if I can submit them now and get verified eventually. Can anyone help me out?


nah i submitted a run today and they denied it. just wait a week then submit it.

Editado por el autor 1 day ago
jetle les gusta esto

it will be denied until the embargo ends

jetle les gusta esto

after which you will be able to get one verified

jetle les gusta esto

when exactly are we able to submit again, maybe i missed it somewhere else but idk

what the embargo period?

A period where submissions are not going to be verified, in this context.

It should be over in short time.

More specifically on when it will end, it will end around 2 PM EST on Monday

Estadísticas del juego
SRC Series: Ultrakill All Secret Levels (Inbounds)
11 months ago
Bote de premios
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Revamped Update is here!

Now that Hakita has made the official announcement, the update is here!! Go play it!!

The poll has been closed. Thank you all for your responses, all 189 of them!

There will be a week long submission embargo while we finish getting the rules together and to give everyone time to enjoy the update

6 days ago
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