Civilian and Boss Cycle Information
Civilian and Boss Cycle Information
Actualizado 7 years ago por ArcticRevrus

¤Information compiled from ¤ ¤Thank you to Elipsys and SuccinctAndPunchy for the information¤

[Civilian Info]

Papa's Palace of Pain:

Save 1st civilian Kill 2nd civilian Kill 3rd civilian on third phase (Allow the zombies with the axe to kill the civilian)

Naked Terror:

Save both.

Ballistic Trauma:

Kill all


all are kill, shoot far away zombie first

Creeping Flesh:

kill both

Scream Train:

all KILL

fetid waters:

save all

Jailhouse judgement:

First/third civilian kill, ignore first zombie on screen, wait for second. second civilian KILL

Overkill: 1st civilian KILL, fat zombie gets there first. 2nd civilian KILL

This list is merely a list of recommendations based on quick reaction time. If you are slow to react to a particular civilian situation, it may be worth it to let a civilian die that you would otherwise save, and some civilians may be worth saving if you have ¤particularly¤ quick reaction time.

[Boss Cycle Info]

Jasper - Papa's Palace of Pain Definitely time save possible here and short circuiting the first cycle. Best I've ever seen here is 16 "yellow" phrases, including the mind-touching one (done by me) 4 "grey" phrases, (done by SuccinctAndPunchy)

If you get both 16 and 4, as above, it's possible to majorly save time by having the boss only go into the last couple of short-word corners. I think that some kind of demon nightmare person might be able to do 17 and 4, and I can only imagine that it would save yet another 8 second boss animation.

Coco & Sindy - Naked Terror This boss has random animations that can severely waste time. Sindy has the potential to do various gross things, the worst of which seems to be applying "makeup" and otherwise touching herself in unappealing ways. What happens here is that Sindy will always finish these animations, even if Coco's word has already been typed. If you're lucky, Sindy will be idle when Coco returns to behind her and is ready to re-launch. If you're unlucky, Sindy will start a lengthy animation right before Coco would have come out for the next word... and you're stuck there staring at her grotesque form with nothing to type.

I think if MyOhMyke has proven that you can slam both of these figures out in the same run and further reduce the first cycle time significantly. Approximately ~15 seconds to save here by not letting him get to the "Junk tornado" attack pattern and turn even less corners.

Screamer - Ballistic Trauma

As far as I can tell, no RNG or cycle skips here at all.

Carny - Nigil & Sebastian

There are a few time saves here. You definitely want to kill him before he goes through the lengthier parts of his second cycle. The full cycle is as follows Three Backups-->X Grey Words-->Clown Rush-->Clowns Behind-->The Dive-->Grey Words. You want to kill him during the second run through X grey words, or failing that, the second Clown Rush. Once you have to sit through a second Clowns Behind and Dive... you've lost a lot of time.

Creeping Flesh - Meat Katie

It now appears to be possible to entirely skip the Charge attack if you manage to get 3 x 4 (12) grey words on her during the initial part of her attack pattern. If you get any less than 12, she will charge and you will lose time dealing with that pattern.

Crawler - Scream Train

No RNG or cycles to skip that I know of.

Lobber - The Fetid Waters

You can seriously reduce the amount of time you spend fighting this boss. There is a theoretical additional skip that nobody has ever achieved here as well. The number of grey words that you get after stopping his attacks can change the number of lengthy lob / puke cycles that he executes. On Motherfucker it's difficult but possible to get two grey words enough times that there are only two lob / puke cycles. In theory, if you could get three grey words twice on Bitch difficulty, you could get this number down to one lob/ puke cycle.

Brutus - Jailhouse Judgment

Brutus is still a bit of a mystery due to the sporadic "there he goes" pattern that does not always happen, even if you consistently get damage in on him. However, it is important to get all of your grey words to kill him before he starts "charging".

Mother - Overkill

Mash mash mash mash mash. Mostly you mash as fast as you can. Some words trigger special bonus damage (but also may cause slow-motion?), but nobody has had enormous success with implementing these during the boss fight. There is also a 10 seconds "instruction skip" that can save 10 seconds of RTA, and does count on the leaderboard... but I don't believe the SDA timing includes this gameplay.

Estadísticas del juego
Corridas recientes
Nivel: Overkill
Nivel: Jailhouse Judgment
Nivel: Fetid Waters
Nivel: Scream Train
Nivel: Creeping Flesh
Últimos hilos
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