OOB in 1-2
I have known about this oob for a long while. It is not faster in any case since it requires repeating the same arena twice and skips nothing. even if you are not going to take the intended skip if you were doing something like low kills it is faster and better to just turn around and grab the red skull after grabbing the blue skull and loading cp
Bote de premios
Speedrun Competition and Updated Base Game Rules
If you have not seen ULTRAKILL is finally having a speedrunner competition for real money!!! It starts in about four hours from the time I am making this news post, in fact its probably already started when you are reading this so click the challenges widget on the right and read up on the rules and
Corridas recientes
Nivel: 1-4: Clair De Lune
Nivel: 1-1: Heart Of The Sunrise
Nivel: 4-4: Clair De Soleil
Nivel: 1-4: Clair De Lune
Nivel: 6-2: Aesthetics Of Hate
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