Defeating the fox
Defeating the fox
Actualizado 1 year ago por LilQuade

Written by Silver:


  • Learn Deep Cut and Hemmorhage or First aid Lick (if you trained with Blackheart on day 2)
  • Send Badgerpaw to get help! You can decrease your relationships with Duskpaw or Kestrelpaw by sending them, and don't even think about winning without Nettlepaw. Don't go away yourself, or Kestrelpaw will get killed.
  • Give coltsfoot to Kestrelpaw! Pick it from the thicket where apprentices have the meeting, just before you get to fight, or just collect it earlier. Giving him this herb will get rid of his problem with coughing (at the start of the fight he'll have problems catching his breath which makes him useless for 2 turns.)

Ready? Fight!

For the first three turns (or two) make Nettlepaw guard. Let her gather a lot of SP. Meanwhile, attack with your character: I recommend using Deep Cut on the fox, then Hemmorhage. Or you can save SP for First aid Lick to heal your Clanmates. It's useful too. Anyways, use Heroic Assault and Cheap Shot (in the first turn, double strike in the second and third). After 2-3 rounds when Nettlepaw gathered SP, use Triple Strike, meanwhile blinding fox by making Kestrelpaw use Sand Throw. When the fox's at something like 3/4 or 5/8 health use Finishing Strike. Then make Nettlepaw guard until she's not exposed anymore. Meanwhile, use any attack you want. Blind fox regularly to make sure that he won't hit you. When Nettlepaw is capable of attacking again, use Triple Strike. When the fox's at its 3/8 health, use Finishing Strike again. It should escape having 25% of its health, which means that you don't actually need to kill him.

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