What are the chances/criteria for you to start in the Whiteboard Ending/Short Hallway?
2 years ago
California, USA

Just wondering if there is an easier way

United States

idk the chances but it is just random for a blue hallway

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
Lazio, Italy
Super moderadorGardenia
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

For ILs just begin the game over and over until you get one

Change24 les gusta esto
California, USA

Well, they can't appear in the starts of runs where the intro cutscene plays or in special starts (first new content door, first new new content door, startup after 6th collectible)

Change24 les gusta esto
Lazio, Italy
Super moderadorGardenia
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

@Armageddon15 watch my run lmao

Funnyman_Joner les gusta esto
California, USA

in your run, you start and then reset immediately so that you get a short hallway. i was talking about when you hit begin a new game.

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