Sion's scenario route (for all scenario runs)
Sion's scenario route (for all scenario runs)
Actualizado 9 years ago por Cronokirby for original. By

Rudra No Hihou - Sion’s Scenario (Glitchless) Route


The route itself was created by white_fake: Translation/adaptation and minor improvements done by me (@NachoYacopu)

Shoutouts to catklaw for proofreading and testing/coming up with part of Gomorrah strat. Shoutouts to Nitrodon for explaining stuff to me and the improved elemental protection mantras.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These notes attempt to be a faithful translation of whitefake notes, thus, this route is intended to be used as part of an All Scenarios Glitchless speedrun (fighting Thunder Rudra) and are not optimized for single scenario Speedruns. Will add my optimizations/modifications to do single scenario runs later.

However, I did change the Gomorrah strat because I am NOT letting Foxy die deal with it nerds.

Table of Contents Updates Legend Useful Information General Tips The Route Extra Stuff


05 Feb 2015 - Big update to white_fake notes so I’m retranslating a lot of stuff. 25 Dec 2014 - Ho ho ho. Updated spirit, strength and speed mantras, and improved Nergal Team strat.


Enemy/Boss Item Party Member Mantra Pause Menu

Useful Information

· It is recommended you use the original version of the game instead of the patched version if you intend to follow this document - not only is the mantra system considerably changed, but the way stats works is also different (investigation in progress) so I can’t confirm the strats in here will work if you’re playing with the english patch. I haven’t tried out the french patch so I have no idea if that’s good or not. · I -won’t- be giving exact locations for every little thing you have to do - I’ll just list what things you need to do in order to trigger events to progress. Watch a video if you’re lost.

Sion’s Scenario in 1:50:55 by me - (Single Scenario Fire Rudra run so notes won’t match 100% with this run) Mantras document (check to see details on what each mantra does) - [add here when its done] whitefake route for Riza’s Scenario (JP) - Refer to whitefake notes if you know japanese - they’re far more informative than this sloppy translation

General Tips

· Best way to advance through textboxes is to hold down L and mash/turbo A (or the other way around). Just remember to pick the right choices when prompted! Also, holding down L or A will open chests/interact with people on the earliest possible frame. · Hold down B to run, duh. · Renaming everyone to a single character name should save a handful of frames every time their names appear. · ALWAYS move to the back row during random encounters (press Y). Always stay on the back row unless you need to physically attack something or you want to use a character as a “lightning rod” (more on this later). · When it comes to escaping from random encounters, you should A) ensure an escape before the enemies get to attack you (with the イヤテラ (IYATERA) mantra) or B) if that’s not possible, just try and maximize your chances at getting a “free” escape using the flee command. This all depends on the enemies and your party members’ speed values. · If you’re trying to escape from a single enemy that’s not particularly deadly and/or enemies with fast attack animations, you could choose to take more risks and gamble for free encounters with more characters even if this means letting some enemies potentially get some quick hits on your party. This is something to consider specially when you need to conserve MP. · After a random encounter (and after boss fights, as well!), your step counter will be set to a random value between 12 to 31; this value will count down on every step and will trigger a new random encounter when it reaches 0. This is good to know since it lets you estimate when you’re safe (or not) from a random encounter before you reach something, such as a healing pot, or a boss fight trigger (in case you need to switch to certain equips for that particular boss fight, for example). · Always target enemies properly - all your single-target attacks will deal 3/4ths of their original damage if you were targeting something else that died. · All special effects are removed from characters that die in battle so keep this in mind. “Defense against [element]” buffs will expire after 4 turns. · You can quickly heal your party by using the mantra コペベレフナ (KOPEBEREFUNA). Make sure you’re always fully healed before boss fights! · Try to always end boss fights with everyone alive - you’ll want all the experience you can get on everyone, especially for people who are meant to outspeed enemies/bosses later on. · Turn Memory (third/rightmost option in the Config menu) determines how often the action order is set. From top to bottom the choices are Manual (set the turn order manually and it will stay between battles), Semi (default one - reset turn order at the end of every battle) and Auto (reset turn order at the end of every turn). Auto is bad, but feel free to use either Manual or Semi - whatever you prefer (Manual is a bit harder to use but it’s the recommended config option). · On that note, turn order is good - always keep an eye on it, and remember when you need to change it during boss fights. Sometimes you need a very specific turn order, other times you just need one guy to go before or after someone else (to activate/benefit from the spirit buff, for example). Check the specific boss strats for the info. If sometimes it looks like there’s no reason to change the turn order, trust me, there is one.

The Route

Cyrunne’s Castle Config: Set Cursor Memory (middle option) to 2 (and if you want, Turn Memory to Manual), enscribe all needed mantras

Mantra inscribing A setup to do this (what I do at least) (legend is page-position) (number in parenthesis is the MP cost): Copy レフ (REFU) from 1-3 to 1-2. Turn 1-2 into コペベレフナ (KOPEBEREFUNA) (1). Turn 1-3 into レフランデズ (REFURANDEZU) (3). Do イヤチェタン (IYACHETAN) (8) on 1-4. Copy 1-4 to 1-5, turn into イヤチェノヌ (IYACHENONU) (1) on 1-5. Copy 1-2 to 1-8, turn into コペシャバイ (KOPESHABAI) (8). Copy 1-8 to 1-7, turn into コーコペテヌ (KO-KOPETENU) (19). Copy 1-7 to 1-6, turn into コステヌヘグ (KOSUTENUHEGU) (15). Copy 1-7 to 2-7, turn into コペテヌ (KOPETENU), copy to 2-8, 2-1, 2-3, 2-4. Turn 2-4 into コペテヌカリ (KOPETENUKARI) (1). Turn 2-1 into コペテヌビト (KOPETENUBITO) (4). Create イヤテラ (IYATERA) (1) on 2-2. Turn 2-3 into コペテヌスタ (KOPETENUSUTA) (1). Turn 2-7 into コペテヌグア (KOPETENUGUA) (1). Turn 2-8 into コペイヤキラ (KOPEIYAKIRA) (3). Copy 2-8 to 2-6, 2-5. Turn 2-6 into コペイヤウス (KOPEIYAUSU) (3). Turn 2-5 into コペイヤジン (KOPEIYAJIN) (3). Copy 2-3 to 3-3, turn into コペベキゼロ (KOPEBEKIZERO) (9). Copy 3-3 to 3-2, turn into コペバベイヤ (KOPEBABEIYA) (3). Copy 3-2 to 3-1, turn into コイヤソウル (KOIYASOURU) (1) (this one is optional but nice to have). Copy 1-6 into 3-6, 3-5, 3-4. Turn 3-4 into ストロンヘグ (SUTORONHEGU) (21). Turn 3-5 into コキソベヘグ (KOKISOBEHEGU) (18). Turn 3-6 into エミテヌヘグ (EMITENUHEGU) (3). Copy 2-8 to 3-8, turn into ペイヤディ (PEIYADI), copy to 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4. Turn 4-4 into ソペイヤディ (SOPEIYADI) or ヌペイヤディ (NUPEIYADI) (5). Turn 4-3 into イペイヤディ (IPEIYADI) (5). Turn 4-2 into ゼペイヤディ (ZEPEIYADI) (5). Turn 4-1 into ドペイヤディ (DOPEIYADI) or ツペイヤディ (TSUPEIYADI) (5) (you can skip this if you’re doing Fire Rudra). Turn 3-8 into ヤペイヤディ (YAPEIYADI) (4). Done! This probably isn’t the absolutely optimal way to enter your mantras but is good enough and also provides a nice menuing during fights, where the mantras you use more often are closer to each other (less inputs required), while still being somewhat simple.

