"Dev Mode" secret code (NES) and NES Categories Changes Proposition
1 year ago
Île-de-France, France

During the holidays, I started working on a comprehensive the Tower of Druaga disassembly. Within to the routine to handle the Another Tower access code, I found code to handle what I call the "Dev Mode" secret code. With it I was able to beat the 60th floor and get 50k in 36.767s

What is it and how to use it?

The activate the "Dev Mode", at the title screen enter the following using the Player 1 controller:

Up Down Left Right Down Up Right Left Left Right Down Up Right Left Up Down

When entering the last Down, you also need to hold Left and B on the Player 2 controller (you can start to hold any time before entering the code, or any time before entering the last input). Also, holding A when entering the last input on the Player 2 controller will prevent the code from working, so don't press A.

If done correctly, you should be able to use "CONTINUE" on title screen to start from any floor (as if you already reached the 60th floor).

What's more, you can get every treasure you want:

  • On the floor selection screen of the continue option, press A on the Player 2 controller to get the treasure of the floor on screen.
  • On any floor (don't work when the game is paused), press n times Up/Down then A to get the treasure of the +/- nth floor relative to the floor you're current at.

For example, if you're at floor 36, by pressing Down 5 times then A you will get the treasure of floor 31. After that by pressing Up 2 times then A you will get the treasure of the floor 33.

If you press Up/down so that the selected floor is lower than 1 or higher that 60, you will get all the treasures (this is what I do in this run).

You can also use the Dev Mode with the Another Tower Mode, in taht case enter it after the Another Tower access code, because entering the Another Tower access code will reset the maximum floor allowed by the "CONTINUE" option to floor 1 (but you still can get every treasure you want, as you're still in Dev Mode)

As you can imagine, this secret code can be quite useful if someone want to practice a particular floor with specific treasures.

What does this mean for the categories of the famicom version?

Obviously, the rules need to be modified to take into account the existence of this secret code. Indeed, even if my run in 36.767s respects the rules of the 50k category (and is currently the fastest way to get 50k and even 500k), this may go against the idea for which this category exists in the first place.

At present, the rules for NES categories are as follows:


  • Reach 50k Score
  • Timer Start: When you press play after credit sound
  • Timer End: When reach 50k Score


  • Complete all 60 Floors
  • Timer Start: When you press play after credit sound
  • Timer End: At the 60th floor, when GIL and KI stop in the center of the screen
  • You can continue from where you died

Personally, I don't consider the use of this code to be cheating (in a speedrunning context), as there is no external modification to the game. Nor do I consider it a glitch, as there is no unexpected game behavior. If I had to compare it to something else, I'd say it falls into the same category as glitchless rng manipulation (intended by the programmers but not meant to be used by players). Therefore I don't see any objective reason to ban the use of this secret code.

However, in order for the different categories of this game to remain interesting, I think we must at least limit the use of this secret code.

Considering all the above, I propose the following changes for the NES categories:


  • ADD: use of Dev Mode secret code is FORBIDDEN


  • REMOVE: Complete all 60 Floors
  • ADD: use of Dev Mode secret code is ALLOWED

All 60 floors (NEW CATEGORY)

  • Same rules as the current Any%
  • ADD: use of Dev Mode secret code is FORBIDDEN

I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on the changes that you think are needed.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago

@Helmer, @Akaginite, @FlannelKat

I have already expressed my thoughts on the submission page,

but I would like to summarize them again in the forum.

In conclusion, I believe there is no need to create a new category at this time.

However, I do think that an update of the rules is necessary.

This "Dev Mode" corresponds to what is called "裏技 (URAWAZA, Secret techniques)" in Japanese.

While using hidden commands within a game, as in the case of 裏技, can be considered a cheat,

I don’t think categorizing this issue as either a cheat or a glitch is of utmost importance.

What matters is whether a category that involves the use of this 裏技 would be interesting. And on that,

I have my doubts.

For instance, if a glitch like 'floor skipping' that can be executed during gameplay is discovered,

it would adhere to the basic game rules while competing in the frequency of glitch occurrences.

Therefore, it would be necessary to divide the category into those with and without glitches.

However, the kind of command used in this video entirely skips the basic game rules and turns it into a mere competition of how quickly one can enter commands.

This leads me to believe that the results would be similar regardless of who performs the operation.

I must say, frankly, that I do not find a category that does not require proficiency in the basic game rules to be appealing.

Based on these points, I believe there is no need to add a category.

However, I would like to consider the opinions of other moderators and players,

so if there are voices in favor of adding a category, I am open to considering them.






この「Dev Mode」は、日本語で言うところの「裏技(URAWAZA、Secret techniques)」に相当します。






ということであれば、 これは基本的なゲームルールは踏襲しつつ、グリッチ発生の練度の競い合いになるため、



基本的なゲームルールを全てスキップし、 コマンド入力の速さを競うのみになってしまいます。








Some time has passed, but since there were no particular comments, I have updated the rules for each category.

  • Categories updated:
    • any% (Arcade)
    • any% (PS1)
    • any% (NES)
    • any% (GB)
    • 50k
  • Rules added:
    • Using "Dev Mode" secret codes for level selection is FORBIDDEN.

If you have any concerns, please comment again. If there are no issues, I plan to also post this in the news section.

By the way, since it seems level selection was not possible in the PCE version, I have not included it, but if it does exist, I will add it.


大分時間が経ちましたが、特に意見がなかったため、 各カテゴリーのルールを更新しました。

  • 更新したカテゴリー
    • any% (Arcade)
    • any% (PS1)
    • any% (NES)
    • any% (GB)
    • 50k
  • 追加したルール
    • 裏技による面セレクトは禁止。

何かあれば、またコメントをください。 特に問題なければ、ニュースにも記載しようと思います

ちなみに、PCE版では、面セレクトができなかったような気がするので、未記載ですが、 もし存在するのであれば追記しておきます

Editado por el autor 11 months ago
Estadísticas del juego
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