PS2 Platform
7 years ago
Łódzkie, Poland

Why loading screens in this game are much longer than they are in other platforms? It's hard to get good records in runs because of it.

Prince Edward Island, Canada

The PS2 is known for having slower loads than the other two consoles of the generation, if you're going for WR you pretty much HAVE to run on XB/X360.

DrCplBritish les gusta esto
Missouri, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Gamecube is also a good option if you can't use XB/XB360.

Derry, Northern Ireland

PS2's just a bad system for speedrunning on, not much you can do about it

Staffordshire, England

I did some testing/watching over of VODs a while ago and it basically came to this:

XBOX (Can't remember if was OG or 360) has a total loading time of 4min 40s (This was based off of Chris' PB as of 07/09/2016 - the route since then has been updated)

GC has a total loading time of 7mins 43s (This was based off of Coel's PB at the same time period when it was the WR)

By this metric, XBOX saves 3min and 3s on GC, so we can assume that GC furthermore saves 3min and 3s on PS2 - I haven't timed it yet but I assume throughout the run, PS2 has about 10min 46s of loading screens (or maybe more)

Basically all this is saying is this: The PS2 is the slowest console to run on - its viable if you just want to casually run and see whats the best time YOU as an indiviudal on the console can get - but as others have mentioned if you want a top10/WR time you need XBOX (or at a push GC)

SyluxRuns, SaturnTheWolf, y grape les gusta esto
Łódzkie, Poland

Thanks for information all of you. I'm not gonna get to top 10 anyways, even if I'll change my platform, because I'm too lame at the game . I don't know a lot of tricks, for example one-frame jumps in slides.

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