If you just want a list of the mantras you need, here it is:

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

コペベレフナ レフランデズ イヤチェタン イヤチェノヌ コステヌヘグ コーコペテヌ コペシャバイ コペテヌビト イヤテラ コペテヌスタ コペテヌカリ コペイヤジン コペイヤウス コペテヌグア コペイヤキラ コイヤソウル コペバベイヤ コペベキゼロ ストロンヘグ コキソベヘグ エミテヌヘグ

ヤペイヤディ ドペイヤディ ゼペイヤディ イペイヤディ ソペイヤディ

After you’re done with mantras you can proceed. Talk to Foxy, then go to to the cell area and then to the Throne Room. Leave the castle through the left side exit, then leave town.

Western Continent Axis(12) > Sion(9-2) You’ll get an encounter after 4 steps, just cast IYATERA (イヤテラ) with Sion to escape then proceed to the Giant’s Tower and watch the cutscenes.

Town of Vad Get the Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ) from Sion’s house then go up and talk to Foxy, then leave.

Western Continent Axis(アクシス)(12) > Sion(9-2) = Foxy(8-1) You’ll most likely won’t run into any random encounters outside. Enter the tower.

Giant’s Tower Rahu(ラーフ)(10) > Sion(9-2) = Foxy(8-1) > Arachne(アラクネ)(1)

Use your first random encounter to move people to the back row. 5F: Go through the lower left exit to get Huey’s Ring (ヒューイリング). 6F: Get the Sweet Water (おいしいみず) from the chest. 7F: Go in front of the opening to trigger the Doug cutscene. 8F: Use the healing pot then proceed.

After Ture joins you: Move Ture to the back row Equip > Sion: remove Piras Armor (ピラスアーマー), equip Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ)

Boss: Abilijer (HP 700 - SPE 2 - STR 1 - DEF 179 - MDEF 77 - no weakness) Speed break: Sion(9) > Foxy(8) > Ture(5) > Abilijer(2) Order: default/doesn’t matter Sion+Ture: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ), Foxy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ)

∗ Foxy using a stronger mantra will guarantee Abilijer will die in 3 attacks.

LvUp: Sion Lv2 - Foxy Lv2 - Ture Lv2 Drop: Ogre Mace (オーグメイス) (100%), 272 Ragu (372 total)

~ • ~

Exit room and hit switch on wall, then cast IYATERA (イヤテラ) with Foxy to leave. MP: Sion 4 - Foxy 8 - Ture 20 Do NOT waste any more MP with Ture until after the Nergal fight.

Western Continent Axis(アクシス)(12) > Sion(10) > Foxy(8) > Ture(5) Head to your town.

Cyrunne’s Castle Enter Vad then leave through right exit. Enter castle, talk to king then leave and go to Danelf.

Western Continent Axis Knight(アクシスナイト)(29) > Ramius(ラミアス)(13) > Axis(アクシス)(12) > Sion(10) > Foxy(8) > Ture(5)

Danelf Move forward until you enter the Coliseum, talk to the lady in the front, do not save (second option), then enter through right door outside. Tell the guard you’re ready (second option). Inside the arena, choose a 3v3 fight (second option).

Boss: Nergal Master (HP 320 - SPE 8 - STR 5 - DEF 103 - MDEF 240 - no weakness) and Nergal x2 (HP 204 - SPE 9 - STR 2 - DEF 103 - MDEF 225 - no weakness) Speed Break: Sion(10) > Nergal(9) > Nergal Master(8) = Foxy(8) > Ture(5) No preemptive attacks: Order: Ture > Sion/Foxy Sion: front row attack top Nergal, Foxy: IYACHENONU (イヤチェノヌ), Ture: KO-KOPETENU (コーコペテヌ) Sion+Foxy: front row attack Nergal Master, Ture: front row attack bottom Nergal

Preemptive attacks: Order: Sion > Ture > Foxy Sion: KOPEBEREFUNA (コペベレフナ), Foxy: IYACHENONU (イヤチェノヌ), Ture: KO-KOPETENU (コーコペテヌ) Sion: front row attack top Nergal, Foxy: KOPEBEREFUNA (コペベレフナ), Ture: front row attack bottom Nergal Everyone: front row attack Nergal Master

LvlUp: Sion Lv4 - Foxy Lv4 - Ture Lv4 Drop: N/A

~ • ~

Get 500 Ragu from counter girl then leave coliseum, pick up the Dirty Shoes (きたないくつ) inside the house on your way to the boat. Equip > Sion: remove Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ) Equip > Foxy: equip Dirty Shoes (きたないくつ), remove Buckler (バックラー)

Pay 100 Ragu to the old man (772 Ragu Total) and ride the boat to Mantra Peak.

Mantra Peak Ramius(ラミアス)(13) > Sion(11) = Foxy(10+1) > Sol(ソル)(9) > Ture(6) = Rimon(リーモン)(6) Keep in mind while going through this area that you need at least 3 MP on Sion and Foxy for the boss fight coming up. 1st cave: (optional) Get the Alarum (きつけぐすり) from the chest. 2nd cave: Get the Sweet Water (おいしいみず) from the chest. Left cave: hit the switch -> Right cave: open chest, confirm -> Left cave: go through opening Talk to Zora then backtrack (IYATERA not working here). 1st cave again: Go through secret passage to get Moon Ring (ムーンリング). Ride boat back to Danelf.

Danelf Run back to the coliseum Heal everyone using Ture. Enter coliseum, talk to lady in the front, do not save (2nd option) then enter through right side door. Tell the guard you’re ready (second option). Inside the arena, choose to fight with mantras (second option).

