1 player and 2 player on the same leaderboard?
5 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Seems odd to have 1 and 2 player runs on the same leaderboard as it is obviously quite a big advantage to have more players. Maybe some new categories should be introduced within each tab.

Michigan, USA

That actually does seem like a serious oversight. Two players can clear a full screen of enemies significantly faster, after all.

spins les gusta esto

yes, and same for the difficulty as i said in a differnt thread

Dantinou les gusta esto

I changed some variables as subcategories but I think that it's not better because the page seems much too crowded while there are so few runs in the 2 players or hardcore subcategories for exemple. Maybe I should add these subcategories only for the levels category, tell me what you think about it


Ok well forget that, this is definitely not a good idea. Let me explain : it just completely messed up all the leaderboard because there are a lot of runs like in the ILs Category that didn't inform about the difficulty or the number of players, so there are a lot of runs that won't be shown if you add for example "number of players'' as a subcategory. Furthermore if you add "number of players" or "difficulty" as subcategories, all the trials runs won't be shown for the same reasons, and if I choose the subcategories "difficulty" only for the category "Quest/Dark World", the runs in "Full-game" category on hardcore won't be shown too. SRC doesn't let us change the categories and the subcategories as we want so I think the better option is to let the settings as they were.

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