List of banned guild perks
4 years ago

Hey everyone, some people have been asking which guild perks arent allowed so here are the lists for each category:

Flashpoints: -Flashpoint Fortitude -Flashpoint Mastery -Fortified Stagger -Sprinter -Mount Improvements -Cleanse° -Energized Regeneration° -Group Resuscitation° -Guild Recharge Drones° -Hasten° -Major Hasten° -Receptive Healing° -Mount Burst° -Mount Shield° -Mount Speed Boost° -Mount Stealth°

GP Restricted Operations: -Fortified Stagger -Operations Fortitude -Operations Mastery -Sprinter -Mount Improvements -Cleanse° -Energized Regeneration° -Group Resuscitation° -Guild Recharge Drones° -Hasten° -Major Hasten° -Receptive Healing° -Mount Burst° -Mount Shield° -Mount Speed Boost° -Mount Stealth°

Uprisings & Eternal Championship: -Fortified Stagger -Sprinter -Cleanse° -Energized Regeneration° -Group Resuscitation° -Guild Recharge Drones° -Hasten° -Major Hasten° -Receptive Healing°

°these perks grant an active ability, your guild can have these perks active as long as no-one uses the active ability during the run.

GP = Guild Perks

All mount-related perks are only banned in flashpoints and operations where you are able to use mounts.

All guild perk set bonuses are also banned.

as always, remember to read the rules before submitting a run. If you have any more questions or suggestions please let us know in this thread or in the #swtor channel of the discord.

Have fun and good luck in your runs! 🙂 -Tike

Editado por el autor 11 months ago
Florida, USA

My question then is why the guild set bonuses are allowed. They very clearly "affect the run." It changes how you would gear all of your characters. Most efficient one would be the alacrity set bonus and people would be able to get a 1.3 gcd for only 1895 alacrity. That makes the gearing quite absurd to be honest. This list seems very arbitrary to me. I don't really understand why guild set bonuses will be allowed. It makes it so a person in a smaller guild, like myself admittedly, will have a harder time if not an impossible one to become min maxed for these runs.

Västra Götaland, Sweden

The guild set bonuses are allowed? I thought preventing their use was the one of the purposes of showing the guild perks screen. I have the same objections as Vehirt if this truly is the case. I hope this is just a misunderstanding and that indeed the bonuses are also barred.

Vehirt les gusta esto

I forgot about guild perk set bonuses, my bad. i have edited the post to clarify that all guild perk set bonuses are banned.

also, in case someone was wondering why: the perks Omnimagnification, Mastery Realization, Power Amplification, Critical Boost and Endurance Supplement are allowed because they dont stack with your class buffs.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Mirrorheart les gusta esto
Florida, USA

Not to tell you how to do your job but the last few runs in the operations category have had full groups using guild perks. Is this a rule starting now or will this be applied retroactively?


after some discussion in the discord i have decided to remove the current DF WR and leave the others since they shoudnt be too hard to beat even without set bonuses.


That's amazing, thank you very much. Surely our perks massively affected the run, indeed. :/ (especially the alacrity boost on.... Nefra!)

Feels like a huge slap in the face especially after I discussed these perks with Tike in November and these perks were confirmed as OK to use.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago

Can we have a category with full perks etc then? I can't imagine leaving the guild every time I want to attempt a run.

(Maybe you missed it but the conquest rules have been changed recently so if you leave the guild and then rejoin you can't contribute to the guild conquest until next week).

Editado por el autor 4 years ago

A new subcategory has been added which allows unrestricted use of guild perks and set bonuses. All runs that had a set bonus active have been moved.

The runs that had been rejected have also been added back to the leaderboard.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Aakurb les gusta esto

i have made a graphic for each category so its easier to see which guild perks are banned:

Flashpoints: GP Restricted Operations: Uprisings & Eternal Championship:

the links have also been added to the top of the lists above.

RazanQueen les gusta esto