Boss: Amatista x2 (HP 600 - SPE 7 - SPI 3 - MDEF 115 - weakness to wind) Speed break: Sion(11) = Foxy(10+1) > Amatista(7) > Ture(6) Order: Sion/Foxy > Ture Sion+Foxy: KOPEBABEIYA (コペバベイヤ)

LvlUp: Sion Lv6 - Foxy Lv6 - Ture Lv 6 Drop: N/A

~ • ~

Talk to lady, recieve 1000 Ragu (1772 Ragu total) and Magic Leaf (マジックリーフ). Go to dock and embark to Ompross.

Ompross Enter shop, talk to Nurk, watch cutscene, then leave through north exit behind the house.

Overworld You won’t get encounters here (unless you look for them). Ignore Ark, go for the mountain.

Mount Delphi Bumper(バンパー)(14) > Kulu(クル)(13) > Sion(11) > Foxy(10+1) > Mountain Baruna(マウンテンパルナ)(9) > Ture(6) Don’t be afraid to use up all of Sion’s MP in runaways here - your Magic Leaf will replenish his MP (plus give him +10 Max MP). HOWEVER, if you use the Magic Leaf here, keep in mind you’ll need to keep all of his MP (16) on him for the next boss fight. 1st cave: Go around the water and take northeast exit, then take southeast exit after stairs. Outside: go northwest. 2nd cave: Just follow the path, until you reach the temple.

Tulha Temple Rueda(ルエーダ)(22) > your entire party Dune and Cid cutscene, retrieve Ramirez~ (pick second option to avoid opening enscribe menu - prompt will appear right after Ramyleth laughs). Then backtrack. From this point on remember you’ll have Ramyleth as your mana battery so use him to heal as you need.

Mount Delphi Backtrack - and REMEMBER not to waste Sion’s MP!

Ompross Watch Ark fly away, then enter town. Go to dock area and ride boat back to Danelf (talk to left dude). Riza on boat cutscene.

Danelf Go to forge, talk to woman. Sell > Ogre Mace (オーグメイス), Piras Armor (ピラスアーマー), Buckler (バックラー) (+520 Ragu) Buy > 3 Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル) (second to last item - 680 Ragu each) (-2040 Ragu) If you haven’t, heal Sion and use the Magic Leaf (マジックリーフ) on him.

252 Ragu left. Enter coliseum, talk to lady in the front, do not save (2nd option) then enter through right side door. Tell the guard you’re ready (second option). Inside the arena, just mash through text.

Boss: Monk (HP 815 - SPE 13 - STR 4 - DEF 107 - MDEF 255 - weakness to water) Speed break: Monk(13) > Sion(11) Order: N/A Sion: KOPESHABAI (コペシャバイ) Sion: front row IYACHETAN (イヤチェタン)

∗ You’ll lose control after using IYACHETAN (berserk mantra) so make sure to use things on the right order.

LvlUp: Sion Lv8 Drop: N/A

~ • ~

Danan Castle After leaving the castle, go to the right side and through the hidden path to get a Moon Ring (ムーンリング), then leave the area. Equip > Ture: equip Moon Ring (ムーンリング) Equip > Foxy: equip Moon Ring (ムーンリング), Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル) Equip > Sion: equip Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル), Dirty Shoes (きたないくつ)

Floating Continent Bezeuein(ベゼウェイン)(15) > Sion(12+1) > Foxy(11) = Baja(バジャ)(11) > Ture(6) > Ramy(5) Try not to take damage here so play it safe escaping from encounters with Sion and also try to avoid walking through forest areas. Before the glacier, pop a Sweet Water (おいしいみず) on Sion, heal everyone with Ramyleth. See Sigmund Glacier cutscene, cya later Ramyleth, run back to Danan Castle, go to the throne room and talk to Surt, then leave to Town of Len and take the anti-gravity train.

Garal Tunnel Talk to the second guy from the left on the right wagon, and buy up to 7 Sweet Waters (おいしいみず) (-210 Ragu) (no more than 7 though, buying a few less is ok). 42 Ragu left. Leave train, go to left side, run into Bhadra.

Boss: Bhadra (HP 1390 - SPE 10 - DEF 211 - MDEF 118 - weakness to thunder) Speed break: Sion(13) > Foxy(11) > Bhadra(10) > Ture(6) Order: default Everyone: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス) Foxy: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス), Sion+Ture: do nothing

∗ Preemptive attack is rare and won’t make any difference - just heal after the fight if it happens.

LvlUp: Sion Lv10 - Foxy Lv9 - Ture Lv9 Drop: 759 Ragu (801 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Garal Tunnel Kantarella(カンタレラ)(28) > Sion(13+1) > Foxy(12) = GalleriaDeCat(ギャラルキャット)(11) > Ture(7) If too many Kantarellas rain on you, heal with Ture. Go straight up then through the small wooden bridge to the exit.

Floating Continent Bezeuein(ベゼウェイン)(15) > Sion(13+1) > Foxy(12) = Baja(バジャ)(11) > Ture(7)

Clock Tower Oburera(オブレラ)(29) > Sion(13+1) > Foxy(12) > Dirikento(ディリケント)(7) = Datori(ダートリ)(7) = Ture(7) Obureras will always get hits on you, so keep an eye on your HP. Heal somewhat often (with Ture) and consider using Foxy to cast IYATERA as well. Also, as you’re going through this area, remember that Foxy needs 9 MP, and Sion and Ture need 6 for the boss fight in here, so plan your escapes accordingly. 1F: Go right then up. 2F: Go up the right side ladder then around. 3F: Go left (past the clock door) then up. 4F: If you take the left side exit you can reach chests with Life and Magic Leaves (30 secs~ slower and completely optional - but if you get them Foxy is a good recipient for them). 5F: After the outside bridge, go up then in the next room navigate to the northwest door. 7F: Optional save point here. 8F: Go around. 9F: No more encounters here, its safe to heal as soon as you reach this floor. Heal everyone. If anyone ended up with less than 6/9 MP use a Sweet Water (おいしいみず) on them.

Boss: Monju (HP 2277 - SPE 8 - SPI 7 - DEF 110 - MDEF 148 - weakness to wind) Speed break: Sion(13+1) > Foxy(12) > Monju(8) > Ture(7) Order: Sion > Foxy > Ture Everyone: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) Everyone: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) Sion: do nothing, Foxy+Ture: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン)

∗ MEGAHALF will be triggered on the first turn, and then some dialog on the second turn, so you’ll be safe.

