Renaming/Creating New Categories: Throne% and Pain%
1 year ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Instead of "Secret boss", it should just be called "Throne%, as the floor 12 bosses aren't really secret. Since the speedrun timer pauses after you kill a floor 12 boss, it would just be a more understandable and fitting name for the category.

Additionally, I propose Pain%, where you play as cinder 16 deprived with no mastery upgrades, where the run ends when you beat floor 12. Basically, a speedrun for the hardest way to play normally


I'm itching to rename Secret Boss as well but I'd also like to keep "compatibility" with previous patches, where Mega Death used to actually be a sort of secret. In that way, Throne% is not really appropriate. I'm still gonna try to rename it to fit the new requirement better as suggested.

As for new categories, I'm not sure how to deal with them - I feel like a new category should probably have at least two completed runs before it actually gets on leaderboards or we'll be flooded with new, empty categories (we've already had a few suggestions on the Discord). I say, be the change you want to be and submit a Pain% on the Discord and if people are interested, we'll add the challenge to the board officially!