Known or potential (theoretical) shortcuts
5 years ago

Many level have short cuts in them some are easy to find/do but others I don't know if they are fast enough to be used (or if even possible). Additionally the checkpoints don't need to be in order but I hadn't found any use for that yet. Potential methods include water hopping (island and coast mostly), poor collision (can go through some stuff at high speed, or upside down on it)

This forum is to discuss about shortcuts and potential shortcuts may or may not be possible.

lvl Ideas: Island A5- no checkpoints so could water hop across map towards finish or cut off a part of the track. Problem- can't get back on track due to lack of collisions/ path blocked off

Stadium A4- jump off track right after first checkpoint on the right to skip the dirt section. Problem- I can't find a way to trigger the 2nd checkpoint from outside the track or get back on fast enough (there is a hump to the right of the start line but it seems to slow to use)

Stadium A2- turn around at start and go left and do the 2 checkpoints in reverse order and then off trail to finish. Problem- can't find quite fast enough route after the checkpoints

Coast F3- skip through loop. After checkpoint 7 get off road and drive over up checkpoint 8 and get on the track after the grass section (cuts off entire tarmac/ground portion) (off road by the jump or to the right right after the jump or far side where right arrow sign is) Problem- Bad driving skills (must keep speed) to test if fast enough and getting the 8th checkpoint seems a bit unreliable when driving over top it.

There are probably many more actual/potential shortcuts out there but here are some on the top of my head

DarkLink y riolu les gusta esto

Here is chart of tracks with shortcuts. Could have missed some, more can be added as found and/or reclassified .

DarkLink les gusta esto

It. Has. Been. Uncovered

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