LvlUp: Sion Lv12 - Foxy Lv11 - Ture Lv11 Drop: 939 Ragu (1740 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Backtrack, take the Jacques Mail (ジェイキスメイル) on 7F and leave.

Floating Continent You should not get encounters here.

Garal Tunnel Kantarella(カンタレラ)(28) > Sion(15+1) > Foxy(14) > GalleriaDeCat(ギャラルキャット)(11) > Ture(7) Talk to train driver.

Ruined City Go to the forge. Buy > Jacques Mail (ジェイキスメイル) (-1490 Ragu, 250 Ragu total) Equip > Sion: equip Jacques Mail (ジェイキスメイル) Equip > Foxy: equip Jacques Mail (ジェイキスメイル), Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ), Huey’s Ring (ヒューイリング) Leave through left side.

Floating Continent Sion(15+1) > Bezeuein(ベゼウェイン)(15) > Foxy(14) > Baja(バジャ)(11) > Ture(7)

Graham’s Tomb Sion(15+1) = Kemp(ケンプ)(16) > Foxy(14) > Gir(ギール)(8) > Ture(7) 1F: Go through bottom door on right wing 3F: Go left 6F: Go left, save point here if you want to use it 7F: Go through doors, you can still get encounters in Maricha’s room so wait until you’re right in front of him before healing. Heal everyone before talking to Maricha! Use a Sweet Water (おいしいみず) on Foxy if she has less than 16 MP.

Boss: Maricha (HP 2601 - SPE 25 - STR 20 - SPI 13 - DEF 154 - MDEF 150 - weakness to water) Speed break: Maricha(25) > your entire party No preemptive attacks: Order: Ture goes first Sion: IYACHENONU (イヤチェノヌ), Foxy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ) Sion+Ture: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ), Foxy: KOPEBEREFUNA (コペベレフナ) Everyone: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ)

∗ Shit sucks if he gets a preemptive attack - you’re gonna lose a turn no matter what. But to lose only a turn, and not a run, do this: have Sion/Ture use an Alarum (きつけぐすり) on whoever took a hit, and said person just defends someone else while the third party member casts a heal. What we do is just assume the person who took the first hit is gonna die right away so we preemptively use a revive item (yes, use an Alarum, do not use ressurection mantra!) on them and then fully heal. Then on the second turn proceed with the regular strat.

LvlUp: Sion Lv14 - Foxy Lv 13 - Ture Lv 13 Drop: 1027 Ragu (1277 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Go up, get Graham’s Sword (グラムソード), then heal and cast IYATERA (イヤテラ) with Foxy to escape.

Floating Continent Sion(16+1) > Bezeuein(ベゼウェイン)(15) > Foxy(14) > Baja(バジャ)(11) > Ture(8)

Ruined City Board anti-gravity train.

Town of Roma (paging Wawlconut) Just leave for now.

Floating Continent Sion(16+1) > Bezeuein(ベゼウェイン)(15) > Foxy(14) > Baja(バジャ)(11) > Ture(8) Look at Riza, she’s getting shit DONE.

Frey Ruins Jinja(ジンジャ)(18) > Sion(16+1) > Foxy(14) > Vueparu(ヴェパル)(9) > Ture(8) 1F: Go thru left side. B1: Go down then right. B2: Go left (under the line of torches). B3: Don’t go for the healing pot, just go up and take the secret path to the first chest and open it to get the Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ). Equip > Sion: equip Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ) Equip > Foxy: equip Dirty Shoes (きたないくつ)

Sion(16+4) > Jinja(ジンジャ)(18) > Foxy(14+1) > Vueparu(ヴェパル)(9) > Ture(8) B2: Optional save point. Heal everyone JUST BEFORE the doors (optimally, take just one step to open the doors then heal), and use Sweet Waters (おいしいみず) on everyone.

Boss: Opsis (HP 2817 - SPE 10 - SPI 7 - DEF 112 - MDEF 190 - weakness to fire) Speed break: Sion(16+4) > Foxy(14+1) > Opsis(10) > Ture(8) No preemptive attack: Order: Ture > Foxy > Sion Sion: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト), Foxy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ) Order: Ture goes last Everyone: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト)

Preemptive attack: Order: Sion > Ture > Foxy Sion: ZEPEIYADI (ゼペイヤディ), Foxy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ) Order: Ture goes last Everyone: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト)

LvlUp: Sion Lv16 - Foxy Lv15 - Ture Lv15 Drop: 1078 Ragu (2355 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Take the chests (right one first) for a Horn Water (ホルンのみず) and a Magic Leaf (マジックリーフ). Equip > Ture: equip Huey’s Ring (ヒューイリング) Move Sion to the front row Heal and cast IYATERA (イヤテラ) with Foxy.

Floating Continent Sion(17+4) > Foxy(15+1) > Bezeuein(ベゼウェイン)(15) > Baja(バジャ)(11) > Ture(9)

Town of Roma Enjoy song, Buy > Purifier (じょうかやく) (5th item) (-1000 Ragu, 1277 Ragu total) You -can- buy two purifiers but the odds of getting one character polluted are low already, let alone getting two polluted. If you want to be super extra safe you can I guess. ...and take train.

Sanctuary Sion(17+4) > Lemna(レムナ)(20) > Foxy(15+1) > Vuina(ヴィーナ)(14) > Ture(9) 1F: Go through right side. 2F: Go through southwest door. 3F: Go up. 4F: Go down through right side then go down. 5F: Optional save point here. After the doors there are no more random encounters. Heal everyone, use a Magic Leaf (マジックリーフ) on Sion, if Foxy has less than 7 MP/Ture has less than 30 MP, use Sweet Waters (おいしいみず).

Boss: Mayura (HP 4712 - SPE 11 - SPI 8 - DEF 114 - MDEF 126 - weakness to dark) Speed break: Sion(17+4) > Foxy(15+1) > Mayura(11) > Ture(9) Order: Sion > Ture > Foxy Sion: SOPEIYADI (ソペイヤディ), Foxy: REFURANDEZU (レフランデズ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ) Order: Ture goes first Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUGUA (コペテヌグア), Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Everyone: KOPETENUGUA (コペテヌグア) Everyone: KOPETENUGUA (コペテヌグア)

∗ Mayura can one-hit Ture with her preemptive attack - if this happens, Foxy revives and Sion heals (in that order), then restart. ∗ On the first turn you can heal with Foxy before buffing spirit with Ture - its up to you. ∗ On turns 2 and 3 if Foxy has less than 40 HP and/or Ture has less than 70 HP, you can heal one extra time instead of attacking. If you do this, Mayura will use her Dark Realm move at the end of turn 4 so you’ll need to finish her off with Sion on the turn after else you’ll eat a Star Thrust attack that will most likely wipe you (move Sion to the front of the turn order of course).

LvlUp: Sion Lv18 - Foxy Lv18 - Ture Lv18 Drop: 1146 Ragu (2501 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Stand on pretty tile behind where Mayura was, then backtrack once the place starts crashing down. Rip floating continent but welcome back Ramy.

Back on Earth As soon as you leave Ark: Move Sion to the back row, heal everyone with Ramyleth. Equip > Sion: equip Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル), remove Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ) Equip > Foxy: equip Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ), Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル), remove Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ) Equip > Ture: equip Moon Ring (ムーンリング) Equip > Ramyleth: equip Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル), Moon Ring (ムーンリング) Equip > Sion: equip Dirty Shoes (きたないくつ)

Enter Town of Len, go to throne room in Danan’s Castle.

Boss: Surt (HP 3357 - SPE 17 - STR 30 - SPI 9 - DEF 115 - MDEF 191 - weakness to water) Speed break: Foxy(17+4) > Sion(18+1) > Surt(17) > Ture(11) > Ramy(9) Order: Ture goes first, Foxy goes last Sion+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Foxy: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ) Everyone: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ) Order: Sion and Foxy go first Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ)

∗ If Surt physically attacks Ture, you could choose to play it safe, move Foxy to the front of the turn order and heal with her instead of attacking. Do not heal more than once though because you risk eating a deadly attack on the last turn. Surt’s physical attack is thunder-elemented so don’t forget your Lemnos Mails!

LvlUp: Sion Lv19 - Foxy Lv19 - Ture Lv19 - Ramy Lv19 Drop: Large Shield (ラージシールド) (62.5%), 1186 Ragu (3687 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Pay attention to see if the Large Shield (ラージシールド) drops or not.

Southern Continent Beruzebur(ベルゼブル)(45) > Foxy(19+4) > Fajo(ファージョ)(22) > Sion(18+1) > Ramy(9) > Ture(12-4) BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THE ROBOTS. Its not too farfetched to save here before any random encounters because with some very bad luck you can run into a group of them that get preemptive hits on you, and it could be run over.

Sigmund Glacier Risea(リセア)(31) > Foxy(19+4) > Ice Jack(アイスジャック)(21) > Sion(18+1) > Fresia(フリージアバード)(18) > Ice Rock(アイスロック)(16) > Ramy(9) > Ture(12-4) The plants (Risea) can confuse but since everyone but Ture is protected against lightning, you’re mostly safe (have Ramyleth use IYATERA when you run into them). Inside: when you first see the sword, go right.

Encounter: Ice Queen (HP 769 - SPE 12 - weakness to fire) Foxy+Sion: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト)

LvlUp: N/A Drop: 244 Ragu (3931 Ragu total)

After poking the dummy sword, backtrack until the now-existent wooden bridge area, then go through it, taking the Horn Water (ホルンのみず) from the chest. Optional save point next to the Lago Stone. Past the Lago Stone room, go two rooms up, then two rooms down to leave (use the healing pot!).

Before you poke the actual Sigmund Sword: Heal everyone Equip > Ramyleth: equip Ephta Cape (エフタの??) Equip > Ture (only if the Large Shield dropped): equip Large Shield (ラージシールド), remove Moon Ring (ムーンリング) Equip > Foxy: equip Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ), Jacques Mail (ジェイキスメイル) Equip > Sion: equip Chain Mail (チェーンメイル), (if Large Shield dropped) equip Moon Ring (ムーンリング)

Boss: Diyaus (HP 3926 - SPE 13 - STR 10 - SPI 20 - DEF 116 - MDEF 129 - weakness to thunder) Speed break: Foxy(19+4) > Sion(18) > Diyaus(13) > Ramy(9) > Ture(12-4) No defense buff strat: Order: Ture > Ramy > Sion > Foxy Sion+Foxy: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Order: Sion > Foxy > Ture > Ramy Sion+Ture: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス), Foxy: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト)¤, Ramy: defend Foxy or ressurect Foxy or KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス)¤¤ Sion+Foxy: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス)

¤ Yes, Foxy uses a fire attack - this is to provoke Diyaus into using his special counterattack on her.

¤¤ What Ramy should do here depends on Diyaus’ first attack - GRANTEONA (グランテオナ): ressurect Foxy (using KOIYASOURU (コイヤソウル) or an Alarum (きつけぐすり) on her), Knuckle on Foxy, defend her, else attack with Ramy.

Defense buff strat: Order: Sion > Foxy > Ture > Ramy Sion: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Foxy: SUTORONHEGU (ストロンヘグ), Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Ramy: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス) Order: Ture > Sion > Foxy > Ramy Everyone: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス) Order: Sion > Foxy > Ture > Ramy Sion: KOPEIYAUSU (コペイヤウス)

¤ If you use the defense mantra strat, keep an eye on Sion and Foxy’s MP after this, you might need to use a few additional waters on them.

LvlUp: Sion Lv21 - Foxy Lv21 - Ture Lv21 - Ramy Lv21 Drop: Amrita (アムリタ) (100%), 1652 Ragu (5583 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Shit’s broken, yo. At least you got the Sigmund Sword (ジグムンドソード) though?

Inside the Heg Paguro(パグーロ)(53) > Porushion(ポリュシオン)(26) > Foxy(21+4) > Sion(19) > Ramy(10) > Ture(12-4) If you run against the formation with 3 Paguros (or the formation with 2 of them but they get preemptive), have people with dark protection defend those without. Just pray for no preemptive attacks because they can screw you over.

Go right, then right again ignoring the chests. In third area, climb down the left side. DO NOT talk to the mermaid (don’t hold L), just jiggle the medula or whatever, then go back. Climb up and down the right side and enter. When you enter the boss room there are no more random encounters so you’re safe. Before you engage Yol-gee: Heal everyone and use the Purifier (じょうかやく) if anyone got contaminated, everyone needs at LEAST 13 MP (22 in Ture’s case) so use Sweet Water (おいしいみず) if appropiate.

Boss: Yol-Gee (HP 4272 - SPE 14 - SPI 1 - DEF 118 - MDEF 131 - weakness to fire) Speed break: Foxy(21+4) > Sion(19) > Yol-Gee(14) > Ramy(10) > Ture(12-4) No preemptive attack or preemptive attack hits Foxy: Order: Foxy > Ture > Ramy > Sion Sion: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト), Foxy: ZEPEIYADI (ゼペイヤディ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Everyone: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト) Foxy: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト)

∗ Foxy is the only one with water-equipment so she can tank Yol-gee attacks just fine - you shouldn’t need to change your strategy if Yol-gee gets a preemptive attack on her.

Preemptive attack: Order: Foxy > Sion > Ture > Ramy Sion: ZEPEIYADI (ゼペイヤディ), Foxy: KOPEBEREFUNA (コペベレフナ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Everyone: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト) Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUBITO (コペテヌビト)

∗ If anyone takes more than 80~ damage on the first attack, you might want to play it safe and use your 3MP heal with Foxy instead.

LvlUp: Sion Lv23 - Foxy Lv23 - Ture Lv23 - Ramy Lv23 Drop: 1714 Ragu (7297 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Ride the heg to Avdol.

Town of Avdol Chat then leave.

Western Continent Foxy(25+4) > Sand Vandal(サンドバンダル)(20) = Sion(20) > Ramy(12) > Ture(14-4) > Pusiras(プサリス)(7) Ignore the Dragon God ruins and proceed to that fucking town whose name I forgo- ORIAB.

Port Town of Oriab Enter Eremia’s house, and talk to him from the left side. Then just leave and run back to Avdol, and enter the institute. If anyone is still polluted there’s a Purifier (じょうかやく) on the chest.

Avdol Institute Ride the elevator, and just before interacting with the dead Dr. Muench: Use a Sweet Water (おいしいみず) on Sion if he has less than 7 MP, heal everyone with Foxy (she’s gonna die anyway) Be careful with your mashing when you interact with Dr. Muench’s body, you can talk to him multiple times so make sure you stop pressing buttons and run back.

Boss: Nagiya (HP 4221 - SPE 15 - SPI 11 - DEF 119 - MDEF 132 - weakness to light) Speed break: Sion(20) > Nagiya(15) > Ramy(12) > Ture(14-4) Order: Ture > Ramy > Sion Sion: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Sion: IYACHENONU (イヤチェノヌ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) Everyone: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ)

¤ If Sion gets a single-target hit on the first turn, without having dark protection (you’ll know because it will do over 100 damage to him), then do this before proceeding with the normal strat: Sion: defend, Ture: protect Sion, Ramy: REFURANDEZU (レフランデズ)

LvlUp: Sion Lv24 - Ture Lv24 - Ramy Lv24 Drop: 1313 Ragu (8610 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Leave the institute and go to the Heg Shrine in Avdol. Ride the Heg to the Varaina Ruins.

Outside Vilshan Ruins bees(1) lmao Enter the secret forest. The path is left -> up -> right -> down. In the hidden village go to the elder house in the northwest to revive Foxy. If the Large Shield didn’t drop, go to the forge: Buy > Large Shield (ラージシールド) (second to last item) (-1490 Ragu, 7120 Ragu total) Go to the monks house (southwest) and talk to middle one, take the raft.

Great Forest Foxy(25+4) > Shikurudog(シクルドッグ)(25) > Sion(21) > Ramy(13) > Ture(14-4) > Taildog(テイルドッグ)(4)

Port Town of Oriab Read the sign just outside the docks (yes it is important) then enter and talk to the guy on the right side to embark to Ompross.

Ompross Talk to guy on the left side to go to Danelf.

Danelf Just leave and head to the small church to the southeast.

Western Continent Axis Knight(アクシスナイト)(29) = Foxy(25+4) > Smarikun(スマルキン)(24) > Droll(21)(ドロール) = Sion(21) > Ramy(13) > Axis(アクシス)(12) > Ture(14-4) Try to avoid walking through forest areas on this continent to have a better chance at running into an Axis-only formation (easier to escape from).

Small Church Talk to Father Miller then try to leave, he will stop you and give you the Taurus Sword (ターレスソード). Now leave.

Western Continent Go to Cyrunne Castle now.

Cyrunne Castle Head straight forward and talk to the king. After three textboxes you’re free so just run back.

Western Continent Go to Danelf.

Danelf Go into the docking area, talk to Doug from the left side, then go outside and take the boat to Mantra Peak.

Mantra Peak Foxy(25+4) > Nil(ニル)(22) > Sion(21) > Raizo(ライゾウ)(17) = Skeleton Bird(がいこつどり)(17) > Ramy(13) > Ture(14-4) > Rimon(リーモン)(6) When you encounter the cultists:

Encounter: Cultists (Red) x2 (HP 385 - SPE 25 - weakness to water) Foxy: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ)

LvlUp: Sion Lv25 - Ture Lv25 - Ramy Lv25 Drop: 402 Ragu (7522 Ragu total)

Just before Zora’s cave: Equip > Ture (if you bought the Large Shield): equip Large Shield (ラージシールド), remove Moon Ring (ムーンリング) Equip > Foxy: equip Huey’s Ring (ヒューイリング) Equip > Sion: equip Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル), (and if you bought the Large Shield), equip Moon Ring (ムーンリング) Heal everyone, move Foxy to the front row, Sion need at least 21 MP so use waters maybe.

Boss: Ravana (HP 4221 - SPE 16 - SPI 22 - DEF 120 - MDEF 134 - weakness to water) Speed break: Foxy(25) > Sion(22) > Ravana(16) > Ramy(13) > Ture(14-4) No preemptive attack or preemptive hits Foxy: Order: Sion > Foxy > Ture > Ramy Sion: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Foxy: IPEIYADI (イペイヤディ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Order: Ramy first Sion+Ture+Ramy: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ), Foxy: KOPEBEREFUNA (コペベレフナ) Everyone: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ) Order: Sion+Foxy first Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ)

Preemptive attack (AoE attack or single target hits Ture or Sion): Order: Sion > Foxy > Ture > Ramy Sion: REFURANDEZU (レフランデズ), Foxy: IPEIYADI (イペイヤディ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Order: Ramy first Sion: KOPEBEREFUNA (コペベレフナ), Foxy+Ture: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ), Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Everyone: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ) Order: Sion and Foxy first Everyone: KOPETENUSUTA (コペテヌスタ)

∗ Shit sucks if he gets a preemptive attack - fire bosses are the bane of my existence. He can also do some deadly earth attacks when he is “red” so you want to avoid this at all costs. You can also (during the second or third turn) replace one attack with an additional heal (or with defense buff) if you need it and/or want to play it safe. KOPEPUROTESU can reduce the damage you take by a LOT, and its a good idea especially if you feel like the fight can get out of control. ∗ Speaking of preemptive attacks, Ramy can die in one hit if Ravana hits him before fire protection is up. Obviously you want to revive them as soon as possible while setting up. This is hard because Ravana will attack while you’re doing all of this - you just have to take your chances and hope he won’t kill anyone else. ∗ If Ramys die on first turn, try this: Ture> alarum on him, Sion> spirit up, Foxy> heal all or defense buff (the order is important). On the next turn, with everyone alive (hopefully), heal/defense buff/fire protection with Sion and Foxy (before Ravana attack) and then resume with the mdef reduction and then attacks. Use your 3MP heals - you’ll need the extra healing power.

LvlUp: Sion Lv26 - Foxy Lv25 - Ture Lv26 - Ramy Lv26 Drop: Amrita (アムリタ) (31.25%), 1801 Ragu (9323 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Zora is safe, she will take you to the netherworld portal. Enjoy. Equip > Foxy: equip Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル), Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ)

Netherworld Wandering Giant(さまようきょじん)(33) > Foxy(25+4) > Orunisu(オルニス)(25) > Sion(22) > Skeleton Swordman(がいこつけんし)(16) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) Reach the headquarters to the left.

Cultists Headquarters Hot Kukuro(あついククロ)(33) > Foxy(25+4) > Cultist(Red)(なぞのきょうだん)(25) = Sion(22) > Inugami(イヌガミ)(20) > Cultist(Purple)(なぞのきょうだん)(16) > Ramy(13) > Banyan(バンヤン)(12) > Ture(15-4) 1F: Go forward. 2F: Take southeast stairs. 3F: Go in between left side torches then through middle. 4F: Taurus appears! Go down then left. 6F: Use healing pot, then go through left side on the next room. Heal everyone before going through the doors! Equip > Sion: equip Dirty Shoes (きたないくつ) (you’re just unequipping his Moon Ring here) Equip > Ramyleth: equip Lemnos Mail (レムノスメイル) Equip > Ture: equip Huey’s Ring (ヒューイリング) Equip > Foxy: equip Moon Ring (ムーンリング), remove Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ) Equip > Sion: equip Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ)

Encounter: Cultist(Red) x4 Speed break: Sion(22+4) > Cultists(Red)(25) > Foxy(25) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) Sion: EMITENUHEGU (エミテヌヘグ)

LvlUp: Sion Lv27 - Foxy Lv25 - Ture Lv27 - Ramy Lv26 Drop: Horn Water (ホルンのみず)(62.5%), 804 Ragu (10127 Ragu total)

Encounter: Cultists(Red) + Cultists(Purple) x2 Speed break: Sion(22+4) > Cultists(Red)(25) > Foxy(25) > Cultists(Purple)(16) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) No preemptive attacks: Order: Sion > Foxy > Ramy > Ture Sion: KOKISOBEHEGU (コキソベヘグ)

Preemptive attacks: Order: Foxy > Sion > Ramy > Ture Sion: KOKISOBEHEGU (コキソベヘグ), Foxy: REFURANDEZU (レフランデズ), Ture+Ramy: protect Sion and Foxy

LvlUp: Sion Lv27 - Foxy Lv26 - Ture Lv27 - Ramy Lv27 Drop: Horn Water (ホルンのみず)(62.5%), 825 Ragu (10952 Ragu total)

Boss: Taurus (HP 6780 - SPE 18 - STR 14 - SPI 14 - DEF 123 - MDEF 196 - weakness to light) Speed break: Sion(22+4) > Foxy(25) > Taurus(18) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) Order: Foxy > Ramy > Ture > Sion Sion: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Foxy: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Order: Foxy > Sion > Ramy > Ture Sion+Foxy+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Ture: protect¤ or KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) Everyone: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ)

¤ If Taurus got a preemptive, have Ture protect whoever has the lowest HP here (or just defend himself), else just attack. A strong (3MP) heal here is also an alternative.

LvlUp: Sion Lv29 - Foxy Lv28 - Ture Lv29 - Ramy Lv29 Drop: 1871 Ragu (12829 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Get the Psycho Shield (サイコシールド) from Taurus then gtfo this place. Drink from the healing pot on your way out.

Netherworld Wandering Giant(さまようきょじん)(33) > Sion(24+4) = Foxy(28) > Orunisu(オルニス)(25) > Skeleton Swordman(がいこつけんし)(16) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) Head to Tarach.

Town of Tarach Enter the pub, talk to Surlent and when prompted choose not to trade anything! (third option). Leave pub. Go to the forge (top right). Buy > 3 Octave Mails (オクティヴメイル) (-4080 Ragu each) (589 Ragu total) If for whatever reason you don’t have enough Ragu, sell one Jacques Mail (ジェイキスメイル).

Netherworld Wandering Giant(さまようきょじん)(33) > Sion(24+4) = Foxy(28) > Orunisu(オルニス)(25) > Skeleton Swordman(がいこつけんし)(16) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) Head to Shumisen.

Shumisen Baruzefon(バールゼフォン)(60) > Garubyuto(ガルビュート)(36) > Sion(24+4) = Foxy(28) > Jamyuu(ジャミュウ)(16) = Hobididensu(ホビディデンス)(16) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) Hold ^ + B. When you reach the switch select “left side” (first option) and go through there. Open the chest for a Horn Water (ホルンのみず). In the next room, go back through the middle and forward again to activate Rudra room. Just before entering Rudra room: Heal everyone Equip > Sion: equip Taurus Sword (ターレスソード), Psycho Shield (サイコシールド), Dirty Shoes (きたないくつ) Equip > Foxy: equip Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ) Move Sion to the front row

Boss: Rudra (thunder) (HP 7356 - SPE 31 - STR 15 - SPI 15 - DEF 125 - MDEF 139 - weakness to wind) Speed break: Foxy(28+4) > Rudra(31) > Sion(24-7) > Ramy(13) > Ture(15-4) No preemptive attack: Order: Foxy > Sion > Ramy > Ture Sion: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Foxy: DOPEIYADI (ドペイヤディ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Order: Sion > Foxy > Ramy > Ture Everyone: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) Sion+Ramy+Ture: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン), Foxy: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) or REFURANDEZU (レフランデズ)¤ Order: Foxy > Sion > Ramy > Ture Foxy: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン)

∗ Initially Sion is on the front row (to act as a “lightning rod”) but feel free to play around with this if he has taken some damage - all of Rudra’s single-target attacks have a 25% chance to be “redirected” to someone in the front row (not to mention their damage is unnafected by front/back row), so keep your healthiest non-Ture members there for a bit of extra safety. ¤ On turn 3, if Ture has less than 110 HP (or anyone else has less than 60~ HP), heal early with Foxy (move her to the front of the order queue), else just use a wind mantra (without changing turn order).

Preemptive attack, no casualties: Order: Foxy > Sion > Ramy > Ture Sion: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Foxy: DOPEIYADI (ドペイヤディ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Order: Sion > Foxy > Ramy > Ture Sion+Ramy+Ture: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン), Foxy: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) or REFURANDEZU (レフランデズ)¤ Sion: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) or IYACHENONU (イヤチェノヌ), Foxy: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) or REFURANDEZU (レフランデズ)¤¤, Ramy+Ture: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン) Order: Foxy > Sion > Ramy > Ture Foxy: KOPEIYAJIN (コペイヤジン)

∗ Same front row advice applies here. ∗ On turn 2, if Ture has less than 110 HP (or anyone else has less than 60~ HP), heal early with Foxy (move her to the front of the order queue), else just use a wind mantra (without changing turn order). ¤¤ On turn 3, if Ture has less than 110 HP (or anyone else has less than 60~ HP), heal early with Foxy. If you also had to heal on turn 2, use IYACHENONU with Sion and have EVERYONE attack on turn 4.

Preemptive attack, Ture dead: Order: Foxy > Sion > Ramy > Ture Sion: REFURANDEZU (コステヌヘグ), Foxy: DOPEIYADI (ドペイヤディ), Ramy: KOIYASOURU (コイヤソウル) on Ture Sion: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Foxy: REFURANDEZU (コステヌヘグ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Then follow the “no preemptive attack” strat from the 2nd turn on.

LvlUp: Sion Lv31 - Foxy Lv30 - Ture Lv31 - Ramy Lv31 Drop: 1919 Ragu (2508 Ragu total)

~ • ~

Gafu Walk past dead friends. Before you reach Gomorrah: Heal everyone, use Horn Water (ホルンのみず) on everyone to max up their MP, move to the back row if needed Equip > Ramyleth: equip Octave Mail (オクティヴメイル) Equip > Ture: remove Huey’s Ring (ヒューイリング) Equip > Foxy: equip Octave Mail (オクティヴメイル), Moon Ring (ムーンリング) Equip > Sion: equip Octave Mail (オクティヴメイル), Logical Cap (ロジカルキャップ), Opsis Boots (オプシスブーツ)

Confront Gomorrah. Evil Eyes!

Boss: Gomorrah (HP 12000 - SPE 1 - STR 15 - SPI 15 - DEF 125 - MDEF 140 - weakness to light) ∗ It should be obvious that you should always target the minions - Gomorrah won’t take damage until his three minions are down.

Minion: Magician (HP 2164 - SPE 60 - STR 49 - SPI 14 - DEF 124 - MDEF 139 - weakness to light) Order: Ture goes first, Ramy goes second Sion: IYACHENONU (イヤチェノヌ), Foxy: YAPEIYADI (ヤペイヤディ), Ture: KOSUTENUHEGU (コステヌヘグ), Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) or SUTORONHEGU (ストロンヘグ)¤ Sion+Foxy+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Ture: SUTORONHEGU (ストロンヘグ) or KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ)¤ ¤ On turn 1, if there is no magician to use mdef debuff on (no preemptive), then use defense buff and have Ture debuff the little guy on turn 2. Else, debuff on turn 1 and use defense buff on turn 2.

Minion: Dark Knight (HP 4327 - SPE 40 - STR 14 - SPI 14 - DEF 124 - MDEF 197 - weakness to light) Sion+Foxy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Everyone: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ)

Minion: Suiryuu (HP 5770 - SPE 29 - STR 14 - SPI 14 - DEF 150 - MDEF 174 - weakness to light) No preemptive (at the start of the encounter): Sion: ZEPEIYADI (ゼペイヤディ), Foxy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ)¤, Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Ramy: SUTORONHEGU (ストロンヘグ) Sion+Foxy+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Sion+Foxy+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) on Gomorrah ∗ It might feel like a waste to attack once with Foxy after just one mdef debuff, but the mermaid actually dies after something like 6.2~ attacks when fully debuffed, so that first attack will actually be enough while letting us conserve MP on Foxy, else she’d run out and be dead weight for the Gomorrah phase.

∗ Gomorrah kill: Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ)¤ Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) ∗ If anyone is under 110 HP here, you could throw a quick heal with Foxy since Gomorrah has a chance to start using Darkness Edge now, an extremely strong attack that ignores most of your defensive buffs. Don’t get too cocky just because most of his attacks do less than 10 dmg.

Minion: Suiryuu (HP 5770 - SPE 29 - STR 14 - SPI 14 - DEF 150 - MDEF 174 - weakness to light) Preemptive (at the start of the encounter): Sion: ZEPEIYADI (ゼペイヤディ), Foxy: REFURANDEZU (コステヌヘグ), Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ), Ramy: SUTORONHEGU (ストロンヘグ) Sion+Foxy+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ), Ture: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Everyone: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ)

∗ Minions are dead now, time to kill Gomorrah. Sion: YAPEIYADI (ヤペイヤディ), Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEBEKIZERO (コペベキゼロ) Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) Sion+Foxy: KOPETENUKARI (コペテヌカリ), Ture+Ramy: KOPEIYAKIRA (コペイヤキラ) ∗ Same warning as before - be careful with Darkness Edge - if someone is under 110~ HP, throw a strong (3) heal, if you get hit by it, get low on HP and don’t think you can finish him off in time, throw another heal - its the only dangerous thing Gomorrah has left so as long as you don’t get reckless you’ll be fine.

~ • ~

~ Sion’s Scenario ~ The End

Extra Stuff

Fire Rudra?

So yeah, if you want to fight Fire Rudra (for a single scenario speedrun), there’s some changes to the route you might want to do.

Only buy 2 Lemnos Mails at Danelf: we’re gonna need the extra Ragu for another item that I consider more useful for this scenario. No thunder Rudra means we don’t need 3 of these, and we can survive Surt with only 2. Actually if we used defense up strats we could survive with zero but idk what to do with all that money...maybe buy Big Shoes for Ture? Buy one Aegis Shield at Ruined City: this is what we get instead of the third Lemnos Mail. Remember this is slightly more expensive than one Lemnos so we need to buy a few less Sweet Waters on the anti-gravity train if you want to be able to afford this on your first visit to the Ruined City. But yes, the Aegis Shield is fire, only equippable by Sion (boo) but extremely useful against Ravana and Fire Rudra. Just be aware it has -4 speed, so remember to unequip it when you want to be fast (vs the Cultists and Taurus). Use a stronger water mantra: this comes pretty handy, since it lets you use faster, more offensive strategies on Surt, Ravana and Fire Rudra. The spell of choice is KOPETENUMINU (コペテヌミヌ), costs 4 MP and it has 110 base power. Obviously though, the increased cost means you need to pay closer attention when you use it, to make sure you won’t run out of MP in the middle of a boss fight.

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